“Drip, identity authentication successful.”

In exchange centers, the process is the same regardless of entry and exit.

Therefore, Lin Beiye swiped the card familiarly, and returned to the A exchange area from the S-class exchange area.

As soon as he arrived at the A exchange area, a gaze fell on Lin Beiye.

Lin Beiye didn’t care too much, he knew that it was the manager in charge of the A exchange area who scanned his gaze.

“Huh? What about Yun Qiu? ”

However, after arriving at the A exchange area, Lin Beiye did not see Yun Qiuqiu’s figure.

“She asked me to tell you that she is waiting for you in the B-class exchange area.”

A flat voice sounded abruptly~.

Lin Beiye looked for prestige.

It was the person in charge of the A-level exchange area – the manager who spoke.

That is, the middle-aged man.

“Going to the B-level area?”

Lin Beiye was slightly startled.

Didn’t you say that you should wait for yourself in the A-level area?

How did you get to the B-class area?

“Could it be that you went to the B level to pick out what you need?”

Although Yun Xuanqian is A-grade, she has only been in Beijing University for one year.

The points she has accumulated are not enough for her to “spend” in the A-level area.

On the contrary, it is a B-level exchange area, which is more suitable for Yun Qiu.

“Speaking of…” Lin Beiye looked at a magic staff in the display case not far away.

“Just now Yun Xuan fancy… It’s this staff, right? ”

【Magic Staff (Mythical Level)】

【Wearing requirements: Level 30】

When he first entered the A exchange area, Lin Beiye noticed that Yun Xuanyu had been staring at this magic staff.

Apparently I like this staff.

“In other words, is Yun Xuanqian already level 30 now?”

Lin Beiye remembered that when he first saw Yun Qiuqiu, Yun Qiuqiu seemed to be only level 29.

I don’t know if she is level 30 now.

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts, did not make any hesitation, and pointed to the Lan Staff in the display case.

“I’m going to redeem this.”

Lin Beiye looked at the person in charge of Area A on the side and spoke.

Weapons and equipment are such a thing, as long as the level is not bought low, there is no problem.

After all, if the level of equipment weapons is slightly higher, the professional will work hard to upgrade.

Sooner or later, it will work.

“300,000 points.”

The person in charge of Area A glanced at the [Dilan Staff] that Lin Beiye pointed to, and said lightly.

“No problem.”

Lin Beiye nodded.

This price, for him, can be described as very cheap.

After all, 300,000 points, placed in the S-class area, can’t even buy bottles of potions.

Seeing that Lin Beiye agreed so crisply, the person in charge of the A-grade region raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew that Lin Beiye was S-class.

However, even if the rating is S-grade, there are not necessarily many points.

300,000 points is by no means a small number.

“Swipe your card.”

Lin Beiye handed over his identity card and spoke.

Not long after, according to the exchange process, Lin Beiye paid 300,000 points.

Successfully obtained a level 30 mythical weapon, the Hilan Staff.

After doing all this, Lin Beiye walked towards the B-grade area.

“Drip, identity authentication successful.”

After arriving at the B-grade exchange area, Lin Beiye saw Yun Qiuquan frowning at a glance.

In front of her, there were several epic level 30 staffs.

If nothing else, Yun Qiuqiu was selecting the right one for her from these staffs.

Around Yun Xuanxuan, there were several students from Beijing University.

These people should also be ready to exchange points for weapons and equipment.

At the same time, as if sensing something strange, Yun Qiuqiao raised his head.

At a glance, I saw Lin Beiye who had just come out of the A-grade area.

Dai’s frown, which was originally frowning, suddenly stretched.

She stepped forward and took the initiative to speak.

“How? Is there a redemption for something suitable? ”

Lin Beiye nodded.

Take out his own staff of destiny and show it to Yun Qiuqiu.

This rod of fate, although its characteristics, is somewhat “special” among world-class weapons.

But the appearance, like other world-class weapons, is extremely refined!

Its black staff was engraved with intricate talismans, faintly, revealing an inoffensive divine aura.

It’s extraordinary!

“Is this a world-class weapon?”

Although he had never been to the S-class exchange area, Yun Xuanxian had previously guessed about the weapons in the S-class area.

The weapons and equipment in Area A are mythical.

The things in the S-class area must be more advanced.

In this case, the weapons in the S-class area can only be world-class weapons.

“Well, the equipment in the S-class area is world-class.” Lin Beiye nodded and answered.

“That’s nice.” Yun Xuanxian was a little envious.

Not to mention world-class, as a self-supporting “rich woman”, the weapons in her hands now are only legendary.

In the outside world, legendary grade weapons are naturally good.

But compared to Lin Beiye’s world-class weapons… Far from it.

“This one, send you.”

Seeing the envious expression on Yun Qiu’s little face, Lin Beiye took out another magic staff.

