"Finally sold out, exhausted."

Jiang Cheng collapsed on the throne.

There were nearly 120 storage rings in a cloth bag, each filled with weapons and equipment, about 500 pieces.

Half of them were five-star equipment, and the rest were six-star, seven-star...

The highest was a broken holy weapon, the whole long sword was rotten and only the hilt was left, it was no exaggeration to say it was broken copper and iron.

It was bought by a top lord of the White Tiger Alliance at a high price of 100,000 energy stones, and at this time he was frantically greeting the Goblin Lord and his family on the public screen.

The sales volume this time was very good.

Almost every time he sold it, he would get energy stones.

"Now there are more than 300 pieces of weapons and equipment that I haven't sold yet, just hang them here, I won't care about them."

Jiang Cheng has made a lot of money.

So many weapons and equipment made him earn nearly 600 million energy stones in total. If these 300 weapons and equipment in the trading area are sold, breaking through this barrier is not a problem.

"Six hundred million energy stones, rounded to ten billion, ninety-one dividends. So, I can get one hundred million!"

Easily earned a small goal.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Just as he was immersed in joy, a friend sent him a message.

The person who sent the message was the Angel Lord Yun Xi.

"Lord Jiang Cheng, my undercover in the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance sent a message saying that they are preparing to attack your territory tonight!"

"There are nearly five thousand lords participating in the war, and the total number of their troops has reached a terrifying five million."

"They seem to know the location of your territory, and they are ready to lead the army to attack your territory after arriving at the Vaslo Forest!"

"You should leave now!"

Five million troops, Yun Xi didn't know what this number meant.

Maybe it was because he was standing on the top of the mountain and looking far away, and he saw dense figures everywhere...

Five million troops...

Even five million pigs would be tricky.

I was exhausted from killing, and I was exhausted, but I couldn't finish killing.

Seeing the message she sent.

Jiang Cheng sat up straight and became interested immediately.

These guys dared to attack him, and brought 5 million troops.

"How did they know the location of my territory? My territory is an existence that even the false gods can't find. How can they find it?"

"Is it fake news?"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows. Fake news has harmed many people.

He replied to Yun Xi.

First he thanked her, and then said that he would find a way to avoid it.

After that, he walked out of the temple.

Atuo and Yalie had already dealt with the things on the spacecraft. Their faces were full of joy, happier than getting married.

Jiang Cheng called them over.


"This is the storage ring on those corpses. They are all in here, not one is missing."

The two took out an exquisite wooden box from their arms.

It was full of storage rings, each of higher quality, with a huge storage space, so there would be no need to worry about storing items in the future.

"Well done."

"Divide the blood from the corpses equally after you draw it out, and distribute the holy weapons and armor on them by yourselves, and you will be allocated one of these storage rings later."

It was useless for Jiang Cheng to take so many storage rings.

He planned to take the items inside and then distribute them.

Put the wooden box into the lord space.

He asked the two to try to contact Ye Qing and ask what the local Tianjiao is like now and where they are distributed.

Yatuo and Yalie closed their eyes to contact Ye Qing.

After a long time, the two opened their eyes.

"My Lord."

"Ye Qing said that those Tianjiao are all good-for-nothings who don't want to make progress. Most of them are still looking for succubi in the middle of the forest, or they are reluctant to come out of the elves' territory, and they seem to be planning to play for a few more days."

"The remaining few Tianjiao and she are still staying near Yunya Mountain. Among them are Tianjiao from Wan Yao Mountain and Tianjiao from other forces, totaling 26 forces."

"Another part is looking for invaders around, but most of them return empty-handed. It is estimated that by night, the number of Tianjiao forces in Yunya Mountain can reach 50."

Jiang Cheng sneered. They all stayed in the elves.

Although the elves are in decline, they are also a god-level force. I'm afraid these Tianjiao didn't achieve their goals, so they stayed there for a long time.

They are all playboys, so it's much easier to deal with.

But at present, we still need to deal with the Purple Winged Huanglong Alliance and the local forces entrenched in Yunya Mountain.

"In that case, you can have a dog-eat-dog fight tonight."

Jiang Cheng asked Yatuo and Yalie to pass the message to Ye Qing.

Let her walk at the end of the team at night.

Otherwise, walk in front, otherwise the body will be lost.

After explaining the matter.

Jiang Cheng ordered Yatuo and Yalie to return to the territory as soon as possible, and let them distribute the holy blood and improve the overall strength as soon as possible without delay.

With the activation of the blood clan altar.

Basically, all the blood clan warriors who can awaken have awakened, and most of them have awakened to platinum blood, and a few with good talents have awakened to dark gold blood.

Red gold is very rare.

After all, Jiang Cheng has invested a lot of resources in these warriors, plus the realm they have fought for with blood and sweat, and their combat experience is extremely rich.

If they awaken to red gold again, it will be really embarrassing.

After awakening, the vampire warriors are only one step away from the Saint level, while those who have not awakened are still at the ninth level, and there is still a long way to go before the Saint level.

However, after absorbing the blood of the Saints and Saint Kings on the spacecraft, there should be a significant improvement.

And the vampire warriors who were originally on the verge of breaking through to the Saint level can also break through to the Saint level.

Came to the statue of the Blood God Ancestor.

Jiang Cheng almost habitually sacrificed the Netherworld Blood Flame.

[Do you want to use the Blood God Ancestor Statue Activation Card? ]


The card in Jiang Cheng's hand turned into starlight and flowed into the chest of the statue. It seemed that some mechanism was triggered, and the statue began to move.

His eyes turned dully, and he didn't look very smart, nor as smart as Meng Li, and he looked stupid.

"Why... I... can't... move."

A hoarse voice came from his throat.

He struggled hard, but unfortunately he triggered the ban left by Anna, so that he couldn't even move his eyes or say a word.

[Statue of the Blood Clan Ancestor]

[Level: Great Saint]

[Current Status: Incomplete Holy Soul, Incomplete Memory, Low Mental State]

[Loyalty: 60 (There is a risk of rebellion at any time. Please persuade it with your heart and let it work for you)]

[This statue is a high-quality imitation of the Blood God Ancestor, almost identical. Its extremely low loyalty is a test for the lord. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to get a strong subordinate, you must take certain practical actions]

[Tip: The test is different. Some lords may get a high-quality imitation statue with 100% loyalty, some may need to go through trials, and some lords are not high-quality imitations]

[So please don't speculate about the situation of other people's statues. Each lord encounters different situations and has his own way of dealing with them]

Jiang Cheng nodded silently.

He took out the king's crown from the lord's warehouse.

He keenly noticed a change in the statue's eyes.

[Loyalty of the Ancestor Statue +2]

The statue is also his citizen.

Seeing him will also emerge with respect.

"You will work under me from now on, and you cannot have any other incorrect thoughts, such as the thought of rebellion or replacing me."

"I monitor your inner thoughts all the time."

"If you have such thoughts again, it will not only imprison you here, but also tie your special rope to hang on the tree, and use a special whip to severely whip your little sparrow!"

"I will not give you food for three days and three nights, and I will also imprison you next to us to watch us eat."

"If you want to drink water, I will only give you foot washing water. There are countless people with athlete's foot in our kingdom. Then I will let you taste them one by one to see which one is the best!"

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