Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 219 White Tiger Lord's Plan

These lords were angry and scared.

The frustration in their hearts could not be described in words.

They just wanted to collect a debt.

But the other party attacked directly without saying anything.

Is there any law?

This is a naked gangster!

The lords of the five major alliances gnashed their teeth. They did not bring many people with them. It was impossible to resist so many artillery at the same time without suffering damage.

And these artillery can definitely fire the second and third rounds... until the energy of the battleship is exhausted!

Each of these artillery can penetrate the holy body and kill holy creatures. These small ones are so terrifying. These lords even began to suspect that the largest artillery in the middle of the battleship could kill the true god with its attack!

"Damn Jiang Cheng, how dare he do that!"

"I didn't expect this guy to be such a scoundrel. I shouldn't have come to collect debts!"

"I am so wise and brave, but I will die here today. I want to cry. I hope I can return to Earth after death and never be a time traveler again!"

Boom boom boom~

A series of light blue artillery fire dragged a long rainbow towards the lords of the five major alliances, like a fairy scattering flowers, so beautiful.

The members of the five major alliances summoned their trump cards one after another.

They didn't dare to look at the blue long rainbows in front of them.

They were so scared that they clenched their teeth, and even their facial expressions were distorted, looking extremely hideous.

The scorching temperature passed over their heads.

The imagined explosion did not happen.

The members of the five major alliances watched the hundreds of blue missiles whizzing past their heads and rushed to the flat ground in the distance.

The plain in the distance was empty.

But the next second, the abyss aura in the sky rose from the ground.

It seemed to come out of thin air.

The abyss aura that covered the sky and the sun suddenly emerged, very thick, completely covering the sky and the earth. It was like the scene before the rainstorm, when the dark clouds covered the sky.

The roars of the abyss monsters came from afar.

They didn't know how many abyss monsters came.

But the movement from afar made the sand and stones on the ground jump slightly.

Just Jiang Cheng's side was like this, and it was estimated that their defense line was in a similar situation...

But thinking of the embarrassing defense scene just now.

The members of the five major alliances gnashed their teeth in anger.

They wanted to rush into the warship and fight Jiang Cheng to death!

Especially those lords who used a one-time defense.

They were so angry that they almost fainted on the spot.

This was their trump card to save their lives.

But now Jiang Cheng played him like a monkey and used it directly, without any effect at all, just like a special effect on himself.

Thinking of this, these lords were crying blood in their hearts.

The lords of the five major alliances were also angry.

The White Tiger Lord had a calm expression and said, "Let's put this matter aside for now. The most important goal at the moment is to return to the defense line and kill the abyss monsters that are invading."

Hearing this, the faces of the other lords suddenly became ugly.

Jiang Cheng insulted them like this.

How could they tolerate this?

A series of crazy ideas grew in their minds.

"You are crazy. Jiang Cheng is playing us like monkeys, and we are still foolishly defending the abyss monsters. This guy must be the one who laughs the happiest after working so hard!"

"I think we should stay here. Anyway, we will die anyway. Let's just cooperate with the abyss monsters to destroy Jiang Cheng's warships and die together!"

"This guy just relies on his own strength, so he doesn't take us seriously at all. We must teach him a lesson!"

The White Tiger Lord smiled and waved his hand.

Signed everyone to be quiet.

He took out an object that looked like a barrier.

Place it around several people.

This object can block the detection of all creatures below the god level. If someone talks inside, outsiders can't hear what they are saying unless there are gods eavesdropping.

It is also impossible to judge by the shape of their mouths.

"Listen to me first. It is totally unwise to confront Jiang Cheng head-on at the moment."

"I suggest that everyone go back and let the semi-god soldiers under their command kill the enemy, gain experience, and seek opportunities for breakthroughs!"

"Jiang Cheng obviously doesn't have a god in his hand, otherwise he would have attacked Xingyuan long ago. It is impossible for him to just drive the warship to the vicinity of Xingyuan and do nothing."

"Wait until we kill the abyss monsters and the soldiers in our hands break through the realm and become gods. At that time, the gods in our five hands will add up to an extremely terrifying force!"

"When that time comes, we will take action against Jiang Cheng, settle new and old grudges together, and make him look bad!"

Hearing this plan, the eyes of several lords lit up.

They thought this plan was quite good.

At present, lords will no longer be sent back to their territories when they fight each other.

This means that they can deal with Jiang Cheng here!

At that time, everything Jiang Cheng has will burst out. When they return to the original continent, they can also use a series of relationships to come to the Vaslo Forest where Jiang Cheng is.

Reclaim his territory and divide up all the assets in his territory!

They know how rich Jiang Cheng is.

The energy stones earned by the other party in the Lord Trading Zone can be measured in trillions!

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