"How about it"

"Have the goblins been attracted here?"

Yato looked at a vampire warrior behind him.

The warrior was about to shake his head.

A militiaman came running over from a distance.

"Team leader Yato, a group of goblins came from a distance. There were not many of them, about 20 people. They seemed to be responsible for patrolling."

"Perhaps because they were afraid of the wild monsters in the forest, this group of goblins walked very slowly, giving us enough time to sneak up behind them and knock them out!"

"Okay, all of you go help!"

"We must get behind them and knock them out. The action must be quick, accurate and ruthless. If they see our appearance, we will kill them directly!"

Yato waved his hand, and the vampire warriors present immediately took action.

He and Jack continued to make noise.

Hunting wild monsters is one of the tasks today.

Fishing law enforcement is another task.

In the jungle, rustling sounds kept approaching the goblin team.

When they were one kilometer away from the goblin team, the sound suddenly disappeared.

The whole forest became extremely silent, without even the sound of birds, which made people feel cold.

The goblin team leaned down and heard the sound of fighting again in the distance.

In their hearts, they couldn't help but greet the goblins who made the noise.

"Why is this guy fighting again, and the noise is getting louder and louder, just let him be swallowed by the wild monster in one gulp!"

The goblin captain who was walking at the end of the team couldn't help but complain.

Suddenly, a blood clan warrior hanging upside down on a tree appeared behind him.

One hand was pressed on his head, and the other hand turned into a hand knife, slashing at the aorta on the side of the goblin captain's neck quickly and accurately, knocking him out in an instant.

Then the hand on his head pinched the goblin captain's neck and lifted him up the tree.

The whole action was smooth and without any delay.

There was no sound either. It was obviously a habitual offender.

The other blood clan warriors hanging on the tree were not bad either, and they knocked out the goblin at the end one after another.

""Captain, are we going to leave or not?"

The fighting in front had stopped. The goblin who was walking in the front turned back and asked in fear.

There was no other way...

If something happened, he would be the first to be affected.

But when he looked back, he was stunned.

The brothers behind him, including the captain, had all disappeared.

Just as he was wondering if the captain had led his men to escape in advance, a knife came at him. The goblin rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground.

Then, the blood warrior cut several holes in the hidden parts of the goblin's body, dripped a drop of blood into it, and merged with it.

According to their experiments, large-scale Implant the blood species.

It will infect faster than implanting the blood species in only one place.

He Yuan's chess piece will not work for the time being.

Let him transform slowly.

But these goblins are different. They are the top strategic target, and the dosage must be increased!

After doing this, the blood clan warriors scattered them everywhere.

Atuo came over at this time.

He took out more than twenty"zongzi" from the storage ring.

He took apart these"zongzi" and poured the contents around the goblins.

There are feces of various level 4 and level 5 monsters in it.

Pouring these next to the goblins can prevent them from being targeted by passing monsters and losing their lives.

"Humph, you are really lucky. This is excellent fertilizer. If you could not become the pawns of the Lord, I would not be willing to give it up to save your lives!"

After doing all this,

Yatuo led his men to another area.

There was a group of beasts over there. The beast king was a level 6 wild monster. The two of them wanted to find a chance to bite it down!


On the other side,

Yale also set his sights on a group of beasts with a level 6 beast king, and was ready to take it down.

"How about we go and take down this herd of beasts?"

Yale smiled and looked at Lily next to him.

The little girl had privileges.

Yale had to ask for her consent for such a risky move.


"It's too risky. You are only in the late five-star stage now. I don't think you have much chance of winning against a level six wild monster!"

Lili felt that it was inappropriate. She was entrusted with an important task by Jiang Cheng, so she had to play a role and could not disappoint the lord's expectations of her!

"How can you say that I have a low chance of winning? You have just seen my strength. Killing a five-star monster is as easy as killing a chicken. Then a level six monster should be easy to kill as well."

Then Yale continued to persuade him,"And if Yatuo and Jack lead a team to do the mission together, they might kill a six-star monster on the way. After all, they are stronger than us."

"Then, the credit will definitely go to them. After all, they took a level 6 beast core, and the lord will definitely praise them, but we may not get such praise.……"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's praise, Lily's heart was moved.

Jiang Cheng had always treated her like a child, giving in to her in many things.

He would not let her take risks in many things.

Although the little girl said cheerfully, she always wanted to prove herself in her heart.

Moreover, not long ago, after killing a five-star wild monster, she was promoted to five-star and possessed impressive strength...

After staring at Yatuo for a while,

Lily found that this guy's mind had not changed.

She could only deliberately sigh:"Okay, then let's try it. If we can't defeat it, we must retreat as soon as possible!"

"And you must be the last one to come!"

Yalie smiled and patted his chest.

"Don't worry, if you can't win, I am willing to be your backup and cover your collective evacuation." After killing the wild monsters for half a day, and deliberately killing people

, the weakest member of Yale's team has the strength of three stars.

In addition to him and Lily, there is also a blood clan warrior from the first batch.

Under the effect of the blood enhancement pill, his blood level has reached the gold level, and his strength level has also broken through to five stars.

He has a good strength.

After some discussion, the three of them ordered the accompanying militia team to withdraw to the safe area that had been cleared.

After that, Lily was responsible for leading the blood clan warriors to resist those small wild monsters, and Yatuo and the blood clan warrior were responsible for killing the sixth-level beast king.

"If you two can't do it, you can call me."

"I am not weak either!"

Lily clenched her fist.

Yale and the member smiled but said nothing.

The order was passed on.

Yatuo walked at the front of the team, quietly groped over, and observed the situation of the herd.

The herd in front was the Swift Tigers.

There were not many, about a hundred.

The tiger king was high up, lazily lying on the highest stone, his strong muscles highlighting his kingly aura.

The stones below were basically all female tigers.

There were about nine, and their strength was about five stars.

On the grass at the bottom were male and female, most of whom were the offspring of the tiger king, or the Swift Tigers who came to seek refuge with him because of their humble status.

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