Countless lords have begun to clear out the wild monsters outside, hoping to eradicate them as soon as possible and improve their strength.

Jiang Cheng is no exception.

Now his territory has a sphere of influence of thirty miles.

The number of wild monsters surrounding outside can be described as terrifying. I am afraid that the wild monsters in the surrounding areas have come to his territory.

It will take a long time for the blood clan warriors to kill them, and it consumes energy and physical strength. After killing all these monsters, they will probably collapse on the ground exhausted. What else can we use to fight against the monsters in the abyss?

Therefore, Jiang Cheng came up with an idea.

Dismantle the city defense cannons that were newly purchased yesterday.

Divide the blood clan warriors into eight teams, let them take the city defense cannons to eight directions, bombard the wild monsters outside the territory, and let the militia team watch from behind.

Jiang Cheng came to the north with a team of blood clan warriors.

"Each person fires ten shots, and then the next person takes over. How much experience you can gain depends entirely on your own ability!"


Since the blood clan warriors have developed the habit of being humble, the first one to fire the city defense cannon was a four-star blood clan warrior.

Jiang Cheng said to the militiamen who were watching on the side:"Watch carefully, when the abyss fog comes, this cannon will be in your hands, and you can't be careless."

After everything was ready, a pale blue light spot condensed at the muzzle of the city defense cannon.

A blue beam of light shot out.


Flames burst out from outside the protective shield, and a thick black mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Nearly a hundred wild monsters were still tearing and fighting each other.

They were blown into pieces by the sudden attack.

A huge amount of experience poured into the body.

The four-star blood clan warrior who fired the shells broke through to five stars directly. After that, he fired two more shots at other places in succession, both of which achieved good results. At this moment, a change occurred.

The surrounding sky became dark.

The rolling black fog approached the territory with a deafening trampling sound.

Countless wild monsters screamed in fear.

Then it slowly turned into creepy screams and wails.

"My Lord, something seems to be wrong!"

"Those wild monsters are biting each other!"

"Some wild monsters rolled on the ground after being touched by the black air. Their bodies were swelling and the color of their eyes was gradually turning dark green.……"

Along with the black fog came countless monsters with dark green eyes. They were extremely aggressive and would pounce on other monsters and tear them apart when they saw them.

Some monsters were herbivorous and docile, but they became the same after being affected by the black fog.

"What are you still standing there for? Fire now!"

"If we don't fire, the monsters outside will die soon!"

Jiang Cheng raised his voice to the maximum.

There was no other way. The territory was full of monsters. If he didn't speak like this, no one would be able to hear what he was saying.


The blood clan warrior also roared in response.




The sound of gunfire was heard in other places.

At this time, the sky was completely covered by black fog, and the environment in the territory was even darker than at night.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng and his people were not weak rookies. Their eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people, and they could still see things around them clearly.

Every time a shell was fired, it represented the dissipation of an energy stone. It might be a bit difficult for other lords, but for Jiang Cheng, he didn't even need to blink.

I just don't know if this city defense can withstand it.

After all, such high-intensity continuous firing will cause certain damage to its gun hole.

There are still a steady stream of wild monsters coming in from outside the protective shield, and six-star wild monsters have appeared.

Their status is the same as the previous wild monsters. They have become extremely brutal monsters that only know how to bite, and even swallow their own kind in one bite, without any drag.

After a round, each blood clan warrior has finished firing his own ten shots.

Four-star blood clan warriors have generally upgraded to the mid-five-star level.

The five-star vampire warriors were only one step away from the six-star level. In this case, Jiang Cheng naturally asked them to continue fighting until they broke through the six-star level.

The world channel was already in an uproar because of the sudden riot of wild monsters.

Some lords were self-confident and felt that the wild monsters outside were vulnerable to them.

So they chased them out. But they didn't expect the black fog to come. The wild monsters that were corroded by the black fog directly killed most of the lords' troops, including the lords themselves whose legs or arms were bitten off.

Now they are crying about their experiences on the world channel

"Fortunately, no one has been bitten to death, only broken arms and legs."

Jiang Cheng felt that the situation was still optimistic.

He watched the world channel only incidentally.

The most important thing was that He Yuan was sending him messages crazily.

"Lord Jiang Cheng, I just received a message from the Fire Dragon Lord Xiao Yan. He asked me to build a teleportation array for him and promised to give me a lot of benefits. He didn't say anything else. It seems that he wants to take action against you. Do you think I should help him?"

""Xiao Yan?"

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, and at the same time curious about where this guy got his confidence from.

Who gave him the courage to do this?

Or did he want to take advantage of his weakness to catch him off guard?

"You just tell him you're fighting monsters outside and don't have time for the moment."

"Well... ask him for some benefits, saying that you can't stand it anymore, and it's better to make him lose everything!"

Jiang Cheng didn't want to care about Xiao Yan for the time being.

The most important thing at the moment was to eliminate those violent wild monsters.

If they were not eliminated, they would sooner or later attack the territory with the abyss monsters.

Instead of adding pressure, it would be better to solve more problems now and increase strength at the same time.

""Yes, sir!"

After sending He Yuan away, a vampire woman from the territory ran over.

Jiang recognized her.

She was currently in charge of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the residents in the territory, and distributed supplies. She was considered a cadre-level figure.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to comfort the women and tell them to stay in the house and not panic? We are the men outside, so go back quickly!"

The woman waved her hand when she heard this.

She ran all the way from the city to the edge of the territory, which made her a little breathless.

"No, lord.……"

"Your...your eggs are broken……"

Jiang Cheng subconsciously glanced down.

Then he frowned and said,"What the hell, explain it clearly."

"At noon, Lily came to the residential area and handed me one of your giant eggs, asking me to put it on the bed and inform you and Her Majesty the Empress if anything happened."

"I did as I was told and put the egg on the bed. When I came back from work, I found that the egg had cracked and there was a hissing sound coming from inside."

"So I quickly sent someone to inform Her Majesty the Empress, and then came back to inform you."

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