Jingcheng, Beijing University Copy Center.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Beiye paid 10 points and received an automatic timer again.

Then, without hesitation, step into the copy!

The figure disappears into the center of the quest.

“Awesome, this is the courage of the strong, whether he can break the record or not, I admire him.”

“Indeed, I admire him a little too.”

“Another ruthless person…”

Copy, [Mutant Forest].

After entering the copy, Lin Beiye’s mind moved, and he took out a pure black staff from his storage space.

The staff of fate!

[Positive buffs: 600% increase in mental attributes, 500% increase in skill damage, 80% increase in physical penetration]

[Negative effects: agility attribute -60%, physique attribute -80%, casting speed -80%, skill consumption +20%. 】

[Causal reversal: agility attribute +60%, physical attribute +80%, casting speed +80%, skill consumption -20%. 】

[Multiplier growth: +120% agility attribute, +160% physique attribute, +160% casting speed, +40% skill cost.] 】

“It is worthy of being a world-class weapon…”

The majestic power was pouring into Lin Beiye’s whole body from the staff of Si Ming.

Lin Beiye couldn’t help but sigh a little in his heart.

Sure enough, a good weapon is enough to increase people’s strength by several levels!

He is the best example of this.


At the same time, as Lin Beiye adapted to this increase.

In the distance, suddenly there was the roar of a mutant vicious dog!

Lin Beiye raised his eyebrows slightly and looked into the distance.

“It’s just right, take you guys to try the power.”

Lin Beiye aimed the staff in his hand in the direction where the voice came from!


Immediately afterwards, as Lin Beiye’s mind moved, a crackling sound of electricity suddenly sounded!

I saw that around the staff of Si Mei, thick and dense purple currents were constantly flickering!

Among them, every purple current contains terrifying power!

Lin Beiye’s eyes froze.


Before the words completely fell, the purple electricity around the staff of Si Ming flashed!

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】


One hit in seconds!

“It’s too weak… You don’t deserve to be tested for power.” ”

are directly seconds, basically no reference.

However, after possessing the Sword of Fortune, Lin Beiye still felt some differences in his own strength.

“This manipulates the attribute element to attack… It seems to belong to a kind of [casting speed]. ”

Among the “buffs” that the staff of Si Ming brought to Lin Beiye.

There is a “buff” that increases the casting speed by 160%.

This buff can be said to be a tiger for ordinary mages!

After all, what mage wouldn’t want the time it took to condense his skills to be shorter?

But for Lin Beiye, it was a bit of a chicken rib.

He is a summoner, and the speed of summoning is fast enough.

This promotion means little to him.

But right now, Lin Beiye found that he was thinking wrong.

He controls the process of attacking attribute elements, as if… It also belongs to a kind of [casting speed]!

After possessing the Destiny Staff, the speed of the few thunder attribute elements he struck out was obviously more than twice as fast as before!

“Controlling what you summon is also a part of [Casting]…”

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye suddenly had a bold idea.

Since manipulating attribute elements to attack, it belongs to the [casting process].

Then if he lets the summoned object attack, is it considered [Casting Process]?

Try it when you think of it!

Lin Beiye did not have the slightest hesitation, and his heart moved.

More than hundreds of summons, appearing out of thin air!

Instantly occupied all around Lin Beiye.

“You guys find something strange for yourselves, lose some skills and try…”

Lin Beiye gave orders to the summons.

After receiving Lin Beiye’s order, the summoners quickly dispersed and looked for the monsters in the quest.

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 mutant evil dog, experience +960! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 20 change…]

Not far away, Lin Beiye looked at the skill launched by his summoner and nodded slightly.

Looking at the skeleton warriors and skeleton shooters, you can already see it.

The “attack speed” of the two is much faster!

At the same time, the speed of releasing skills of the two is also much faster!

On the other hand, observing the skeleton mage releasing skills, you can also see the difference from the past.

The speed at which this skeleton mage condensed the ghost fire was obviously much faster than before!

“Sure enough…”

A smile appeared on Lin Beiye’s face.

As he guessed.

The attack of the summoner, in a sense, also belongs to the summoner’s [casting speed].

Summoner’s casting speed increased.

The attack speed of summoners will also be increased accordingly.

In this way, the summoner needs this [casting speed] gain more than the mage!

“What a piece of equipment…”

Lin Beiye couldn’t help but sigh.

Fortunately, he did not have enough points at that time, and in the S-class exchange area, he flipped through the “bargains”.

Turned over to this staff.

Otherwise, such a good weapon would have been drowned in dust.

“It’s almost the same for the trial, just push it sideways…”

Lin Beiye gave orders to the summons.

