Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 202 The terrifying giant hand

Take advantage of this time.

Jiang Cheng summoned the god-level battleship.

The length of this battleship alone reached two thousand feet.

Although it is not as good as the irrelevant crack in front of it, its hardness can be used as a barrier. You can even go in to have a cup of tea and rest for a while when you are tired.

After all, this battleship can withstand attacks below the first-level god, and its defense is extremely strong. At present, the abyss monsters that ran out of the cracks can't cause much impact at all.

I can only stay outside and bark helplessly.

I took a look at the world channel.

The lords of some areas have fought with the abyss monsters, and the battle is in full swing, and there have been a small number of casualties.

Enter the battleship.

Jiang Cheng only took a brief look at the introduction of this battleship, and did not go in to check it out in person.

As Jiang Cheng, Anna and others walked into it.

The whole battleship lit up instantly.

All the passages and corridors were lit up.

A white ball of light appeared in front of them.

The voice of a delicate little girl came from inside.

"Master, hello."

"I am the spirit of this warship - Youyou."

"Youyou can help you do anything as long as you tell me to. Since this is your first time here, Youyou will take you to visit the warship first."

A pair of smiling eyes appeared on the white light ball.

It kept blinking and looked quite cute.

It looked a bit like a white slime.

"Okay, then you lead the way."

Jiang Cheng nodded.

With Youyou's leadership, Jiang Cheng and others visited the entire warship.

Rather than saying that this is a god-level warship, it is better to call it an independent small world.

The operation room of the warship only occupies a small part.

The rest are some leisure places, as well as places for cultivation, simulated environments...

But energy stones are needed to activate these places.

If all these places are activated, the energy stones consumed every day will reach 20 billion.

If they are activated while firing artillery attacks.

The energy stones consumed will be at least 50 billion.

The three billion energy stones mentioned in the previous introduction are only for this warship to stay here motionless, maintaining a series of basic facilities such as lights.

This huge gold-eating beast makes Jiang Cheng very helpless.

Fortunately, he is rich, otherwise such a big iron lump can only be used as a decoration and cannot be started at all.

However, Youyou told Jiang Cheng a good news.

That is, this warship can be upgraded, and then it will not need energy stones, and it can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars to maintain consumption.

But one of the conditions is very harsh.

That is a star source, the origin of the planet.

It is necessary to destroy a continent and break open the objects that can only be found inside it.

In Jiang Cheng's current situation, it is impossible to get this thing. At least he must have the ability to explore the universe.

Unfortunately, he can only stay in the Vaslo Forest at present.

Rash expansion may attract the attention of other forces on the continent, which is very troublesome. At that time, a bloody storm will definitely be inevitable.

Countless forces will come to trouble him.

This must include the human race.

After all, they are currently the strongest force on the continent, and they are at their peak, forcing other races to avoid their edge and retreat in order to seek peace.

He is also a member of the human race.

He will feel uncomfortable to fight with the human race in a great war, which will destroy the mountains and rivers and cause mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The space inside the warship reaches 20,000 square kilometers.

If there is no Youyou, they may all be lost in the cabins.

Just then.

The warship suddenly shook.

"What happened?"

"Is it a monster coming? Hahaha, I can't wait to go out and fight!"

"Finally, I can stretch my muscles. It's best to fight for a few days and nights!"

"That's right. It's meaningless to fight with those local forces during the day. They died after a few moves, so we dare not use too much strength."

The blood warriors looked excited.

Full of fighting spirit, they can't wait to rush out and fight now.

Jiang Cheng looked at the white ball beside him, "Youyou, can you turn the screen so that we can see what's going on outside?"

"No problem, Master!"

After that, five light blue screens appeared in front of Jiang Cheng and the others, reflecting the images of the southeast, northwest, and above the warship.

There was almost no change in other directions.

The problem was the huge crack.

I saw fingers stuck on the crack, forcibly expanding the crack to a higher level.

The distance between the two fingers was a terrifying tens of kilometers.

It's hard to imagine how huge the owner of these hands is.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this? The distance between the fingers alone is so far, how big is his body!"

"This monster is not going to tear this crack apart alive, how is this possible!"

Lily and Mengli exclaimed.

After all, the two were still children. They looked pale at this scene, covered their mouths, and their eyes were full of shock.

Anna didn't speak, but her eyes were rarely full of solemnity, and she couldn't help but frowned slightly.

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