“Dragon snail? Gluttonous Rabbit? The Demon Heart Clan?”Jiang Yuqian was slightly startled.

These three are really races she has never heard of.


“What is this Demonic Heart Clan?”Her attention instantly fell on the Demon Heart Clan.

The names of this Demon Heart Clan and her Demon Clan were somewhat similar. She was obviously more curious about what this one was.……

“Well, the Demonic Heart clan can be regarded as some kind of deformed monsters, so you can just treat them as if they have a heart!”Ye Qing explained with a smile.

Yes, this so-called Demonic Heart Clan is actually number-058, the Heart of Darkness.

Yes, that Heart of Darkness, after entering the containment world, after a long period of development, actually has The trend of forming a clan!

It will hunt other creatures, such as pigs, ordinary rabbits, ordinary chickens and ducks, etc., which are all fine.

However, when he hunts a cow, the heart of the cow will A strange change occurred, and a second Heart of Darkness appeared!

Ye Qing didn’t know how to distinguish the male from the female of these things. Anyway, the second Heart of Darkness and the first Heart of Darkness began to multiply. , began to give birth to offspring!

Although the speed at which they give birth to offspring is very slow. So far, there are only eight Hearts of Darkness in total, and they do not yet have the conditions to become a clan. However, Ye Qing believes that if this thing continues to develop, it will definitely become one. Clan!

So, he said it in advance!

However, Jiang Yuqing was even more confused and confused!

Heart becoming sperm?

What is the explanation?

She couldn’t understand it at all!

She didn’t know what kind of Honkai setting it was..

Seeing this, Ye Qing smiled, waved his hand, and suddenly there was a demon heart with spiky jointed tentacles in his hand!

Jiang Yuqing took a look, and his face changed. The abnormal feeling, the weird feeling. The sense of disobedience almost made her faint from fright.……

“Forget it, this kind of creature is a bit inappropriate for my world.……”Jiang Yuqing waved her hands repeatedly, her face turned pale…

This heart was so weird that she was frightened to see it! 08″That’s all……”Ye Qing smiled, the golden light on his hand flashed, and the demonic heart disappeared instantly.

Then, something moved in his heart, and there was golden light shining on his hands again

“These are the other two species, one is the dragon snail family, and the other is the gluttonous rabbit family!”Ye Qing said.

Following Ye Qing’s words, the two golden lights on his hands finally condensed into two different creatures!

Jiang Yuqing looked curiously…

But what she saw was that on Ye Qing’s left hand, There is a snail, which is just like a normal snail, but the only difference is that this snail’s head looks more like a dragon’s head, with double horns, golden eyes, skin pupils, and between its mouth, More flames appeared.

The light of wisdom flashed in the eyes.

Obviously, this was not an ordinary monster without reason, but an intelligent creature with considerable intelligence!

And on Ye Qing’s right hand, there was a snow-white The rabbit looked very different from a normal rabbit, with red eyes, a twitching nose, and a dull look!

There was no doubt that this snow-white rabbit was very annoying to Jiang Yuqing.

Her eyes flashed brightly, and she hugged the rabbit subconsciously. In my arms……

“Wow, Bunny!”She was overjoyed. Even the coldest World Master couldn’t control himself after seeing such a cute creature!


“Click click click click……”

Suddenly, bursts of chewing sounds were heard.

Jiang Yuqing was startled:”What’s the sound?”

Ye Qing looked strange and subconsciously turned his gaze to the rabbit in Jiang Yuqing’s arms…

Sure enough, at this time, the rabbit was chewing something in its mouth, as if it was eating something.

Jiang Yuqing lowered her head subconsciously and stared blankly at the rabbit who was still eating something…

What to eat?

She hasn’t seen what this rabbit is eating before?

Suddenly… she felt a little cold… she opened the rabbit and took a look……

“Uh-huh!”At this moment, her face instantly turned red!

This damn rabbit was actually eating her clothes…

If she hadn’t been in the car now, her high-decibel screams would have resounded through the sky!


It was so embarrassing!

This As soon as the rabbit was in her arms, he started to eat her clothes! He was just kind-hearted, so he ate a large piece of her clothes. The clothes, which were relatively good, had a big hole in them in an instant!

