After learning about the situation, Jiang Cheng quickly called two blood clan warriors and asked them to fly him and the woman back to the city.

In a short while,

Jiang Cheng arrived at the residential area.

At this time, many blood clan women had gathered outside.

Their eyes were full of curiosity.

"Get out of the way!"

""The Lord is here!"

Someone shouted.

The women around reacted and saluted.

"Meet the Lord."

Jiang Cheng nodded, and then walked quickly into the house. He really wanted to know what kind of creature was inside the egg.

Inside the house.

Anna was holding a cute little girl in her arms. The smile on her face was very gentle, and her eyes even revealed the radiance of maternal love.

But the style of the painting below was a little different.

Anna was holding a thin eggshell in her hand and was patiently putting it into her mouth.

And this little girl seemed to be intoxicated by it, chewing the eggshell with her enviable teeth.


Anna stood up and bowed to Jiang Cheng.

The little girl looked at Jiang Cheng and snorted, as if she hated him very much. Then she turned her back and continued to eat her eggshells.

"This little guy……"

Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly.

The little girl was dressed very uniquely. She had a golden crown on her head, inlaid with hundreds of gems of different sizes, a golden robe on her body, and a pair of golden boots on her feet.

Next to her was a scepter that was as luxurious as the crown. She looked very rich. I wonder how much this outfit could be sold for.……

【Golden Slime】

【The King of Slime】

【Strength level: One star】

【Loyalty: 99】

【Note: Due to the indifference during the incubation period, she may have some resentment towards you. Coupled with her arrogant personality, it may be difficult to change her attitude towards you for a while.】

【Golden Slime can be transformed into any form, it can be a weapon, armor, bracelet and other decorations.】

【As the level increases, the items she changes will also improve. She has strong growth potential and is a pet that many people dream of.】

【Currently, the only way to improve her strength is to feed her rare metals or special crystals, such as energy stones.……】

After reading the introduction,

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up.

This little Loli is great. As her level increases, her transformed weapons will also improve.

Isn't that equivalent to having a weapon with growth attributes?

Maybe it's useless now.

But what if she is upgraded to Saint or God level in the future?

And it's easy to feed her. There are so many rare metals in the Lord's Trading Area.

A few thousand ores and woods can bring back a lot.

After all, everyone is now pursuing to improve the level of the territory and the strength of the troops, so who has so much energy to pay attention to rare metals. If you pay less attention, the price will naturally not go up.

If it doesn't work, give her some energy stones.

She is so small now, almost up to his knees, how many energy stones can she eat? At most, there are only ten pieces.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng found her cuter.

He pinched her chubby little face.


"How dare you offend me!"

The little girl slapped Jiang Cheng's hand away in dissatisfaction.

She picked up the scepter beside her and pointed at Jiang Chengjiao and scolded her.

Jiang Cheng didn't tolerate her and took away her scepter and the half-eaten eggshell in her hand, then snatched her crown and put it on his head.

"Anna, what do you think? Am I very majestic like this?"

The little Loli was dumbfounded, tears immediately filled her eyes, she hid in the quilt and sobbed, her body trembling, looking extremely pitiful.

As a result, the little Loli's loyalty dropped by two points.

Jiang Cheng didn't care about it at all. He even called himself the king in his territory. He was giving her face by not spanking her in public.

Seeing Jiang Cheng competing with a little girl who was only a few years old, Anna could only smile helplessly.

She gave the little girl a name, Mengli.

Without allowing her to protest, Jiang Cheng returned the eggshell and scepter to her, and then returned to the front line with the crown on his head.

Mengli was obviously closer to Anna.

And Anna liked her very much, so let the two of them continue to get along.

The sound of artillery fire in front continued.

The barrels of the city defense guns began to turn red, and they had to stop for a while to let it cool down, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"What's the situation?"

"There are basically not many wild monsters left outside, and they pose little threat to the territory, but no trace of abyss monsters has been found so far."

The blood clan warrior reported the situation.

Then the news came from the other seven places.

The results were similar.

Jiang Cheng then ordered all the blood clan warriors and militia teams to return to the city.

Relying on the city walls, city defense cannons, and defense towers, a strong defense line was built.

Back in the city, Jiang Cheng called the leaders of the five teams together with Lily.

After some statistics, there are now 27 blood clan warriors who have been promoted to level 6, and the rest of the blood clan warriors have also broken through to five stars.

Among them, the team led by Atuo and Jack is the strongest, and they will also undertake the most difficult defense tasks.

The biggest defense pressure is not in any direction of the east, south, west, or north, but in the air...

Jiang Cheng didn't know if there would be abyss monsters attacking in the air, but the wild monsters in the air seemed to be endless. If one was killed, a large group would continue to pounce.

The attack power of the city defense cannon against mid-air targets was not too strong, so the air defense problem became a problem.

Jiang Cheng decided to send the most elite Atuo team to defend.

The other four teams defended four directions respectively.

"This battle was extremely difficult and lasted for eight hours!"

"The enemies we face will be terrible!"

"The number is beyond your imagination!"

"But you don't have to be so pessimistic. You only need to deal with creatures of 7 stars and below. Anna above 7 stars will handle it."

"This is a challenge, but also an opportunity!"

"Whether you can grasp it depends on you. I will fight on the front line with you!"

""I am willing to live and die with the territory!"

Yatuo and others shouted in unison.

Their faces were full of fighting spirit, without any cowardice.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said nothing more encouraging words.

"I will prepare some pills for you to speed up energy recovery and injury recovery, and there will also be enough energy stones for you to replenish."

Even so, Jiang Cheng still felt the pressure.

It was not just Jiang Cheng who felt the pressure.

The other top lords and super lords also felt the pressure. Their territory was not small, and the enemies they faced were not weak.

What's more, they did not have a plug-in player like Anna. If they wanted to survive the Abyss Mist this time, they would have to pay a big price...

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