Jingcheng, Jingdai.

Yun Xuanqian took Lin Beiye and visited most of the places in Jingda.

I have to say that as a top university, Beijing University has a very complete range of facilities and equipment.

Whether it is a venue for training and medical treatment, or a venue for entertainment and leisure, there is everything in Beijing University.

It can be said that the entire Beijing University is an independent “small city”.

After visiting most of the places, Yun Qiuqiu took Lin Beiye to the place where the Beijing University issued the task——

Mission Center.

At this moment, in the mission center of Beijing University, there are many new students who have only entered today.

These new students, after paying the accommodation fee of Beijing University, realized the importance of points to them!

They are all desperate to earn points through quests.

“How can this task give such a little point?”

“Served, such a point, are you sending Hanako?”

“Alas, who let us have a low rank…”

“Don’t say it, I’m low-level, or D-grade, and the buff is stacked.”

“Who isn’t, I just came here to find a task to do because I didn’t have points.”

“I already knew that when I was in the trial, I would earn a little more points.”

“Huh, the question is, can you earn it?”

How can the points of the freshman trial be so easy to earn?


In the mission hall, Lin Bei’s “Six Five Zero” night glanced cursoryly.

The tasks released by Beijing University are divided into five types of difficulty according to different categories and levels of importance.


Obviously, these 5 levels of difficulty correspond to the 5 ratings of Beijing University students.

In addition, many missions have their own level divisions.

For example, level 20 or above, level 30 or above, level above and so on.

That’s normal.

Rating, not exactly equal to strength.

The level of strength mainly depends on the respective level.

For example, a newly enrolled A student, and a student A who has been enrolled for one year.

The same A, but the strength is not at the same level at all.

The difficulty of the tasks that can be completed is also completely different.

Therefore, according to the difficulty rating of the task, the recommended level is different.

The point rewards for completing tasks also vary.

“This task system is quite perfect.” After figuring this out, Lin Beiye nodded.

This arrangement is quite reasonable.

“Huh? And long-term tasks? ”

Lin Beiye suddenly noticed that there was a long-term task in the mission center.

【Single copy record】

[Mission content: In the quest hall, break the record of the same level of the highest difficulty of a single player. 】

【Mission Reward: 150,000 points】

【Mission time: unlimited】

【Mission requirements: unlimited】

[Special reminder 1: This task is a special task, you do not need to claim it separately, you can claim the reward of this task after completing it. 】

[Special reminder 2: For the same copy, you can receive the reward of this mission up to 3 times, please do your best.] 】

Obviously, this is a [special task] for all students of Peking University for a long time.

There is no threshold for this task!

There are no requirements for the grades and ratings of all Kyo University children!

Even, the task does not need to be claimed, as long as it is completed, you can receive the reward of the mission.

“150,000 points…”

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

This reward is already a lot.

You know, the first place in the general large-scale event, it is also the point reward of this number.

And… The same copy can be claimed up to 3 times.

In this respect.

The minimum reward for this mission is 150,000 points.

The upper limit is… 450,000 points!

“Speaking of which, this requirement is quite special, are you afraid that someone will control the points?”

If anyone can crush the copy record of Kyoda.

You can easily “control the score”!

After all, as long as you keep breaking the records you set, you can carry out the act of “swiping points”.

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye sighed slightly.

It is worthy of the Beijing University, and it actually thinks so thoroughly.

Even this aspect is taken into account.

“However, 3 times is not bad.”

3 times, which means that you can receive 450,000 points.

Even the mythical staff of Yun Xuan is only 300,000 points.

However, through this huge point reward, it can also be seen.

A record of this copy

Very hard to break!

It seems that there are no requirements, no thresholds!

In fact, the requirements are extremely high! The bar is extremely high!

After all, after so many years, as the record continues to be raised, it will only become more and more difficult to break the record in the future!

At the same time, Lin Beiye also noticed that in addition to this long-term task, Beijing University also had a long-term task.

【Team Copy Record】

[Mission introduction: In the quest hall, in the form of a team (within 5 people), break the highest difficulty of the same level (based on the level of the team’s highest level professional as the standard) quest record. 】

【Mission reward: 100,000 points/person】

【Mission time: unlimited】

【Mission requirements: unlimited】

[Special reminder 1: This task is a special task, you do not need to claim it separately, you can claim the reward of this task after completing it. 】

[Special reminder 2: For the same copy, you can claim the reward of this mission up to 3 times.] 】

“There is actually a team type?”

