Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 203: Trying to absorb the breath of the abyss

An angry roar came from the other side of the cosmic crack.

The monster's fingers tried hard to turn around.

But it was blocked by an invisible force.

It roared unwillingly, and then retracted its fingers.

Under the blessing of this invisible force, the crack that was torn open at a height of 10,000 meters shrank back a little.

It seemed to have noticed this.

The monster on the opposite side punched the cosmic crack twice angrily. Although no substantial energy was transmitted, layers of air waves were generated.

The tens of millions of god-level warships were forcibly moved back 10,000 meters by these air waves, and a deep gully was plowed on the ground, like a canal.

As the movement of this terrible monster subsided.

Countless sharp and piercing sounds of monsters came from the void cracks, and these sounds became louder and louder, and the movements they made were getting closer and closer.

All the lords on the continent heard this situation clearly. They were extremely frightened in their hearts and fought desperately with the crazy abyss monsters around them.

At the same time, they asked about the situation on the world channel.

Not only were they afraid.

The top lords and super lords were also terrified.

They were all within a thousand miles of the crack, and the giant hands were so huge that it was hard for them not to see them.

And it wasn't just one pair of giant hands.

There were dozens of pairs, filling the entire crack.

The reminder in his mind before indicated that if they didn't clean up the abyss monsters on the continent in time, the monsters coming out of the crack would become more and more numerous and stronger.

Maybe after a while.

These extremely huge guys would come out from the other side of the crack and smash the continent under their feet into pieces with one palm.

And by that time, they would also die.

For this unknown fear, everyone felt a little cold in their hearts.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng stood up at the critical moment.

"Don't worry, everyone. There is an invisible force in the crack that stops these monsters. As long as we work together to eliminate the monsters on the continent, the monsters on the other side of the crack will not be able to escape."

"Besides, if these monsters escape, we, the super lords and top lords, will definitely be the first to attack. We will definitely suffer before you."

The other super lords and top lords echoed.

Although they felt inexplicably unhappy to let them die first.

But the most important thing at the moment is to stabilize morale.

Let the other lords calm down and continue fighting.

Don't be frightened by fear.

After a few words, the lords who were so scared that their legs were weak and ready to run away immediately calmed down and fought again with fear in their hearts.

Jiang Cheng and others are about to join the battle.

The movement on the other side of the crack is getting louder and louder.

I don't know how many abyss monsters are rushing over.

All the blood clan warriors left the warship.

What came out in advance was a very strong abyss breath, which contained negative emotions such as killing, erosion, and madness, as if to infect the soul and exterminate all the creatures between heaven and earth.

As the breath overflowed.

The ground under his feet became more purple and black.

I'm afraid it has eroded under the surface.

Even the environment of heaven and earth has changed because of this.

No wonder the announcement asked them to bring enough energy stones. It is difficult to restore the energy consumed by the body in this environment.

The energy stones mined on this continent cannot absorb the energy inside, unless you want to become like the abyss monster.


Everyone present subconsciously operated the holy power and condensed a layer of protective shield around their bodies to isolate these abyss breaths, and then they felt physically and mentally comfortable.

However, Anna did not start to defend.

Instead, she tried to absorb this abyss breath.

Some of the negative emotions such as killing and madness were absorbed by her, and the rest of the breath was expelled from her body.

"More than half of this breath is in line with my killing law, which is really amazing. If all these breaths are absorbed, my law power will be further improved!"

These breaths are not too strong.

Under the purification of Anna's divine power, some of the breath inside was evaporated, and the rest of the breath can be absorbed.

Hula la~~

Anna operated the spell, and a huge breath quickly poured into her body, permeating her limbs, even every cell, and merging with her law.

An extremely huge vortex appeared above her.

Endless abyss breath was absorbed by her.

The purple-black ground was unconsciously stained with scarlet, and then turned into blood soil all over the sky. Wisps of dark red light emerged from the ground, and the air was filled with a killing wind that could cut the body of God at will.

Before, Anna's killing law was the ultimate killing.

And now there are some strange emotions.

Staying in there for a while, you may become emotionally crazy, not recognizing your relatives, and become a monster who only knows how to kill.

The abyss breath within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was completely absorbed.

If the abyss monster had not run out of the crack, Anna might have continued.

A dark, extremely thick gas mass condensed on one of her hands.

Like a very dangerous bomb.

I'm afraid that throwing it out can turn tens of millions of lives into dry bones in an instant.

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