Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 124: Divine Island Upgrade, Supreme Artifact

The statue turned pale.

So vicious!

Thinking of that scene, his face turned green.

Jiang Cheng snorted coldly.

"This is not the final torture. If you really don't obey, I will have someone kill you and refine you into an obedient puppet. Do you want to live or become a puppet?"

[Loyalty of the Blood God Ancestor Statue +20]

[Current loyalty 82 (usually looks very honest and works hard, but once the lord is in crisis, the loyalty will drop sharply)]

This is the limit of intimidation.

Jiang Cheng nodded. It was useless to continue talking. It was time to give him a sweet date to let him know that he was still very friendly to him.

"Okay, I'll find someone to lift the ban for you."

Jiang Cheng found Anna's clone.

Let her lift the ban on the statue.

"This is actually a high-quality imitation. It's really incredible. I once thought that this was the Blood God Ancestor himself turned into a statue and was ready to fight it."

Anna looked at the statue for a few times.

The other party was only at the Great Saint level, so even if she was just a clone, she could still suppress him with a wave of her hand, and there would be no waves.

After the ban was lifted.

The Blood God Ancestor statue glanced at Anna, and his eyes seemed full of hostility.

But he quickly lowered his head.

Because the other party was a god, that look gave him a splitting headache, and he couldn't look directly at him.

Anna burst out with divine power and pressed him to the ground.

"You are just a high imitation, not the Blood God Ancestor himself. If you have hostility towards this god, you must hide it in your heart. The majesty of God cannot be offended by you!"

Anna looked at the Blood God Ancestor statue with hostility in her eyes, and the relationship between the two did not seem to be very friendly.

It was also true that the two were once the supreme rulers of the blood clan.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, so it is natural that they will not be too friendly when they meet.

Moreover, as an empress, Anna has nothing to do with the Blood God Ancestor. It should have been after a bloody regime change that she sat on that position.

"Lord, how about I erase his memory and make him like a newborn baby?"

"Or I can erase his holy soul directly and refine him into an obedient puppet, but it will take some time. The materials can be dismantled from the spaceship."

After listening to Anna's words.

Jiang Cheng was a little at a loss, "Erase the memory first, I plan to let him work at night."

The statue of the Blood God Ancestor kept shaking.

It's a pity that the power of the Great Sage can't resist the power of God.


Anna slapped him on the back of his head.

At the same time, a divine power entered his brain.

In the blink of an eye, the statue's memory disappeared, but he himself fell into a coma.

When he wakes up, he should have no memory.

Jiang Cheng and Anna nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Jiang Cheng found Yatuo's girlfriend, who is the female cadre of the residential area. Now she has been nominated by Jiang Cheng as the general chairman of the residential area.

She is responsible for all affairs of the residential area.

Some militia teams are also under her jurisdiction.

Maybe it was because she fell in love, her expression was ruddy, and she was smiling all the time.

Jiang Cheng came to the residential area.

Wherever he went, the people all bowed.

They stared at him with burning eyes, full of admiration.

Jiang Cheng nodded, took them to an open space, and summoned all the houses and people obtained by upgrading.

And let the Atuo woman divide them into areas, and the old residential area should also be divided, so that it would be convenient to manage.

Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of people would be crowded together.

It would be too messy.

If it is divided into areas, they can also evaluate and compare with each other, and enhance the enthusiasm of the people.

Before leaving, Jiang Cheng took out the vampire warrior transformation pool.

The area is planned with this transformation pool as the center.

A statue of him should be built at an important location in each area, so that the people can see him every day and worship him every day.

Provide a huge amount of faith power!

Jiang Cheng felt that the power of faith had begun to surge at this time, but he hadn't seen it yet.

Left the residential area.

Jiang Cheng found the green radish.

She was sitting next to Mengli, playing with Mengli's golden crown.

I don't know what she did.

Mengli sat on the ground, her face flushed, her brows furrowed, as if she was doubting her life.

Jiang Cheng looked at her height, and then looked at Luluo.

"Luluo, I'm going to upgrade the Sky God Island. You should be ready and cover the surroundings with mental power so that the outside world can't sense the existence of the Sky God Island."


Luluo was delighted and nodded fiercely.

She was naturally the happiest one when the Sky God Island was upgraded.

She opened the concealment of the God Island to the extreme.

Now the outside air can't flow into it, and the entrance and exit are also closed.

At the same time, Luluo's mental power covers the entire Sky God Island.

And the periphery is wrapped by Anna's mental power.

In this way, even if the Sky God Island breaks out in a war of gods, as long as the divine power does not spill out, the outside world will not be able to detect any movement.

[Do you want to upgrade the supreme artifact Sky God Island? ]


There was no particularly big movement as Jiang Cheng imagined, only a slight tremor.

The end of the Divine Island is constantly extending to the horizon.

In addition, Jiang Cheng felt that the flow of holy energy in his body seemed to have accelerated a lot.

The sky was filled with rosy clouds and mist.

It was as if he was in a fairyland.

This scene was extremely shocking to the people in the territory. They were surprised and felt that they had no regrets in their lives to see such a beautiful scenery.

At the same time, they were full of infinite gratitude to Jiang Cheng.

Countless powers of faith emerged.

The stone of faith flashed with a dim light, as if it was lit up by this endless power of faith.

And Luluo was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time.

She was wrapped in a layer of green light.

The breath was rising.

But she restrained it very well and did not let it overflow.

As the companion spirit of the Sky God Island, she could not leave the island, but if an enemy descended on the island, she could combine her own power with the power of the God Island to send out extremely terrifying power to suppress the enemy.

[Upgrade successful! 】

【Sky God Island】

【Supreme Artifact】

【The supreme artifact that can make the lord's power transcend the mainland, with absolute defense power, even if the true god descends, it is difficult to break it instantly】

【Light of God Island: Sky God Island can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars into energy, and launch an attack comparable to the god level】

【Cooling time: one month】

【Space jump: can move from one place to another instantly, the maximum distance is 10,000 miles】

【Cooling time: one month】

【Land of Blessing: A special air will be produced on the Sky God Island. Living on the God Island, the physique will be greatly improved and improved, and the cultivation speed on the island is twice that of the normal period (can be superimposed with the territory amplification building)】

【Time field: You can select an area on the God Island to make its internal time flow five times that of the outside world, with a maximum area limit of 20 square kilometers】

【Intercepted land: You can select an area under the God Island and teleport all its creatures to the special area of ​​the God Island. The strength of the teleported creatures will be suppressed to one-third of the original, and they will not be able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth】

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