In the end, under the strong persuasion of her sister Xu Siwan, her sister Xu Siyan also joined this “celebration banquet”.

Soon, the group left Beijing University together.

It’s different from Qingcheng.

The capital city is brightly lit at night!

In the streets and alleys, the crowds are surging and the stream is endless.

Various places and facilities make people dazzled for a while, and they can’t tell the direction.

Fortunately, Yun Qiuqiu, a “local” who has lived in the capital for a year, led the team.

It didn’t take long for everyone to successfully arrive at their destination, the Beijing specialty restaurant!

Hosted by Yun Qiuqiu, the “little rich woman”, the most expensive and authentic Beijing specialties in the restaurant!

Several people entered Beijing University today, and it was another freshman trial, filling out forms, and tidying up rooms.

Tossing down, it can be described as physically and mentally exhausting.

At this moment, I finally got a little relaxation.

In the midst of laughter, everyone was initially acquainted.

“Sister, this place is really prosperous…”

“No wonder everyone used to say that the capital is the first city in Daxia.”

After the meal, her younger sister Xu Siwan said enviously to Xu Siyan’s little face.

Obviously, she was shocked by the scene on the way to the capital when she came.

On the side, hearing her sister’s words, Xu Siyan did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Compared with her younger sister, her sister Xu Siyan’s personality is slightly more stable.

However, she was also slightly calmed by the bustling scene of this capital.

“More than the prosperity on the surface, the masters in the capital 31… A lot. ”

Ayakoto on the side suddenly spoke.

After getting acquainted with everyone, her words were also rare.

Hearing Ayakoto’s words, Lin Beiye nodded slightly.

As a professional with strong perception, Lin Beiye also clearly felt this.

Compared with Qingcheng, there are obviously many more masters in the capital!

If some time ago, the beast tide assembled by the Fair Church was not attacking Qingcheng, but attacking the capital…

I’m afraid, there is no wave at all!

Perhaps, even the alarm of the whole city does not need to sound, and the beast tide will be extinguished!

“Yes, a lot of people here look great.”

For Aya Qinyin’s point of view, Xu Siwan and Xu Siyan also agreed.

They also noticed that there were many high-level professionals in the capital!

“By the way, which city are you two from?”

Yun Xuanxian on the side, looking at the sisters Xu Siwan and Xu Siyan, suddenly spoke.

Yun Qiuquan knew that Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin were both from Qingcheng.

But Yun Qiuquan didn’t know where Xu Siyan and Xu Siwan were from.

However, as Yun Qiuquan asked this question.

The smiles on Xu Siyan and Xu Siwan’s faces quickly froze.

Seeing this situation, Yun Xuanqian was a little unresponsive.

She this is… Asked the wrong thing?

Before Yun Qiuqian could think of a way to remedy it, Xu Siyan opened her mouth to answer her question.

“We are from Mirror City.”

Mirror City? Capital?

Lin Beiye was stunned, the name of the city where these two sisters are located is quite similar to the capital.

Despite this, Lin Beiye had not heard of Mirror City before.

I think it should be a small city similar to Qingcheng.

On the side, Aya Qinyin’s reaction was similar to Lin Beiye’s.

She had never been out of Qingcheng and did not know much about other cities.

Naturally, I have never heard of Mirror City.

“Mirror City… Are you from Mirror City? ”

Hearing this, Yun Xuanxian was a little unresponsive.

Unlike Lin Beiye and Ayakoto, she seems to know this city!

Xu Siyan and Xu Siwan nodded.

They are all from Mirror City.

Seeing the two nodding, Yun Xuanqian said after a slight hesitation.

“Yes… The mirror city that was destroyed? ”

As Lin Beiye guessed, Mirror City is a small city!

Even, its overall strength is weaker than Qingcheng, where Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin are located!

Its popularity is extremely low!

The original Yun Xuanxuan didn’t know that there was such a city in Daxia!

But… A few days ago, Yun Xuanqian knew!

Because, this mirror city is before Qingcheng… The first city to be attacked by the [Church of Equity]!

