For a moment, these lords' eyes were red, and they wanted to rush over immediately.

It's a pity that Anna's voice poured cold water on them.

"If you stand here and don't leave, do you think you won't leave or do you need me to send you off?"

"I'm not that capable of sending you back to my territory. I can only send you to Hades and Hell."

A vast ocean-like divine power swept over.

The remaining lords felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave and broke out in cold sweat. It seemed that they were afraid that Anna would kill someone and silence them, so they quickly left the abyss battlefield.

Jiang Cheng also knew something about what was happening in the outside world.

He saw the spiritual plants all over the mountains in the distance, as if he were looking at a treasure mountain filled with endless wealth, waiting for him to discover it.

"With so many spiritual plants, if they are cultivated by the elves and then refined into items such as elixirs, they will surely be able to make huge profits from them."

"If this happens, the five major alliances will be furious again, and the originally good elixir business will be completely disrupted by me, leaving no profit at all."

Some elves among the elves also have the ability to refine elixirs. Although this efficiency is not very high, the refining techniques are definitely first-class.

After all, he came from the Elf Empire.

What he carries must be the alchemy technique of the Elf Empire.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the tied lords in the hall behind him. The rest of the lords were sent away by him, leaving behind all the lords from the five major alliances who were good at refining weapons, alchemy, and making talisman formations.

These guys are looking bad at the moment.

But the potential that can be unleashed through cultivation is still great.

At present, the lords of these guys have been relocated near the top lords in the major leagues.

Protected by top lords.

On the surface, it is a shelter, but it is better to say that it is a supervisor.

Although my life was relatively smooth, I was restricted in every aspect, and sometimes I had to suffer the consequences of being dumb. I couldn't resist, so I could only sulk secretly.

Dignity is only possessed on the basis of strength.

Where do these guys get the strength to fight against the top lords?

On weekdays, I basically work for the top lords for free, and spend every day free of charge on the things they refine.

I have long been filled with resentment.

Jiang Cheng ordered people to loosen their bonds.

Then he ordered someone to serve fresh meals.

He planned to use these lords to obtain the coordinates of the teleportation arrays of the top lords, defeat them one by one, and implant blood seeds.

Gradually eliminate the five major alliances.

Let the five of them be the polished commanders.

Naturally, the people under him could only do things for him, Jiang Cheng.

For example, the lords in front of them were devouring fresh meals. They didn't know that the cup of black tea in front of them contained the blood of vampire warriors.

After they drink it, they will be controlled by him unknowingly, and they can only do things for him in the future.

Now Yatuo and others have reached the level of demigods, or even the peak of demigods, and their ability to infect has also been strengthened.

The blood in the body is full of activity.

After these lords drank the black tea in front of them, it would not take long for their blood to be infected.

"Everyone, you must have a hard time under the oppression of the five major alliances, right?"

"In that case, how about you join me, Mr. Jiang?"

Eat and drink enough.

Jiang Cheng started talking about business.

Take refuge in Jiang Cheng?

The lords present here became serious. Their life was indeed becoming more and more difficult under the pressure of the five major alliances, especially the lords responsible for refining weapons.

The senior leaders of the five major leagues basically don't treat them as human beings.

They were abandoned after losing their market.

All the previous promises have turned into nothing.

The lord responsible for protecting them looked at them very ugly, as if they were looking at a pile of garbage.

Other lords also saw this scene.

They know that they are still valuable, so they will not be oppressed in that way.

But who can predict the future?

Maybe one day they will lose their use value.

It will also be thrown away like garbage.

There was even news in the alliance that a weapon-refining lord was dissatisfied with the decision of the alliance's top management and was cut into pieces with extremely cruel methods.

Afterwards, the body was dumped directly in the wild.

There are still birds and animals passing by that pick it up.

It can be said that there is no complete corpse.

"Jiang Cheng, you damn girl, don't try to sow discord between us and the alliance. If you are smart enough, let us go as soon as possible. Otherwise, if our alliance leader becomes stronger, your nest will be razed to the ground!"

"That's right, our lord only suffered a temporary defeat. Currently, you only have one strong man in your hands, while we have dozens of lords. Over time, you will definitely be surpassed by our lords!"

"You want us to work hard for you, bah!"

Several loyal lackeys were dissatisfied with Jiang Cheng's words.

He stood up and yelled.

A vampire warrior standing behind snorted coldly. The standing lords exploded into blood mist on the spot, and the hot blood splashed on the heads of the other lords.

Let their minds tremble and their bodies tremble.

They couldn't even detect when the vampire warrior took action, and there was no fluctuation at all.

As if with a thought, he killed several lords.

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