Seeing the second long-term mission, Lin Beiye was slightly startled and slightly surprised.

To put it bluntly, this second long-term task is not fundamentally different from the first long-term task.

All are records for breaking copies, but one requires a single person and the other requires a team.

If it is a team, the individual will get fewer points.

Only 100,000 points.

Compared to the single-person type, it is 50,000 fewer points.

Its upper limit, compared to single clearance, is also much lower.

3 times down, only 300,000 points.

150,000 less in total!

However, this is a multiplayer mission after all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The rewards for a single person, although much less.

However, the overall reward is much higher than that of a single person!

Consider the example of a team of 5 people.

One person at a time is 100,000.

Five people three times is a total of 1.5 million!

“What’s wrong, are you trying to complete these two long-term tasks?”

On the side, Yun Qiuquan found that Lin Beiye was staring intently at the two long-term tasks.

It seems that there is some interest in these two tasks.

Hearing Yun Xuanxuan’s words, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

This long-term mission is very suitable for him.

You can also brush experience to upgrade and earn points.

Why not?

When he was in Qingcheng, brushing copies was simply brushing copies.

There are no rewards to speak of.

“Then you have to come on.” Yun Xuanqiu spoke, “The copy record of Jingda is quite outrageous. ”

“Many copies of the record, less than an hour!”

Last year, when Yun Xuanqian first enrolled, he was also attracted by the points awarded by these two long-term tasks.

She also wants to earn these hundreds of thousands of points with her own strength….

But after trying, Yun Qiuquan knew.

It was impossible for her to accomplish either task.

After all, the record of Beijing University is really… What an exaggeration!

I don’t know what the successive students of Beijing University have gone through to bring the copy record up to this point.

It feels like it’s at its limit and it’s impossible to break it anymore.

But…… Yun Xuan looked at Lin Beiye on the side.

If it was Lin Beiye… It’s not entirely impossible.

After all, the 6.8 million points of the freshman trial is also an impossible number in the eyes of ordinary people.

But Lin Beiye did it.

At the same time, after hearing Yun Qiu’s words, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

Clearance copies within an hour… This speed is indeed exaggerated.

Normally speaking, the speed of ordinary people clearing copies is about 2-3 hours.

This record is equivalent to a direct reduction of more than half!

You know, brushing copies is not just brushing monsters.

Dungeons need to rush and kill bosses.

So, the more you go to the back of this kind of thing, the more difficult it is to shorten the time.

No matter how good you are, it will take a lot of time to get through the quest, right?

After this necessary time is removed, an hour, there is not much left.

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts.

Today’s battle has been long enough, he came to Beijing University on the first day, there is no need to make it so urgent.

What’s more, these two tasks are long-term valid, and Lin Beiye is not short of points, there is no need to rush for such a while.

So, after watching the other tasks for a while, the two left the mission center.

As the two left, the surrounding freshmen glanced at each other.

“Just now, Lin Beiye said that he would break the copy record!”

“I heard it, he should want to complete this long-term task of 150,000 points…”

“Do you think he can finish it?”

“I don’t know… Didn’t the woman say that the record is less than 1 hour, and it is difficult to be broken, right? ”

“I think he can break it, after all, the record of the freshman trial has been broken by him.”

“Who can guarantee that any record can be broken…”


Time, at the snap of a finger.

Not long after, night fell over the entire capital of 2.0.

Lin Beiye and Yun Qiuquan also walked around Jingda.

Right now, it’s time to eat.

Originally, Lin Beiye planned to solve it in the cafeteria.

But Yun Qiuqiu vetoed Lin Beiye’s idea.

It was up to her to decide to shoot the case, call Ayakoto, and the three of them went out for a little “celebration”.

It is her senior sister who welcomes Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin to Beijing University.

However, in the process of calling Aya Qinyin, the two ran into Xu Siyan and Xu Siwan, who lived next door to them.

Yun Xuanqiu found that the new neighbors were a pair of beautiful twin sisters, and his eyes immediately lit up.

After introducing herself, Yun Qiuqiu, as an enthusiastic “senior sister”, invited them to go out to celebrate together.

Hearing is going to eat.

Younger sister Xu Siwan’s eyes lit up, and without waiting for her sister Xu Siyan to speak, she wrapped her arms around Yun Qiuan’s arm.

A look of impatience.

At the same time, as a younger sister, Xu Siwan did not forget her sister who was left by her.

“Sister, come over quickly, Sister Xuan said to take us to dinner together!”


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