Moreover, the luck of Jingcheng is not as good as Qingcheng.

Although Qingcheng was also attacked, there were basically no major casualties.

And Mirror City is different…

Mirror City, completely destroyed!

Yun Xuanqiu once went to support Mirror City!

However, by the time she arrived, the entire mirror city had become a gathering point for mad and ferocious beasts!

In the city, there is not a single survivor!

“Hmm.” Xu Siyan nodded slightly, “It’s the mirror city that was destroyed by the beast tide.” ”

As if seeing Yun Xuanxuan’s doubts, Xu Siyan explained the reason for her survival.

“At that time, after the beast tide rushed into the city, the high-level professionals opened the way, and the students of Mirror City, as the first batch of retreat lists, retreated first.”

“Although there were some casualties, most of the students managed to retreat and reached the neighboring city of Pingcheng.”

Said to be the first to carry out the retreat.

In fact, it is also the only batch, the last batch.

The beast tide came too hastily, and the entire mirror city had no power to fight back at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Except for a small number of professionals with teleportation scrolls, most of them died in the iron hooves of the mad beast tide!

After listening to Xu Siyan’s explanation, Yun Qiuqiu sighed softly.

She has always felt a little sorry about this matter.

“It’s okay, it’s all over.”

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little low, Xu Siwan on the side suddenly spoke.

“After we retreated to Pingcheng, we were not treated differently, and the big exam went smoothly.”

“It’s still in the name of our mirror city.”

“The uncle who escorted us at that time said that as long as the people are still there, the mirror city will never be destroyed.”

“So, when we become stronger, sooner or later we will rebuild Mirror City.”

“At that time, we will uproot the fair church!”

Xu Siwan waved her pink fist and swore an oath.

Obviously, she also knew that the sudden beast tide originated from the [Fair Church].

Seeing the confident looks of the sisters, Yun Qiuqiu nodded.

Indeed, compared to what she had initially thought, the whole city had collapsed.

The current situation is quite good.

At least quite a few survivors.

After that, several people talked about some topics and got to know each other.

The twin sisters also knew that Lin Beiye and Aya Qinyin were both from Qingcheng.

and learned that Qingcheng was also attacked by the [Fair Church].

“I don’t know what kind of organization this [Church of Equity] is… It’s a terrible conscience. ”

Xu Siwan looked dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Lin Beiye nodded.

Today, he still doesn’t quite understand what the meaning of this organization’s existence is.

Is it really a group of crazy people with no pursuit and distorted values?

“Hmph, when the time comes, let’s join hands and destroy the [Fair Church] together.”

Xu Siwan waved her powder fist again and spoke.

Hearing this, everyone present had no opinion.

In a sense, this [Fair Church] does violate 050 their bottom line.

Especially Lin Beiye.

He suffered several “secret calculations” from the [Fair Church] in succession.

In the case of having a “common enemy”, the five can be regarded as having a thorough relationship.

After drinking and eating, they returned to Beijing University together.

The next day, early in the morning.

Lin Beiye got up early.

According to the admission process of Beijing University, the entrance ceremony will be officially held only three days after the admission of new students.

The time between them is mainly for new students to familiarize themselves with and adapt to the environment of Beijing University.

After all, not all Beijing University freshmen are the same as Lin Beiye.

In Kyoda, there is a beautiful senior who “tutors” him alone.

Other normal freshmen at Peking University can only slowly understand the rules and systems of Beijing University on their own.

“Speaking of which, the old man in charge of the S-class region doesn’t seem to have told me when the freshman competition jointly held by Jingda and Qingda will start…”

It stands to reason that it shouldn’t be too long.

After all, it is a freshman big competition, and if it drags too long, it loses its meaning.

The specific time, when you had dinner yesterday, you should ask about Yun Qiuqiu.

She should be clearer.

It’s still early, though.

Yun Xuan may not be up yet.

Lin Beiye planned to wait for some time to ask her again.

Anyway, there is no rush to such a moment.

After all, Lin Beiye now has important “tasks” to complete!

This important task is…

Single brush Kyoda copy!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for posthumous bookings!.

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