The key is, Ye Qing is still watching from the side.……

“Don’t look!”Jiang Yuqing glared, her face getting redder and redder. Fortunately, there was a flash of light on her body, and she changed her clothes instantly, and then hurriedly asked the rabbit to stay away from her clothes.……

“snort! Bad Bunny! rogue!”Jiang Yu lightly tapped the rabbit’s nose…

However, the rabbit suddenly opened its mouth and bit Jiang Yuqing’s delicate hand…

Jiang Yuqing reacted quickly and quickly withdrew his hand, so that he was not bitten. Hit!

She looked at the rabbit in front of her with some surprise.

“What kind of rabbit is this? Forget about eating clothes, why do you still bite people?”Jiang Yuqing was a little confused.

This was the first time she saw such a weird rabbit.

Rabbits also exist in her world. Of course, these rabbits are mainly used as food.

Compared with Ye Qing’s rabbit, it’s simply One sky and one earth!

“As I said, this thing is called the Gluttonous Rabbit, and it is no ordinary carnivorous rabbit! This thing can eat anything! It’s really like the legendary Taotie! It even occasionally starts eating from its own tail and eventually eats itself!”Ye Qing explained this

“ah?”Jiang Yuqing was stunned.

Is there such a rabbit?

Is it okay to eat it by myself?”

“But don’t worry, even if it eats itself, it will be reborn from its blood! Ye Qing said with a smile

“I see!”

Jiang Yuqing’s eyes were bright as she looked at the rabbit. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became.

“There are these two powers in the blood, but it is unclear whether future generations can awaken and develop this power!”Ye Qing said again

“I know this.” Jiang Yu nodded lightly. She had already taken this path, so she knew the pros and cons.

She licked her lips lightly, and then looked at the dragon snail in Ye Qing’s hand, and asked curiously :”What abilities does this dragon snail have?”

“Well, their basic ability is actually to breathe fire. Of course, they also have intelligence and are a type of intelligent creature!”Ye Qing said, and immediately, with a thought, several dragon snails appeared in his hand!

However, these dragon snails are all different…

Ye Qing also explained:”There are many dragon snails.……”

As he spoke, Ye Qing explained one by one…

The first type is called Soft Belly, a cute and slimy little friend! With outstanding fire engine red skin, tiny black horns and belly, and a speckled brown shell! Beautiful robin egg blue eggs!

The second type, the ooze dragon: a curious little thing with clean banana-yellow skin, curly horns and a striped and light brown shell, just like a chicken!

The third type, the sticky dragon: with da

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) rk blue-grey skin, a flatter shell, and uneven horns on its head, the sticky dragon looks like a small sea monster! The eggs are a fantastic glassy green!

The fourth type, the clump bug: Green and gold stripes, a pointed shell, a single horn, and a fluffy tail make the clump bug look more like a pet! The eggs are flat and silvery in color!

The fifth type, the Glow Dragon: looks like a blue-black soft belly…until they light up! Yes, glow dragons can glow in the dark! The eggs are golden with red spots!

The sixth type, Mud Flying Dragon: fat and plump, green skin, original shell! The egg is transparent, so you can see the little dragon snail inside!

These dragon snails are all different species of the original dragon snail.

Since they arrived in the containment world, different dragon snails have finally been born and multiplied with the birth. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, although there are six species, they are all dragon snails, just like cats and dogs of different species. The appearance may be different, but the species is the same.

This was originally a shelter created in the image of a pet.

So many years of evolution and development have only improved the wisdom and fire-breathing abilities of the dragon snails!

The strongest leader of the dragon snail clan is still the leader created by Ye Qing at the beginning, and his own strength is only high-level!

Strength is not their strong point, wisdom is.

Of course, dragon snails have dragon blood. In addition to breathing fire, they can actually evolve to be stronger. However, the dragon snails in the containment world have not developed in this direction!

Ye Qing didn’t care about this.

After all, his main combat power is not the dragon snail!

At this time, listening to Ye Qing’s explanation, Jiang Yuqing’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

Six kinds of dragon snails, six different kinds of snails.

Looking at these slimy little monsters, Jiang Yuqing not only did not dislike them, but was even more delighted!

This looks so much like a pet!

Six different species of dragon snails are just like pets in a dream!

Not only was it a creature she had never seen before, but most importantly, it was so beautiful!

However, Jiang Yuqing looked at the Taotie Rabbit and the Dragon Snail and fell into entanglement for a while.