An all-over-white, smooth and moist staff.

The moment he saw this magic staff, Yun Xuan was stunned.

She recognized the staff at a glance.

Isn’t this staff the [Dalan Staff] she just saw in the A exchange area?

She remembered that the value of this staff seemed to be… 300,000 points.

Lin Beiye actually bought it?

And, it seems, to give it to her?

Without waiting for Yun Qiuqiu to think clearly, Lin Beiye had already handed the [Dilan Staff] to Yun Qiuqiu.

“This… No, it’s too expensive…”

You know, the Juran Staff is worth 300,000 points!

And Yun Xuanqian was in Beijing University, and he worked diligently for a year of tasks, and he didn’t have so many points.

“It’s not expensive, you gave me a complete set of equipment before, this is just a weapon.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Beiye’s tone was flat and stated a fact.

In terms of quantity, the things that Yun Qiuqiu sent him were far more than the things he sent Yun Qiuqiu!

Specifically, Yun Qiuqiu should have sent Lin Beiye two weapons, plus a complete set of equipment!

In addition, Yun Qiuquan also gave Lin Beiye some consumables such as teleportation scrolls!

“Those things are not worth much…”

Yun Xuanqian quickly shook his head, and his white little face was a little red.

Obviously, she was a little embarrassed.

After all, the weapons that Yun Qiuqiu gave to Lin Beiye were basically just rare-grade weapons.

Although in Qingcheng, rare grade can be regarded as a “top” weapon.

But put in Jingda… Rare grades, just the beginning.

If you use points to calculate, the combined value of the equipment that Yun Qiuquan sent to Lin Beiye is less than one percent of the [Dalan Staff]!

She was naturally embarrassed to accept the [Dalan Staff] that Lin Beiye gave her.

“Then don’t send it.”

“Just think I’m borrowing you.”

Lin Beiye shrugged: “Anyway, I’m not level 30 yet. ”

“This weapon is also a waste when it is placed in my place.”

Here, it is worth mentioning.

Items redeemed by the Points Exchange Center are non-refundable if they are not of quality.

In other words, if Yun Xuan didn’t accept it, this weapon would be smashed into Lin Beiye’s hands.

“You are the only professional around me who can use this staff now.”

“If you don’t use it, it’s equivalent to wasting 300,000 points.”

Hearing this, Yun Xuan’s red lips opened slightly.

She wanted to refute, but couldn’t find a suitable reason.

Lin Beiye was right.

This thing can’t go back, she doesn’t have to… It’s wasted.

“Hmph… Thank you. ”

After a long while, Yun Xuanqiu snorted softly and took away the Lan Staff in Lin Beiye’s hand.

“No, it’s me who should thank you.” Lin Beiye said softly.

The matter of Qingcheng’s foreign land, Xuan Tuan really helped a lot.

“Thank me?” Yun Xuanxuan on the side was a little unresponsive, “What? ”

“It’s okay.” Lin Beiye shook his head and asked Yun Qiuqiu another question, “Are you level 30 now?” ”

Hearing Lin Beiye’s question, Yun Xuanxian nodded, and a trace of pride crossed his little face.

“Yes, after the mission of Qingcheng is over, I will come back and turn around.”

Sure enough, Yun Qiuqiu brought Lin Beiye to the exchange center today, partly because she was level 30 and needed to replace her original weapon.

“Let me tell you, the gap before and after the second turn is very large, that feeling… Completely different! ”

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly, a little curious: “Oh? How big is the gap before and after the second turn? ”

“…… Anyway… It’s huge! ”

Yun Xuan thought for a long time, but did not think of how to describe the difference.

Eventually, stomped his foot.

“Oh, you’ll know after your second turn.”

“You hurry up, hurry up and turn around.”

Lin Beiye nodded.

In fact, he also has considerable expectations for the second turn.

I don’t know what my summons will become after the second turn.

“Okay, if you don’t continue to exchange things, let’s go.”

At the same time, Yun Xuanqiu withdrew the [Magic Staff of Dilan Land] into his storage space and said to Lin Beiye.

“I’ll take you to other places to stroll, Jingda is big, you still have a lot of places you haven’t been…”

Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

He has just come to Beijing University, and he really needs to familiarize himself with this place first.

Soon, the two left the place and walked outside.

As the two left, several students around them who were burying their heads in selecting weapons looked up at each other.

On the face, they were all a little amazed.

“That girl just now is Yun Qiu, right? She actually brought a boy!? ”

“yes, and I haven’t seen that guy at all, do you know each other?”

“I don’t know, I feel like I’ve never seen it before…”

“Did you just see it clearly? That boy actually gave Yun Qiuqian a weapon worth 300,000 points! ”

“Yes, and Yun Xuanqiu actually took it! It’s the first time I’ve seen Yun Qiuquan accept gifts from others…”

“When this news spreads, how many people will be heartbroken…”


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