Copy, within the mutated forest.

“Boom ——!!”

Dozens of delicate and small fireballs smashed into the mutant tree in front of Lin Beiye!

Make a violent explosion!

After the explosion, it stirred up a sky-high fire!

Successfully kill the level 22 boss mutant tree, experience +10560!

Get the fruit of mutation!

Successfully cleared the level 21 hell difficulty quest “Mutant Forest”!

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 mutant willow, experience +1008! ] 】


“… That’s a second? ”

Seeing that this mutant tree was directly blown out of a big hole by itself, the dead could not die again.

Lin Beiye didn’t react a little.

Originally, he thought that killing a boss would take a little effort.

Now it seems… He really overestimated this copy boss.

Also… The shortcomings of this mutant “167” tree are too obvious.

The biggest drawback of this mutant tree as a “summoner” is that… It can’t move!

It is a huge “live target”!

In the face of Lin Beiye’s attack, it could only resist hard!

I can’t bear it, and it’s naturally finished.

Actually, as a boss that will be summoned.

This tree of mutations although the shortcomings are obvious.

But not without merit!

Under normal circumstances, the mutant tree is a “living target”.

But it can summon many monsters at once!

These monsters, to a certain extent, make up for its shortcomings!

After all, these monsters can stop enemies from attacking the Mutant Tree to a certain extent!

At the same time, the strength of the mutant tree itself is not very weak.

It can strike at enemies from a distance with blood-red wicker!

With mutual cooperation, the average person is really not easy to win it!

But, unfortunately, it was facing Lin Beiye, who was also a summoner!

Just like it, Lin Beiye can easily summon a large number of summoners at once!

Moreover, the quality of Lin Beiye’s summoned items must complete the mutated vicious dogs summoned by the other party!

At the same time, Lin Beiye’s own strength is not weak!

Under the defense of many summons, the mutant evil dog did not mention interrupting Lin Beiye’s attack!

Even close to Lin Beiye, you can’t do it!

This also led to the fact that no one could restrict Lin Beiye’s play!

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye sighed a little.

His strength seems to be much stronger than he imagined.

It took him no more than three minutes to deal with this boss!

Even, because the time is not in a hurry, in these three minutes, Lin Beiye spent at least half of his time watching this boss perform a “performance”.

If you hurry up, this time should be shortened a lot!

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye retracted his thoughts and looked down at the automatic timer in his hand.

Sure enough, it was the same as the copy center staff said.

After he kills the boss, the timer stops!

The final timer was fixed at 47:08!

Lin Beiye pinched his fingers and calculated his results.

“12 minutes and 28 seconds faster than record.”

“This grade, it’s okay…”

If you’re a little more serious, use some hole cards.

This speed should be much faster.

“Anyway, the record is broken…”

“Can I get 150,000 points?”

Lin Beiye did not forget the purpose of his coming to break the record.

After all, if it weren’t for points, how could Lin Beiye brush a level 21 copy?

“Let’s go out and see first…”

Lin Beiye withdrew the summoned object back to the summoning space, and then his mind moved, and he left the copy!

Jingcheng, Beijing University Copy Center.

With the appearance of Lin Beiye, there was a wave around him.

“It’s out!”

“Did anyone time it and how long did he stay inside?”

“I timed it, but not very accurately, about fifty minutes!”

“Fifty minutes? I remember that the record for [Mutant Forest] was fifty-nine minutes! ”

“What do you mean? Really broken the record by him? ”

“Don’t worry, maybe he just came out early and hasn’t cleared the customs yet?”

“It’s possible… He didn’t even suffer any injuries on his body! ”

Hearing the last sentence, the Kyo University student outside the many copies couldn’t help but nod.


According to the previous record.

Want to speed up and break records.

Injuries are inevitable.

After all, if you want to break the copy record, everything must be based on speed! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is not clear that Lin Beiye, a “newcomer”, is not very clear.

In fact, in order to break the record, the son of Kyo University received these 150,000 points.

Countless efforts and attempts have been made!

Generally speaking, they prepare a variety of replenishing potions before entering the quest!

Life potions, mana potions, amplification potions…

If it wasn’t for the replica, there was no way to use the scroll, I’m afraid they would have to bring the teleportation scroll into it.

All in all, after trying their best to get all kinds of blessings, they will enter the quest!

At the same time, only in this way will they have the opportunity to break the old record and create a new one!

And like Lin Beiye, he wanted to break the copy record without preparation.

Completely impossible!

It can be described as… Have one’s head in the clouds!

After Lin Beiye came out of the copy, he found that everyone around him was staring at him, and his heart was a little inexplicable0:.

This student of Beijing University… Are you all idle?

Why do you stare at yourself as soon as you come out with a copy?

When everyone comes here, don’t you brush copies?

Don’t you want to break the copy record and get 150,000 points?

Although he was a little inexplicable in his heart, Lin Beiye didn’t care too much about these eyes.

He walked straight to the side, inside the copy center, where the staff was.

At the same time, as Lin Beiye moved, the gazes of many Jing University students did not shift, still staring at Lin Beiye’s every move.

After discovering Lin Beiye walking towards the staff, the people of Jingzhong glanced at each other.

A trace rose in my heart… Strange feeling.

It always feels… What big thing is Lin Beiye going to do!

As their thoughts rose, Lin Beiye stood in front of the staff.


“Excuse me, I’m breaking my record now, do I want to go to the mission center to collect my points now?”

“Can you give me a record-breaking certificate first, and after I break the record twice, I will go and claim the reward at one time?”

Lin Beiye said as he took out the automatic timer from his pocket and handed it to the staff.

“… Broken records? ”

Hearing Lin Beiye’s words, the staff of the copy were a little unresponsive.

No way, Lin Beiye’s tone was too flat.

Bland, to… He doesn’t look like he’s breaking a record!

If you break a record, the attitude should not be… Ecstatic?

Why is it so bland?

Looking at the stunned staff in front of him, Lin Beiye frowned slightly.

This staff… Work literacy doesn’t seem to be too high?

It doesn’t seem very smart.

After thinking slightly, Lin Beiye stuffed the timer in 1.4 into the hands of the staff.

The staff lowered their heads in amazement.

I saw that on the surface of the timer, the name of the copy of the timer was engraved.

【Mutant Forest】

On the display of the timer, the time of Lin Beiye’s customs clearance is displayed.


“47 minutes!?”

Seeing this number, the pupils of the staff shrank and finally reacted!

As a staff member who has worked in the copy center for many years, he naturally knows how much the original record of this [Mutant Forest] is.

It was 59:36!

The teenager in front of him actually shortened the record by 12 minutes at once!?

At the same time, hearing this exclamation from the staff, the other students of Beijing University around …


Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for posthumous bookings!

Thanks to the book friends (stay with the wind), (for the rest of his life), (1827. Monthly pass sent!.

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