Now, I have the experience of brushing [Mutant Forest] for the first time.

When brushing [Mutant Forest] for the second time, Lin Beiye looked particularly familiar.

Among them, in order to guard against those mutant willows that secretly attack themselves. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Before Lin Beiye reached the position where the mutant willow tree was, he had already summoned a huge fireball with a diameter of up to 100 meters!

As soon as he saw the mutant willow tree, Lin Beiye directly smashed the huge fireball over!

The extremely fast speed made those mutant willows not react.

It all turned to ashes.

[Successfully killed a level 21 mutant willow, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 mutant willow, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 mutant willow, experience +1008! ] 】

[Successfully killed a level 21 mutant willow…]

After eliminating these mutant willow trees, Lin Beiye patted the dust that did not exist on his palm.

“Do you still engage in sneak attacks?”

As a summoner, what Lin Beiye disliked the most was the creatures that sneaked up on him, and the creatures that didn’t let him sneak attack!

If you want to attack yourself, can’t you first go head-to-head with your army of summoners?

Do you have to sneak up on him as an “unarmed” summoner?

In this case, he must treat his human body in his human way.

Prepare your attack in advance and burn these mutant willows to the ground!

Reduced time wasted on the first grind.

This time, Lin Beiye only took half an hour to reach the center of the forest.



To be honest, even if you don’t use this rod of fate.

Lin Beiye also had self-confidence, breaking the record set for the first time.

After using the staff of the Command, let alone it.

The whole process can be said to be stress-free.

If it is not in the replica, the teleportation scroll cannot be used.

Lin Beiye had already used the teleportation scroll to come to the center of the replica and give the boss a direct second.

“Speaking of which, the quality of the monsters in this copy is actually quite good, but the terrain is not large.”

The main time spent by Lin Beiye was on the “running map”.

The terrain of the copy is small, which is a good thing for Lin Beiye.

Saved him a lot of time.



Just as Lin Beiye was thinking.

The ground of the entire forest began to shake slightly.

It’s exactly the same as before the first boss encounter.

It’s just that this time, Lin Beiye, who had seen this boss trick, lost interest in waiting.

Without waiting for the ground to crack, he prepared his attack in advance.

Not only Lin Beiye was ready to attack.

Around, hundreds of Lin Beiye’s summoners were also ready to attack.

A moment later, with a booming sound.

A small sapling that has not yet grown into a complete body of the boss breaks through the ground!

However, as soon as it broke through the ground, countless attacks fell on its body!

“Boom ——!!”

The terrifying explosions sounded one after another.

The ground where the little sapling was located, under this terrifying attack, was blasted out of a huge hole!

And the small saplings among them, even the dregs were not left.

Successfully kill the level 22 boss mutant tree, experience +10560!

Get the fruit of mutation!

Successfully cleared the level 21 hell difficulty quest “Mutant Forest”!

Lin Beiye took out an automatic timer.

On the automatic timer, the time is frozen at 30:32.

“It’s okay, it took half a minute to kill the boss.”

“It’s 17 minutes faster than the first playthrough copy.”

This speed is almost his limit.

Lin Beiye sighed slightly.

The next time you brush, it will be difficult to improve so much.

After all, the time spent on “running the map” is inevitable.

“Speaking of which, what is this [Mutation Fruit] dropped by the (Wang Hao) boss…”

After brushing the [Mutant Forest] twice, Lin Beiye obtained a total of two [Mutation Fruits].

When clearing customs for the first time, Lin Beiye was not familiar with the process and was a little in a hurry.

Didn’t have time to check the information about this thing.

The second time, Lin Beiye was already familiar with the road, and he was not in any hurry.

Anyway, after killing the quest boss, the automatic timer stops.

There is no need to pass it back directly.

Thinking of this, Lin Beiye took out a copy of the [Mutation Fruit] from his storage space.

This mutant fruit looks very ordinary in appearance, it is a red round fruit.

Except for the red color, there is nothing special.

However, since this thing is an item that can only be dropped by brushing the boss, Lin Beiye believes that it will not really be an ordinary fruit.

There must be some “special effect”.

Lin Beiye did not hesitate and threw a detection technique at this fruit.

【Fruit of mutation】

[Introduction: As the name suggests, a fruit that is contaminated and mutated, after eating, will fall into an unknown state, and it is not recommended to eat. ] 】

After seeing the specific information of this fruit, Lin Beiye’s face gradually became strange.

“…… 6。 ”

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Thank you to the book friends (Phantom Nine Days), (Shu Xiaojie), (Luoluo) for the monthly passes! .

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