After being busy in the temple for a while.

Jiang Cheng visited Yale.

This guy is just shameless and playful, which makes Jiang Cheng helpless. He doesn't know whether to beat him or scold him. He has a feeling of love and hate.

He exchanged a bottle of high-quality healing medicine for him from the mall so that he can recover from his injuries.

Near dusk.

Yale, Jack, and the other two teams also returned to the territory.

Yale and Jack killed a six-star poisonous anaconda and took off its poison sac and beast core.

Although the other two teams did not take down the six-star wild monsters.

But they also harvested a lot of spoils.

Jiang Cheng counted the data of each team.

Jiang Cheng did not click on the beast cores below level three, because there are not many.

After all, the combat power of the wild monsters here has increased by who knows how many times, and wild monsters below level three like this are only worthy of being food in other people's mouths.

Moreover, the level three beast core is not very useful for Jiang Cheng now, and it is too troublesome to sell it.

"The five teams received a total of 1,560 level 3 beast cores, 392 level 4 beast cores, 51 level 5 beast cores, and 2 level 6 beast cores.……"

In addition, there were all kinds of miscellaneous items.

Jiang Cheng sent people to deliver the things that could be used to the residential area.

The things that were not used were naturally thrown to the Lord's Trading Area.

"The poison sacs on these anacondas are a good thing.……"

Jiang Cheng kept the poison sac of the anaconda.

This can be thrown into the water source of the goblin tribe. After being diluted by the water flow, the toxicity may be weakened, but it is enough for the goblins to drink a pot!

Now Jiang Cheng has so many level 5 beast cores.

The conditions for upgrading the temple have been met.

Naturally, he will not wait any longer.

When he came to the outside of the territory,

Jiang Cheng called Anna.

Since the last time the temple was upgraded, Anna asked Jiang Cheng to call her the next time he upgraded.

After Anna came.

Jiang Cheng said to himself

"Upgrading the Temple"

【Blood Temple: Level 5】

【Should I spend two hundred thousand pieces of wood, two hundred thousand pieces of ore, and fifty level five beast cores to upgrade the temple?】


The red light shone.

The Blood Clan Temple rose again, like a glowing ruby in the dark forest, attracting attention.

The upgrade was completed.

The appearance of the Blood Clan Temple had changed a lot, and there were many more decorations on the surrounding walls, which was more luxurious than the castle where human nobles lived.

However, Jiang Cheng's room was still on the first floor. There were only him and Anna living in the huge temple, so there was no need to be too particular, just find a room nearby to live in.

This would also make it easier for him to get to the barracks quickly.

Jiang Cheng had asked the Blood Clan warriors to move into the temple before.

Unfortunately, they were unwilling.

After all, practicing in the barracks would increase speed.

And there was no

【Blood Clan Temple: Level 6】

【One hundred vampire warriors can be drawn every day. The probability of drawing a bronze-level vampire warrior is 100%, the probability of drawing a silver-level vampire warrior is 50%, and the probability of drawing a gold-level vampire warrior is 30%.%】

【Tip 1: When the Blood Clan Temple reaches level 6, Blood Clan Warriors will be drawn in the order of gold, silver, and bronze.】

【Tip 2: Since the Blood Clan Temple is in the process of gestation, the gestation period will be shortened by two days. After three days, a Blood Clan warrior with awakened blood will be bred, and the initial level of this Blood Clan warrior will be raised to level eight.】

【The next upgrade requires: 200,000 wood, 200,000 ore, 10,000 energy stones, 50 level 6 beast cores (level 6 beast cores are produced by level 6 creatures, with an explosion rate of 80%. The stronger the creature, the higher the probability of exploding beast cores)】

The order of the draw has changed.

This means that the priority will be gold-level bloodline warriors, followed by silver-level.

Finally, it will be the turn of bronze-level warriors.

And the probability of bronze-level warriors has soared to a terrifying 100%.

That means there will be no more black iron in the future.

At worst, there will be a bloodline of the first tier of bronze!

But Jiang Cheng doesn't care about this now.

In the future, unless a purple-gold-level bloodline warrior is bred, he will not draw new bloodline warriors.

"The gestation time has been shortened, so will the upgrade time be shortened again, to once a day?"

If that's the case, it would be great.

Continue to look down.

Energy stones have been added to the upgrade conditions.

Jiang Cheng had expected this.

However, as a dog owner, he didn't need these 10,000 energy stones.

【Territory upgrade successful】

【The territory coverage area has doubled】

【Rewards: 300 residential buildings, 1,000 vampires, 4 advanced defense towers, 50,000 energy stones, innate skills - Dusk, Fire of Heaven and Earth - Netherworld Blood Flame】

【Tip: If your territory is too large, it may attract the attention of local forces. It will also attract the attention of the Abyss forces.】

"This is a problem.……"

At first, he thought it was nothing to double the size.

But after continuous expansion, the area of the territory has become extremely terrifying.

It has covered some roads in the forest.

If any force wants to pass through those roads and hit the protective shield, the location of the territory may be exposed.

"But it doesn't matter, the shield will disappear soon, but the abyss fog is a headache."

When facing some unknown things, people will feel nervous and panic.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He felt that level six was a threshold.

Creatures can become stronger when they reach this threshold.

And the temple will give him a richer reward when it reaches this threshold!

First, click on the introduction of the advanced defense tower.

He was very curious about the power of the advanced defense tower.

【Advanced Defense Tower】

【Function 1: Provides real vision for the territory. All creatures within a three-kilometer radius of the defense tower will be exposed.】

【Function 2: Launch an attack on all creatures except the creatures in the territory. The attack range is one kilometer. Each damage caused can severely damage five-star creatures.】

【Construction conditions: None】

【Upgrade conditions: 200,000 wood, 200,000 ore, 10 level 5 beast cores, 5,000 energy stones】

"Power is OK……"

Being able to severely damage five-star creatures naturally means being able to wipe out creatures below five stars.

Jiang Cheng was already very satisfied with being able to do this. After all, five-star creatures are not chickens and dogs. It is still difficult to kill them.

It's just that the upgrade conditions are a bit expensive.

Jiang Cheng didn't think about upgrading.

Just make do with it for now. Maybe the next time the temple is upgraded, it will reward him with something better.

Then he checked his talent skill - Twilight.

【Talent Skill - Dusk】

【Definition: Passive skill. After using it, the vampire warriors will automatically obtain this skill, including the vampire warriors who have not been extracted.】

【Skill Effect: When killing other creatures, you will enter a state of complete invisibility for one second, increasing your movement speed by 200%】

【Cooling time: three seconds]

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