"Jiang Cheng, what do you want to do!"

"Let me go! If you dare to attack me, our leader will not let you go!"

A senior lord was tied up by Yale in an extremely shameful posture. His cultivation was sealed, so he couldn't break free.

The room was dark.

The dim yellow light shone on him.

Like a criminal being interrogated.

Jiang Cheng sat opposite him, his face showing no joy or anger. Behind him stood two fierce, tall and mighty blood clan warriors with a strong smell of blood.

After recognizing the situation, the senior lord's breath suddenly waned.

He was thinking fast.

In Jiang Cheng's eyes, he was just a rookie. Now the other party didn't kill him but tied him here, treating him like a prisoner, obviously wanting to get something from him.

The senior lord swallowed his saliva.

He thought it would be better for him to be honest.

From the classics, he learned that some strong people can search their souls through special mental power methods to get the desired results.

This method is applied to others.

It is very likely to cause irreparable mental trauma, split personality, mental disorder, idiocy and other side effects.

After thinking it through, the senior lord did not hesitate and said directly: "Jiang Cheng... Sir, I can give you whatever you want, intelligence, energy stones, as long as I have them, I will give them to you. I beg you to let me live. My cheap life is not worth much at all!"

Another honest man.

Jiang Cheng nodded with satisfaction. He did not do anything to many lords, so he took the initiative to explain the matter without any hesitation.

"I don't need you to do anything, just hand over all the items on your body."

In the reluctant expression of the senior lord.

A pile of storage rings appeared out of thin air on the low table in front of him.

With previous experience, Jiang Cheng had a general understanding of how much wealth these senior lords had.

This senior lord obviously did not hide much.

Even some of his clothes were handed over.

Jiang Cheng was not the kind of person who would kill him. After returning his underwear to him, he asked Yalie to throw it outside the battleship.

Yalie looked fierce, grabbed the senior lord's arm and pulled him out, scratching his arm.

When the senior lord was not paying attention.

A drop of blood flowed into the broken skin...

Almost every lord who was thrown out of the warship was treated like this.

They dared to be angry but did not speak, but there was no burning pain in their arms, but a constant itching sensation came out, as if they were bitten by a mosquito.

They did not think much.

They quickly took the soldiers waiting outside the warship and left this barren land, preparing to return to the territory to recuperate, and report to their own leader.

Jiang Cheng treated them like this.

These lords were naturally angry.

When Jiang Cheng was dealing with these lords.

Anna was refining the law of anger that overflowed from the corpse of the demon lord. These negative emotions were integrated into her small world, which was quite wonderful.

In the future, if there are creatures with lower cultivation than hers who are imprisoned in this small world.

Then they will become extremely angry and lose their minds without knowing it.

This corpse cannot be wasted either.

The demon body is made of the essence and soul of countless demons. It is a supreme physique.

If the divine blood inside is refined by Jiang Cheng.

It will be of great benefit to his physique.

The two were busy with their own things.

The star source in the center of the continent seemed to have entered a mature period.

A series of chaotic mists spread with colorful rays of light.

The extremely hot light burst out from the inside of the star source.

It illuminated the whole world.

One after another, majestic and magnificent, blue-brown mountains rose from the ground, and spiritual plants and young creatures began to grow on them.

There were also excellent energy stone mines, and large areas of pure energy stones were exposed on the plains, waiting for others to develop.

The air was filled with fairy spirits, and the spirits were rising, as if there were dragons and phoenixes, and there were strange visions everywhere, turning into a blessed land suitable for living creatures to live.

It felt like the beginning of the world.

The eyes of the lords who had not left were wide open.

It seemed that cement was poured on their feet, and they could not move a step.

Their eyes were full of greed, covetousness, and yearning.

They wanted to rush over and occupy a mountain range and take it for themselves.

These spiritual plants are all born naturally, and their quality is many times better than that of acquired ones!

Take them back and cultivate them for a while.

Maybe one plant can make ordinary creatures evolve their blood and become saints.

Those energy stones are even rarer.

This is a mine produced in the center of the continent. The quality of energy stones is several times higher than that of remote areas, not to mention that this kind of mine is likely to produce colorful divine stones in the future.

This is the supreme treasure used for refining tools!

Even if you don’t use it to refine tools, just leaving it there to produce energy stones by itself is a considerable income every day!

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