"So powerful!"

Seeing the skill effect,

Jiang Cheng was excited.

Killing an enemy will turn him invisible.

In addition, the movement speed is increased by 200%, so he can quickly move away after killing the enemy, and then find another target to kill again.

After all, the cooldown time is so short.

By the time the enemy catches up, the skill has already cooled down, and the vampire warriors have the ability to fly, which makes them more flexible!

"This skill is simply the enemy's nightmare!"

"In this way, the enemy can't touch the vampire warrior at all, and the vampire warrior can calmly choose the next opponent to kill!"

After calming down,

Jiang Cheng looked at the last reward.

【Fire of Heaven and Earth - Netherworld Blood Flame】

【A fire-attributed spiritual object born between heaven and earth, it took a thousand years to form and ten thousand years to gather spirit. It is a spiritual object coveted by countless top powers and is extremely precious. Because of its dark red color, it is called blood flame.】

【Effect: Unable to physically attack the enemy, but can cause trauma to the enemy's soul, devouring the soul of others to strengthen oneself】

【Tips: After receiving the reward, the Nether Blood Flame will automatically recognize you as its master. You can summon it at will and separate out the sub-fire for others to refine.】

【Once you refine the sub-fire, you can control the life and death of the person who refines it at will. As long as you think about it, the sub-fire can devour their souls.】

【Every time the fire devours a soul, it will automatically give back half of the soul to the Netherworld Blood Flame.】

【[Currently, twenty strands of fire can be differentiated.]

After reading the introduction of the Nether Blood Flame,

Jiang Cheng smiled.

A Dusk and a Nether Blood Flame can raise the combat effectiveness of the blood clan warriors by several levels!

In addition, it will not be long before awakened blood clan warriors are born!

Jiang Cheng no longer knows how to describe his excitement.

After receiving the reward,

Jiang Cheng raised his right hand, and a ball of dark red flame suddenly appeared in his hand, illuminating the surroundings.

Now the Nether Blood Flame has not devoured the soul.

It looks like only a small ball, slightly larger than Jiang Cheng's palm, and the appearance is not as cool as imagined.

The sound of retreating footsteps was heard.

Jiang Cheng then realized that Anna was still beside him, and quickly retracted the flame in his hand.

Anna has not yet gotten rid of the residual soul state, and the Nether Blood Flame should be extremely harmful to her.


"What was that fire you just saw? Why did I feel a sense of danger?"

"This is the Netherworld Blood Flame……"

Jiang Cheng explained the function of the Netherworld Blood Flame.

Anna smiled when she heard it.

"I didn't expect the master could get such a spiritual object."

"In this way, the future vampire warriors will have the means to deal with the top powers."

"After the bodies of those old monsters were destroyed, their souls still existed. Only when their souls were wiped out could they be considered dead in the true sense."

Then Anna looked at the statue of the Blood God Ancestor.

Jiang Cheng followed her gaze and looked over.

You don't know until you see it, and you will be shocked.

This statue of the Blood God Ancestor is like alive, and there seems to be blood flowing in its body. Just now, Jiang Cheng turned his head and thought it was a living person standing here.

Seeing this scene in the middle of the night, it is inevitable to be a little scared.

Anna has been paying attention to the statue during this period.

This is also the main purpose of her coming here.

After staring at the statue quietly for a while.

Anna stood beside Jiang Cheng and said softly:

"Master, I will accompany you when you sleep at night."

"You sleep in bed, I sit beside you to protect you"

"I feel that this statue is a bit strange. It seems that there is a breath of life reviving on it, accompanied by a weak soul power.……"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng's heart tightened.

Anna's words confirmed his guess.

As the Blood Clan Temple continues to upgrade, this inexplicably appearing statue will eventually come alive.

"Could this statue be the Blood God himself?

Anna couldn't tell.

She was just a remnant soul, and her many abilities were limited. Using them forcefully would only backfire.

"If it wasn't the Blood God Ancestor, it would be fine, but if it was really the Blood God Ancestor himself, then there is a high probability that he would be our enemy."

"After all, there can't be two tigers in one mountain. The Blood God Ancestor is unruly by nature and it's impossible for him to be inferior to others so easily."

"I'm worried that the soul has become conscious and has begun to observe the external environment. It might use the power of the soul to attack you, my master."

In this case,

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to agree to Anna's suggestion to sleep with him, and asked tentatively:"If this statue is moved or destroyed, will there be any problem?"

Anna shook her head,"It's too late."

Then she condensed a sword energy in her hand and threw it towards the statue of the Blood God Ancestor.

The air wave generated by the sword energy explosion made Jiang Cheng retreat several feet before he barely stopped.

But the statue still stood there intact.

This made Jiang Cheng fall into deep thought.

It cannot be destroyed, and the powerful sword energy cannot shake it at all...

But it is impossible for such a useless thing to appear in the territory for no reason.

Jiang Cheng plans to ask other lords to see if they have similar statues.

If they all have, it may indicate a test.

But if not, then he can only wish for the best.……

"Now that I have Anna by my side, the temple has just been upgraded, and the next upgrade will not be so fast, so there is no need to rush this matter for the time being."

Jiang Cheng quickly calmed down and came to the barracks.

This place has been in a carnival because of the talent skills.

Jiang Cheng found 20 of the most outstanding vampire warriors and distributed the sub-fire of the netherworld blood flame to them.

After the division, the netherworld blood flame was pitifully small.

Like a small flame that was about to go out

"Hey, Lord"

"Can you see any changes in me?"

Yalie, whose wounds were almost healed, smiled at Jiang Cheng with great joy.

Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly.

"Level 6, pretty good."

"Just don't be so reckless next time, I don't have that many healing pills for you."

After sitting down and chatting for a while,

Jiang Cheng called Yatuo and Yale.

The mysterious expressions on their faces naturally gave them a very important task to do.

They came to a separate room.

Jiang Cheng took out the invisible bead and the poison sacs from the poisonous anacondas.

He placed these two items in front of Yatuo.


"Once this bead is charged with energy, it will turn you invisible. With this bead and these poison sacs, you can sneak into the goblin tribe when they are changing shifts."

"Draw the topographic maps of the two intermediate tribes, and put the poison sacs into their water sources to leave them some souvenirs."

Yale next to him was a little impatient.

He was good at doing bad things, so why let the honest Yatuo go?

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