Jingcheng, Beijing University Copy Center.

Hear the exclamation of the staff inside the copy center.

The surrounding Jing University children were stunned.

47 minutes?

Lin Beiye actually took only 47 minutes to clear the same level and the most difficult copy?

It’s not that everyone is uncommon.

It is Lin Beiye’s clearance time, no matter which copy of the same level is placed in, it is extremely explosive!

Therefore, after a while, everyone recovered from the shock.

“Does anyone know what the original record of the copy he just brushed is?”

“I don’t know, but… It shouldn’t be in 50 minutes. ”

There are only a handful of copies of records that can be made in less than 50 minutes!

What’s more, Lin Beiye’s copy is not the kind of low-level copy of 14 or 15.

But… Level 21 quests!

Most of the copy records of this level are about 1 hour!

Hearing the original record, it was more than 50 minutes, and everyone was a little silent!

Even though the original record was 50 minutes, then Lin Beiye shortened the record by nearly 3 minutes!

The first time I brushed the copy, I directly shortened the record of the copy by 3 minutes, which can already be said to be… It’s terrifying.

What’s more, the original record may not be 50 minutes!

Most likely a few minutes longer than 50 minutes!

In this way, Lin Beiye’s shortened time was even longer!

“The record is more than 50 minutes, 02 I have brushed this copy before, the record, it should be… 59 min 36 sec! ”

The son of Kyo University who said this looked convinced.

He was quite impressed by this [Mutant Forest] brushed by Lin Bei Night.

Because, the monsters in this [Mutated Forest] copy are very “weird”!

Even Kyo University.

Without experience and no guidance, brush the highest difficulty [Mutant Forest] for the first time.

It’s hard to guarantee clearance!

After all, who would have thought that the “willow tree” in this [Mutated Forest] would attack people?

The vast majority of the students who brushed the [Mutant Forest] for the first time were exposed by the skin and flesh smoked by the willow of the mutated willow tree in the copy.

Like Lin Beiye, the first time to brush [Mutant Forest], not only was he not injured, but he also successfully cleared the level, which is extremely rare!

Moreover, the highest record of [Mutant Forest] is a fault-type record!

Except for the record founder, no professional of the same level can shorten the clearance time of this copy to less than 1 hour!

Unexpectedly, today not only did someone do it, but also shortened this original faulty record by so much!

It’s completely crushing and setting a new record!

After hearing the original record of [Mutant Forest], everyone looked at each other.

“The original record was 59 minutes and 36 seconds?”

“Just said that Lin Beiye is 47 minutes, right? Isn’t he shortened then… 12 minutes? ”

“How is that possible? So much shorter at once? ”

This shortened the original record by one-fifth!

You know, usually, even if someone breaks a record, it is broken in seconds.

Where is there such a thing as Lin Beiye?

The first brush, the record set, directly ten minutes faster than the original record!

The original record has been shortened by one-fifth!

“The staff can’t be mistaken, right? 57 minutes sounds better than 47 minutes…”


The staff of the copy center, hearing the discussions of the people around them, realized that it was their “gaffe” that had just caused the impact.

With a hint of apology on his face, he spoke to Lin Beiye.

“No problem, I’ll give you a certificate of a new record right away.”

After breaking the record, as the record setter, Lin Beiye can get a new record certificate.

With the new record proof, Lin Beiye can go to the mission center of Beijing University at any time and redeem point rewards.

It didn’t take long for a new record certificate of the [Mutant Forest] copy to be completed according to the process.

The staff handed it to Lin Beiye.

New record proof

Clearance Quest: Mutant Forest

Clearance time: 47:08

Record Creator: Lin Beiye

Lin Beiye took the certificate and glanced at it.

After making sure it was okay, he nodded slightly and put it into the storage space.

This new record proves, although it seems simple.

As a matter of fact… It’s really simple.

But, simple is simple, this proof is worth 150,000 points!

150,000 points, more than the entire net worth of many Beijing University students present!

“That’s right, the proof was sent to him, and the new record is 47 minutes and 8 seconds!”


“Getting the new record proves that he can now receive 150,000 points?”

