Seeing this scene,

Jiang Cheng smiled and patted Yalie on the shoulder.

"Your wounds are not healed yet, so let Yatuo handle this matter. You can meet him outside anytime."

Yale's expression immediately became sluggish.

Yatuo next to him laughed and scolded:"Who made you so weak that you have become the only one in the territory who needs to lie in bed for half a day, hahaha."

Yale gnashed his teeth in anger.

If it weren't for the lord's rule that warriors were not allowed to fight each other privately, he would definitely hang Yatuo up and beat him!

"Okay, stop messing around, both of you should leave quickly."

"Atuo, if there is a chance, plant more blood species on some goblins and let them become our hidden pawns."

"I'll give you these three storage rings as well, just in case."

Losing some blood won't have any effect on Atuo.

He can make another one soon.

And giving the storage rings is to see if Atuo can take the opportunity to bring back some good stuff.

"Yes, Lord.

The two did not linger for long.

They quietly left the territory under the cover of night.


"Change of shifts!"

"It's time to go back to bed.……"

On the wall, a group of goblins walked down in a scattered manner.

Another group of energetic goblins walked up.

The lazy goblins yawned and said,"We are obviously the strongest force in the surrounding area. No one dares to offend us. Why do we need to strengthen our defense?"

"Originally, the guards only had to stand there for an hour and chat, but now they have to stare outside for two hours. It makes my eyes sore.……"

"It was all done by those two patrol teams this afternoon!"

"It is sheer nonsense to say that some unknown creatures attacked them and left feces on them in order to humiliate us goblins!"

"These guys are usually good at taking advantage of the situation and slacking off during patrols. I think they were eyeing the eggs laid by wild animals in the forest and wanted to steal a few to eat, but they were caught and beaten. In order to avoid punishment from the leader, they made up this excuse!"

A goblin was so angry that he was half dead

"that is!"

"The area they are patrolling is between us and the goblins. There are no unknown enemies there. They are just making up excuses to be lazy. We will beat them up when we get back!"

"That's right, tie them up and whip them!"

The goblins were filled with righteous indignation and had already thought of ways to punish the patrol troops outside during the day. They walked deeper into the village while discussing.

They came to a giant iron gate.

The goblin team showed their identities.

Then two thousand-pound gates opened.

Behind the gate was a staircase leading down to an unknown end.

That was the real core of the goblin tribe.

The village outside was only for deterrence and defense, and the real place to live was underground.

At this time, the goblins were still talking and laughing.

But they didn't know that an invisible man had mixed in with the team, and this invisible man had already entered the underground before them.

"So big!"

When he got down there,

Atuo couldn't help but exclaimed.

The space down there was more than twice as big as the Goblin tribe before, enough for two thousand Goblins to survive in it.

Atuo couldn't help but admire the fact that they could open up such a large underground world.

Atuo flew into the air and kept himself in the air.

Then he began to observe the entire Goblin tribe.

He drew a map of the terrain on brown paper.

He understood the terrain and buildings here so that he could take over this place as quickly as possible in the future.

At the same time, he was also observing the approximate strength of the Goblins in this tribe.

"Strange, why is it only rated four stars?……"

"There is not a single five-star one……"

Yale soon felt something was wrong.

At this moment, he found that many goblins gathered at a cave entrance, seemingly waiting for something.

The strength of this group of goblins is above three stars.

There are no one-star or two-star ones.

It is estimated that their status is not enough and they are not qualified to come to this place.

Boom- boom- boom- a metal car appeared at the entrance of the cave.

There are two rows of rollers under the metal car, embedded on the rails below.

Yale didn't recognize this thing. He quietly wrote it down on the kraft paper.

Then a goblin's head popped out of the metal car and shouted loudly:"Only twenty people can get on at a time. If you want to get more, you must pay. The number of places is limited, first come first served!"

After a shove and squeeze.

All the goblins got on the car.

From their words, Yato knew that this thing could send the goblins directly to the high-level tribes, which was very convenient.

Most of the high-level people in the territory are in the high-level tribes, eating, drinking and having fun, enjoying their lives.

"Hehehe, since everyone has left, I won't be polite!"

After some searching, Atuo came to the hiding place of the tribal supplies.

This place is near the residence of the mid-level tribal leader.

But there is almost no guard.

There is only a sleepy goblin at the door.

Come to think of it, there is a big camp outside, and there is a thousand-jin gate, and outsiders can't get in at all.

And if the people inside steal, it is tantamount to seeking death, which is like an old man eating arsenic and thinking that his life is too long.

After knocking out the guard.

Atuo picked up the key from the guard's waist and gently pushed open the door.

There are basically no valuable items inside.

Most of them are food, weapons……

"It seems that these guys have hidden all the good stuff in the advanced tribes, leaving only these basic supplies here."

Yato sighed regretfully.

But... it would be a waste not to take it!

Anyway, it's not from my own territory, just take it away!

Yato put piles of supplies into storage rings.

Three storage rings were full, and Yato still had one in his hand,"Oh no, I was busy joking with Yale on the way back, and the fertilizer in the ring hasn't been put into the ground yet."

After hesitating for a while, Yato gritted his teeth and put the bags of rice dumplings in the storage ring on the ground.

Then he put all the remaining weapons in it.

It's done. The full warehouse only left some rotten food and nearly a hundred bags of bulging leaves.

"What a pity to waste so much fertilizer……"

"Forget it, I will infect more goblins later, otherwise I will not be willing to let these goblins get so much good fertilizer!"

After rustling inside for a while,

Atuo patted the dust off his body, locked the door, hung the key on the guard's waist again, and left in style.

After losing so many things, the guard should be dead, and there is no point in planting blood in him.

After that, Atuo shuttled back and forth between the residences of some four-star and three-star goblins, knocked them out and implanted blood in them.

"These goblin leaders are too unprofessional. They have been playing in the high-level tribe for so long and haven't come back yet!"

Yato cursed inwardly.

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