This gesture was very familiar to the vampire warriors.

They slightly adjusted their positions, seemingly retreating in fear, but in fact they had already returned to their own positions, ensuring that they could use the Blood Sky Array in a very short time.


The Swift Tiger King didn't want to continue fighting.

It just wanted to tear the enemy in front of it to pieces.

With a roar, the Swift Tiger King pounced forward.

The explosive force when it jumped caused an astonishing hole to appear under its feet, and cracks spread like a spider web.

Yale gritted his teeth,"The formation, start!"

Then he rushed towards the Tiger King.

He punched out, this was a punch close to his limit, the Qi Jin vibrated, the terrifying energy around him almost formed a substance, there was a kind of invincible momentum, even a small mountain could be knocked down.

It takes a few seconds for the formation to start.

Yale rushed up alone to buy these few seconds for the rear.

Otherwise, the Tiger King took advantage of the blood clan warriors to organize the formation and rushed in, which would surely cause them to fall into a passive situation!

Boom - this punch hit the tiger king's tiger palm, the two forces collided, and there was even a bang in the air.

The strong fist force penetrated into the body of the Tiger King.

Entering the internal organs, vibrating thousands of times, it hurt its limbs and softened, and it was knocked away at once, smashing into the mountain wall behind.

Yale was not much better.

The blood in his mouth was like free money, spitting all over the ground, and his body happened to fall just below the Blood Sky Formation.

At this time, the formation of the formation had been set.

Only the carrier at the bottom was in place

"It hurts so much, you stinky tiger, let's see how you can fight me now!"

Yale wiped the blood from his mouth and flew into the air.

As the energy was transmitted downwards, it finally reached Yale's body. His tall body swelled, his aura rose steadily, and the surging energy around him made people palpitate. The

Swift Tiger King quickly broke away from the mountain wall.

After all, it was a level 6 beast king, and it was impossible to be defeated so easily, but the previous blow caused it to suffer a lot of damage.

Seeing Yale constantly strengthening in the distance, it secretly said ,"Oh no!"


The Swift Tiger King jumped up into the air, energy surging around him, and a green light appeared in his mouth. In an instant, the light expanded dozens of times.

A thick green energy wave as thick as a pillar burst out from the mouth of the Swift Tiger King.

The target was directly aimed at Yale, wanting to take this opportunity to kill him with one blow.

Powerful energy poured out and burst onto Yale's body. The overflowing energy rolled up the dust on the ground, and turned the surrounding trees into powder.

It lasted for about a minute.

The Swift Tiger King fell from the air, its body constantly rising and falling. It had exhausted all its means, but it didn't know whether Yale and his group were dead.

The dust was everywhere.

A huge figure walked out of the dust.

His chest, arms, and the blood wings behind him were all burned with charred holes. The expression on his face was extremely hideous and full of anger.

Seeing this A scene.

The expression on the face of the Swift Tiger King became extremely stiff, and his limbs began to tremble. He quietly retreated. He didn't know where the monster in front of him came from.

There was obviously no such creature nearby...

The Swift Tiger King was about to turn around and slip away, and Yale appeared in front of him.

The left knee pressed on the body of the Swift Tiger King.

Two big hands forcibly pried open its mouth.

Yale was looking down, spewing a huge amount of energy from his mouth, shooting into the mouth of the Swift Tiger King. The scarlet energy directly penetrated the body of the Swift Tiger King, splitting it into two, and it died. The surrounding Swift Tigers saw the Tiger King die.

They let out a mournful wail.

One after another rushed up to take revenge.

Yale, who had already killed them, naturally would not let them go.

After an incense stick, the fight was declared over.

The last Swift Tiger that escaped was picked out and killed

"Yalie, how do you feel?"

Lily brought the blood clan team to Yalie's side.

At this time, Yalie's face was pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and there were dozens of wounds on his body, each of which was hideous and horrible, deep enough to see the bones.

"feel good……"

"But I may not be able to continue killing monsters with you today. I have to become a patient in the territory to recover. The lord may scold me later."

Yale said with a smile.

In order to ensure that the formation was not interrupted, he took all the energy waves of the Gale Tiger King. Fortunately, he had thick skin and used his arms and blood wings to block part of it, otherwise his chest would have been pierced.

"You can still laugh!"

Lily poked Yale's arm.

He grimaced in pain. With so many wounds on his body, he couldn't recover all at once, so his arm was still a bloody mess.

Although Yale looked very painful now.

But he was very happy in his heart. Killing a six-star monster and so many small monsters made his level reach the peak of five stars, and he was only one step away from breaking through.

Yale felt that as long as his wounds were healed, his realm would come naturally and he would break through.

Even energy stones were not needed.

The militia team in the distance received the order.

Together with the blood clan warriors, they cleaned up the battlefield.

Such a strong smell of blood would definitely attract many ferocious beasts, so Yale and others had to speed up their actions.

With their current In this state, it may be difficult to deal with a few five-star monsters.

After returning to the lord, the blood clan warrior lay directly under the unknown tree.

After the tree took root in the territory, it became more and more luxuriant day by day, and the trunk was also tall and strong, full of vitality. On weekdays, the blood clan warriors and the women in the residential area liked to chat and enjoy the cool here.

It can make people feel happier.

But this tree has not bloomed for a long time, and it is unknown when the next batch of fruits will be produced.

Yale was placed in the camp to recuperate.

Lily sent the beast core of the Swift Tiger over, and reported on today's battle situation.

Yale was injured, and without this core main force, their team may only be able to find some trouble with small monsters nearby.

"My Lord, this is our harvest today."

"Level 6 beast core, you killed a level 6 wild monster!"


"Were there any casualties?"

"No warriors died, but Yale was seriously injured. Nearly 20 vampire warriors were slightly injured and have almost recovered."

Jiang Cheng sighed slightly while sitting on the throne.

However, seeing the little girl's expression, he didn't say much, so as not to undermine her confidence.

"Please say thank you to my brothers for their hard work. I will allocate an additional 20,000 energy stones as your reward."

"As for Ale...I will go to see him in person later."

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