Arriving at the underground river of the goblin tribe, he threw poison sacs into the river one by one. Fearing that unknown forces would enter the tribe through the underground river, the goblin leader ordered to set up gates at the river outlet, and open the gates to release water at regular intervals.

So now the water is still.

The poison sacs can slowly spread the toxins inside.

There are still several hours before the goblin tribe changes shifts.

Yatuo was really bored, so he simply walked into the cave leading to the advanced tribe.

As long as he is careful, he should not be discovered.……


In the territory,

Jiang Cheng sent the Nether Blood Flame sub-fire down.

He brought the members who had the sub-fire to the statue. He summoned the Nether Blood Flame with his right hand, and Jiang Cheng brought the flame to the statue.

He was surprised to find that the flame seemed to be absorbing something, and it was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a raging fire meeting dry wood.

This was what Anna asked him to do.

The two of them just discussed it privately.

They made such a decision.

While the soul is temporarily weak, use the Nether Blood Flame to devour him. Although the Nether Blood Flame at this time cannot completely devour it, it can wear down the soul and make it weaker.

Thus reducing his threat to himself.

As time goes by, the Nether Blood Flame becomes stronger and stronger, and the soul power in the statue becomes weaker and weaker.

One day, the soul inside will be completely devoured.

Even if the statue comes back to life, but without the soul, what threat is he?

Anna can directly make him a puppet and make him a war machine for the territory.

And after absorbing so many nutrients, how powerful will the Nether Blood Flame become!

"What is the Lord doing?"

"It seems like he is roasting the statue with the blood flame of the netherworld.……"

The blood clan warriors standing in the back were puzzled.

At this time, Anna explained:"This is a unique way of commemorating the dead in the lord's hometown. It is to express respect for the ancestor of the blood god, so they do this."

"You guys should do the same."


The blood clan warriors still have great respect for the ancestor who created them.

After listening to Anna's words, they followed her example and surrounded the statue. They summoned the fire in their bodies and roasted the statue.

"Hey, my fire seems to be absorbing something"

"It seems like the sub-fire is getting stronger!"

"Isn't it true that only by absorbing soul power can one become stronger? How come roasting a statue of a god can make one stronger?……"

Jiang Cheng smiled and explained,"This way of offering sacrifices is very effective. The Blood God must have felt our respect and rewarded us in the dark."

Not long after he finished speaking, the statue of the Blood God's ancestor began to tremble slightly.

Anna behind him snorted.

A stronger force of the soul suppressed the statue and stopped the statue from trembling.

While Jiang Cheng was roasting the statue, he contacted the top lords in his friend list.

He received a consistent reply.

That is, outside the main building of the top lord, there is a building representing the military branch and symbolizing the identity.

The other super lords are no exception.

For example, outside the building of the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord, there is a statue of the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon King.

The Angel City of Angel Lord Yun Xi is even more outrageous. There are angel statues in seven places in the city.

They are Archangel Gabriel, Raphael, Michael... and she has dreamed of these angels in her dreams.

With each upgrade, these statues become more and more realistic.

These top lords and super lords soon realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Cheng, who doesn't chat online often, actually asked them this question...

Something is wrong!

There must be some major discovery!

So, a group chat with hundreds of people was born.

Most of the lords on the list were gathered here.

Some top lords below the list also joined.

Jiang Cheng could only be vague.

He said that he was just on impulse.

"I'm just asking casually, don't take it too seriously, just eat and drink. I'm walking in front of you anyway, so if anything goes wrong, I'll be the first to suffer."

That's what he said, but the lords in the group chat felt very uncomfortable after hearing it.

"Damn Jiang Cheng, don’t be so proud, my city has reached level five, you didn’t expect that, did you?"

"Hahahaha, after so many days of hard work, my city has reached five stars, and now I can summon twenty types of soldiers a day!"

"Our troops are the most advanced ones. In the early stage, we lagged behind you because of our small number. But now our numbers are gradually increasing, and we will soon surpass you, pull you off the altar, and seize the throne of first place!"

"Hehe, everyone continue to stay here, and don’t accept his challenge request at night. We can’t let his vampires get the blood of our soldiers!"

"The day after tomorrow, we will face the fog of the abyss and expose Jiang Cheng's true colors. Let other players see who is qualified to occupy the top of the leaderboard!"

A group of super lords explained what it means to"go to the roof and tear down the tiles if you don't fight for three days."

When they thought Jiang Cheng was afraid and didn't dare to respond, they found that he had already left the group chat.

They were having fun here for a long time.

Others simply chose to ignore...

It's simply too much bullying and arrogant!

Somehow, the content of the group chat infiltrated the outside world.

A group of melon-eating lords began to discuss it.

"Why are there statues outside the main buildings of top lords and super lords? It is so unfair that the low-level lords are so angry!"

"Isn't this a good thing? Haven't you heard that those statues seem to come alive? Who knows, maybe one day they will really come alive and kill them."

"Hahaha, God has eyes, those statues should come back to life soon, kill all these lucky guys, and leave a way out for us lower-level lords!"

"How do you know that the statues will be enemies when they come to life? Maybe they will become powerful subordinates of these level lords!"

"I think it's impossible. Those statues are usually the original rulers of the army. I believe everyone knows that there can't be two tigers in one mountain. Even if those statues come to life, their loyalty will not be too high, and they may betray at any time!"

"Let’s not talk about this for now. The abyss fog will arrive in two days. Are you guys ready?"

"I have been praying for a day, I believe I should be able to succeed……"

"Oh, it seems like there is some good idea upstairs?"

"Could it be that we have found a way to fight against the fog of the abyss?"

"Please be sure to let me know that if I can successfully overcome the difficulties, I will prepare a generous gift for you!"

"Alas, what can I do? I am ready to be reborn. I have been praying that I can be reborn as Jiang Cheng's tadpole.……"




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