The warship arrived at the front line of defense.

The huge ship emerged from the void.

It was hard not to pay attention.

After the lords of the five major alliances discovered this scene, they hurried over through the teleportation array, followed by many top lords and senior lords.

These guys behind were just acting as the atmosphere group to boost the arrogance of their alliance, and there was no other purpose.

The warship stopped facing these lords.

Hundreds of deep and huge gun muzzles on it were aimed at them, like the mouths of prehistoric beasts, ready to devour their lives at any time.

"Humph, it's just a trick, I don't believe this guy really dares to fire at us!"

"That's right, if we die, the defense line will collapse without attack, and Jiang Cheng will be unable to take care of such a big gap. In the end, won't he end up like us?"

Looking at the morale of the atmosphere group behind him falling.

Several top lords spoke up to reassure them.

Now they want to force the palace.

Force Jiang Cheng to spit out all the materials of 5 billion energy stones that he had embezzled before, and give a certain amount of compensation, otherwise they will never leave today!

A breeze blew by.

The leaders of the five major alliances looked extremely ugly.

They had been waiting outside for ten minutes, but Jiang Cheng didn't show any expression!

They waited outside foolishly.

Jiang Cheng turned a blind eye and treated them as if they didn't exist.

He didn't go out to negotiate with them.

He didn't invite them in to sit down.

Which of the five of them was not a super lord with extreme military power, but Jiang Cheng looked down on them so much, and even despised them directly!

At this time, the members of the five major alliances felt that they were lackeys in the court, and the top lords and super lords in front were powerful officials in the court.

Jiang Cheng was the supreme emperor who was in the ninth position.

At this time, he was staying in the gentle place of the harem.

He dressed and washed under the service of concubines and palace maids, enjoyed delicious food, and then came out to meet them...

Thinking of this, these alliance members felt so aggrieved in their hearts. To be honest, they didn't want to get involved in the fight between these big guys.

After all, the cases of the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance and the Demon Alliance were vividly in front of them.

The super lords are fine.

The ones who suffered were the middle and lower lords.

They were just victims of the fight between the big guys.

The big guys can get the most benefits from the fight, and they can withdraw calmly in case of unexpected accidents. Basically, there will be no damage and they can recover after a period of time.

The benefits obtained by the middle and lower lords are all obtained through layers of exploitation. Not only that, they also have to bear huge risks. If they are not careful, they will lose both their money and their lives.

But if there is no other way, who is willing to do these things?

These alliance members sighed helplessly.

The world of the middle and lower lords is so difficult.

"Jiang Cheng, come out!"

"Jiang Cheng, you old swindler, you cheated us many times before, and this time you cheated us of items worth 1 billion energy stones, which is simply too much!"

"If you don't pay back the money this time, none of us will buy the items you sell in the Lord's Trading Zone in the future, and we will jointly boycott you!"

"That's right, our alliances will also put pressure on you from other aspects. You are only popular in terms of weapons and equipment, but we can attack you from the aspects of talismans, formations, and elixirs!"

"Humph, if you don't pay back the money today, we will stay here and the army on the defense line will withdraw, allowing the abyss monsters to march straight in!"

"Since you are not good enough, we will not pretend to be friendly with you. We are all for our own interests. Now that the interests are not distributed equally, we might as well show our fists and see whose is bigger!"

"Each of our five major alliances has millions of members, and the number of troops under them adds up to tens of billions. Even if you have all the means, you will find it difficult to deal with such a huge difference in amount, right?"

"Even if you have some trump cards that we can't deal with, how many times can you use your trump cards? We are different. Our army can come to you one after another and fight to the death!"

The top lords and super lords below chattered non-stop.

Just when they thought Jiang Cheng was not going to pay attention to them, the muzzles on both sides of the warships emitted a little bit of colored starlight...

What is going on? !

A heart-pounding breath came out of the muzzles.

These lords were so scared that their faces turned green. At this time, they didn't know what Jiang Cheng was going to do, so they just restarted.

"Damn it, Jiang Cheng is going to attack us, how can this be possible, is he really going to die with us on this continent?!"

"Damn, is this guy crazy? If he kills us, who will resist the abyss monsters? When the abyss monsters control the star source, won't he die too?"

"Don't we force him into a corner? This shouldn't be the case. This guy has earned so many energy stones in the trading zone. I don't believe he can't come up with 5 billion. What's more, these energy stones should have belonged to us. I'm really pissed off!"

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