“Although I haven’t received it… But it should be. ”

“Hey, I’ve been enrolled for a year, and I haven’t received 150,000 points at once, he is a freshman, and he actually received it within two days of enrollment.”

“Hehe, don’t say that I received 150,000 points at one time, my total assets of points in one year of enrollment have not reached 150,000!”

“People are more angry than people…”


After receiving this new record certificate, Lin Beiye did not stay in place, but turned around and walked towards the [Mutant Forest] again.

According to the requirements of the mission, each copy of the same level can be “awarded” three times. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With such a good opportunity, Lin Beiye naturally has no reason not to be “weed”.

At the same time, seeing Lin Beiye walking towards the [Mutant Forest], everyone on the side was stunned.

“He seems… Still want to brush this copy? ”

“What do you mean, does he still want to break the record?”

“No, he should just be preparing to brush the copy to upgrade this time…”

“Didn’t he say that when he just came out? He is ready to break three consecutive records so that he can claim points together. ”

“Huh? Do you really want to continue breaking records? ”

“How is that possible… Who can break records three times in a row in a single day? ”


It’s not that everyone doubts Lin Beiye’s strength.

With Lin Beiye’s current performance, there is no problem in clearing the copy.

However, breaking the copy record and clearing the copy are two different things.

Clearance copy, as long as the strength is enough.

And to break the copy record, you need to pursue the speed of clearing the quest!

The speed of clearing the quest is not only linked to the strength of the professional.

It is also related to the state of the professional, physical strength and all factors!

Therefore, even if your own strength is strong enough, you can break the copy record with the first brush.

It’s also hard to break records in a short period of time!

After all, to break the record copy, not an ordinary copy!

It’s a copy of the same level and the highest difficulty.

Even if the strength is enough, you will always feel tired if you brush the copy in a row, right?

Once you get tired, the speed of brushing monsters will decrease, right?

The speed of brushing monsters is slow, and naturally, the speed of clearing the level is also slow.

Under the influence of various factors, if you want to set a new record in a short period of time, the difficulty is more than a star and a half!

According to the history of Beijing University.

Those “ruthless people” who can break the record 3 times in the same copy all take days and different days to complete.

These “ruthless people” are often prepared before breaking records!

Guarantee that you can be in a “heyday” state!

Even so, they may not be guaranteed to break the record every time!

And like Lin Beiye, who was unprepared, relying only on his own strength to break the record… Or the first time.

Right now, they looked at Lin Beiye, who was preparing to enter the copy for the second time, and felt a little in their hearts… Speechless.

Even if you are strong and confident.

After setting a new record, why don’t you take a break and adjust your state?

Just come so hard, isn’t it too disrespectful to 347 copies of the same level and hell difficulty?

“After all, he is still young, if he controls the score, maybe he can really break the record twice in a row.”

Three times in a row, it’s really impossible.

But twice, there should still be a chance.

“I also think that his current form actually looks quite good, but he has increased the difficulty of breaking records too much.”

“If I were him, I’d keep the record for copies at 59 minutes and 35 seconds.”

The original record was 59 minutes and 36 seconds.

As long as it can be one second faster than the original record, it is considered a broken record.

You can get points!

When the strength is enough, why go all out and raise the record so high as soon as it comes up?

Isn’t it simpler to have a long stream of water?

In the face of everyone’s incomprehension, Lin Beiye looked calm.

Actually, these people are quite right.

Breaking records, mainly to earn points.

If the strength is enough, there is really no need to go all out at the beginning and make it difficult for yourself to break the record later.

But the problem is… When Lin Beiye brushed the copy for the first time, he didn’t go all out at all.

He has already “released water” as much as possible.

In all these circumstances, he easily broke the record…

Is it necessary for him to spend more time and extend the recording time?

Extending the record time, for Lin Beiye, isn’t it putting the cart before the horse?

Shaking his head, Lin Beiye looked at the entrance of the [Mutant Forest] in front of him.

“Each copy, you can only claim points up to three times…”

“Then this second time, just slightly… Be serious. ”

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for posthumous bookings!

Thank you to the book friends (Wu Lingluo) and (summer breeze is slightly cool) for the monthly passes!

Thank you for your support, the author will work hard to code…

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