She has some difficulty choosing.

The Taotie Rabbit is very talented and is simply a born warrior!

But the setting of the dragon snail is also excellent. There is no doubt that it can really make her world biologically diverse!

As for the rabbit…

In fact, this is a question of talent…

In the end, Jiang Yuqing chose the dragon snail!

Ye Qing was also generous and without hesitation directly selected twelve dragon snails of different species, a pair of each species, and gave them to Jiang Yuqing!

“Just put them in a safe and warm place, and after 7-10 days, they will be born!”Ye Qing said this.

Then he went on to talk about some details of taking care of dragon snails.

A glass of water a day and some mature vegetables can feed them.

However, the most important thing is……

“If you accept my dragon snail, your world is likely to undergo some changes, and then the laws will get closer to my world. Can you accept this?”Ye Qing asked, this point is very important!

Although the dragon snail was created, the containment object is the containment object!

Although some characteristics of the dragon snail are very consistent with biological principles, in fact, if you look into it carefully, , which is completely inconsistent with biological and scientific principles. Dragon snails are still a kind of contained objects, and they are still bugs in the world and the universe!

Once the first bug appears in Jiang Yuqing’s world, then, the follow-up will follow one after another. More bugs will appear in the future, and eventually, it will become a containment universe!

In other words, Jiang Yuqing will join his divine system and become a part of his divine system!

Jiang Yu pursed his lips……

How could she not know this?

As the world master, she knew this kind of thing very well.

However, looking at Ye Qing, she finally nodded lightly

“No regrets? So far, your system is pretty good!”Ye Qing asked

“No regrets!”Jiang Yu nodded her head lightly.

She could already see the potential of her world.

As long as she doesn’t add new settings and new biological species, her world will just be like this without any improvement.

Instead of adding anything The Immortal God System, the Black and Yellow God System, and the Magical God System might as well be added to this wonderful and weird world system created by Ye Qing!

“good!”Ye Qing nodded and placed the twelve dragon snail eggs in Jiang Yuqing’s hands.

“Buzz!”The moment Jiang Yuqing placed the dragon snail’s egg in the Super Leaf Realm, the laws of her world began to change a little bit unconsciously.

As long as the Dragon Snail family is still in the Super Leaf Realm, Super Leaf The world will get closer and closer to the containment world!

When the influence of the dragon snail family becomes deeper and deeper on the Chaoye world, eventually, the Chaoye world will become an affiliated divine world of the containment world!

Unless Jiang Yuqing can grit his teeth and combine all the Everything related to Dragon Snail must be eliminated, otherwise, she will be Ye Qing’s person for the rest of her life!

“It’s easier on you! Ye Qing said with a smile

“Humph, you still have to buy it when you get a bargain!”Jiang Yu snorted softly.

Ye Qing smiled and said nothing.

At the same time, he seemed to feel a certain world that had a certain connection with the containment world… and that world was Jiang Yuqing’s super Leaf Realm!

Of course, Ye Qing’s perception was vague. After all, the dragon snail’s egg had just entered the Super Leaf Realm, and it had not caused much impact yet!


“squeak……”The brakes suddenly sounded, and the school was finally here!

Jiang Yu took a quick look and was no longer in a hurry to watch the dragon snail. He paid the money and got out of the car with Ye Qing.

Soon, the two of them went to the principal’s office in a familiar manner!

Today is a new mock test!

I don’t know what the content of today’s mock test is.

If he still purifies the world, then Ye Qing can directly declare that he is number one…

However, it is impossible even if he thinks about it!

There must be other content in the mock exam!


The old principal looked at Jiang Yuqing and Ye Qing entering, smiled slightly, and nodded immediately, with a kind look on his face.

At this time, there were only three people in the principal’s office, Ye Qing, Jiang Yuqing, and the old principal! they came very early

“Principal, what is the content of today’s exam?”Ye Qing asked with a smile.


The old principal looked at Ye Qing, then at Jiang Yuqing, and was silent for a long time. After a long time, he sighed:”I feel like this mock test is a bit redundant!”

“What does it mean?”Ye Qing and Jiang Yuqing were stunned.

“You will know then!”The old principal said with a smile

“Could it be……”

Ye Qing thought for a while and his eyes suddenly lit up:”Principal, don’t tell me that today’s mock test is about ladder combat?”

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