"How is it, are you confident?"

Lily looked at Yale.

The Swift Tigers were strong in strength and speed, comparable to some high-level soldiers. Once they were angered and targeted, it would be difficult to escape.

Unless they were beaten to fear

, they would be afraid to chase.

"Don't worry, I'll lead the charge!"

After saying that, Yalie roared and rushed to the grass.

With three punches and two kicks, he knocked away several Swift Tigers, causing them to collapse on the ground, dying.


The tiger king at the top roared angrily when he saw this.

Although it was its lackeys who were beaten away, beating a dog also depends on the master!

Its black eyes were filled with anger.

It flashed with a humane cold light.

Any creature will undergo a qualitative change after reaching six stars.

This qualitative change is not only in strength, but also in intelligence.

Thinking back to when this Swift Tiger was still five stars, it had not yet opened its mind. It only knew how to sleep in all day and hunt prey to fill its stomach when it was hungry.

But after it reached six stars, it immediately realized the truth of tiger life.

It found nine tigresses in various parts of the forest, six of which were snatched from other tigers.

After it opened its mind, it became the tiger king in just a few years, with a lot of tiger sons and grandsons under its command, and it can be said that it has reached the peak of tiger life! Just when it was in high spirits.

Yale came to kill him. In this case, how could the tiger king bear it? The two of them had a disagreement and immediately fought fiercely in the open space next to them.

The limbs of the tiger are very developed.

Yale, who only has five stars, did not get much advantage


Lily condensed a blood-red energy sword in her hand.

She spread out her golden blood wings and led her blood clan warriors to kill the tigers.

Half of the thirty blood clan warriors had taken the strengthening fruit.

They all rushed to the front to relieve the pressure on the brothers behind.

When facing the swift tiger, they showed their strong strength. With their fists and feet, a swift tiger was knocked into the forest.


Above, nine tigresses roared together.

The roar resounded through the sky, making people's ears hurt.

With the nine tigresses joining the battlefield, the one-sided situation ended.

Next, it was up to the top forces of both sides to compete.

""Blood and Seven Kills!"

Lily's petite figure rushed towards a tigress at a high speed.

Wherever she passed, the swift tigers broke into two without even a scream.

One sword pierced the head of a three-star swift tiger.

Another sword cut a four-star swift tiger in half.

As Anna's carefully trained disciple, Lily has many means that vampire warriors don't have, and her current strength has reached five stars.

If she attacks with all her strength, I'm afraid that Atuo, Yalie and others will not get much advantage from the little girl.

Blood and Seven Kills has reached the sixth sword.

After killing another swift tiger, Lily jumped up, and the sword force on her body has gathered to a terrifying degree.

The sword force is directed at a five-star swift tiger.


A trace of fear flashed in the tigress's eyes, but seeing the swift tigers beside her falling to the ground one after another, she chose to face the challenge.


The moment the sword touched the swift tiger, it turned into a sky full of sword energy and scattered around, like a killing machine, madly harvesting the lives of the surrounding swift tigers.

And the tigress had been cut into pieces.

This attack killed at least more than a dozen swift tigers.

More than 30 swift tigers were injured, resulting in a decrease in combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Lily had already gone deep into the tiger group at this time.

Otherwise, the blood clan warriors would also suffer.

Seeing so many casualties of the swift tigers.

The two five-star swift tigers gave up the enemy in front of them and turned to pounce on Lily.

"Humph, just in time!"

The little girl was not afraid either. This kind of battle was just right for her to hone her newly learned swordsmanship.

On the other side,

Yale and the Swift Tiger King were fighting each other.

Both of them used very ordinary moves.

It was basically a pure strength duel.

The Swift Tiger King glanced at the battlefield in the center. He found that Lily had killed another five-star tigress. He could no longer bear it. The angry roar made Yale's head buzz.

The terrifying power of the six stars was displayed again. A tremendous amount of energy surged from his body, soaring into the sky, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

The muscles on his body swelled up and became extremely hard, as indestructible as steel. His entire body was twice as large, and his hair was surging, giving people a strong sense of oppression.


The Swift Tiger King roared.

His black eyes stared at Yale, which made people feel cold.

Affected by the Swift Tiger King's momentum, the morale of the Swift Tigers on the field was greatly boosted.

They rushed towards the blood clan warriors like crazy.

The expressions on the faces of the blood clan warriors also became solemn, and a layer of red light surged on their bodies, turning into a violent state.

Yale was no exception.

He knew that the Swift Tiger King was serious. If he continued to do what he did just now, he might lose his life.


The Tiger King took advantage of its speed.

It moved five times in an instant, so fast that it left several afterimages. It took advantage of the moment when Yale didn't react and pounced on him.

The impact of the speed and the Tiger King's own strength made Yale, who was eager to defend himself, unable to withstand the blow and was knocked directly into the forest.

It broke three trees in a row before it stopped.

He grimaced in pain.

""Damn it, they only know how to launch sneak attacks, they are as annoying as the devil!"

Yale cursed inwardly, and simply stopped playing with it. He flew into the air and came to the center of the battlefield.

At this time, the little girl Lily had killed many wind tigers.

Countless wind tigers fell on her energy sword. It seemed that this scarlet energy sword was made of the blood of wind tigers.

Yale looked at the good brother who was in the same batch with him.

He said resentfully:"Didn't you agree to be with me? Why are you all gone?"

The blood clan warrior had an innocent look on his face.

He was targeted by four tigresses at the beginning of the battle. He was so busy that he couldn't spare any time to fight Yalie with the Swift Tiger King.

The Swift Tiger also ran over at this time.

The personnel of both sides quickly pulled apart, and the Wei Jing was clearly separated.

Looking at the corpses of Swift Tigers on the ground, the Swift Tiger King was so angry that his head began to feel dizzy, especially his beautiful wives and concubines, more than half of whom were dead or injured!

And what about the other party?

Although he had injuries on his body, he was healing at a very outrageous speed at this time, and he would be alive and kicking in no time. The angry Swift Tiger King glared at Lily.

He wanted to swallow her alive.

He saw clearly just now that this little girl had killed several of his wives, and she must be torn into pieces!


Yalie snorted coldly, and his tall body blocked Lily's way. He put one hand behind his back and quietly gestured to the members behind him.

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