There are still five hours until midnight.

During this time, the militia team made sufficient preparations for the war.

The energy stones needed to fire the city defense cannon were moved to the city wall.

The blood clan warriors also took advantage of this time to come to the air and launched a certain scale of attack on the flying monsters hovering above the protective shield.

After a simple dinner,

Jiang Cheng bought a large number of pills from the mall.

Some increase attack power and movement speed, some speed up injury recovery, and some replenish energy.

Basically, each blood clan warrior can be equipped with two bottles of

"I lost 150,000 Lord Coins all at once. I don't know if it's enough. I'll have to wait and see what happens next."

It's impossible for Jiang Cheng to spend all the Lord Coins.

If something happens that's hard for them to deal with, maybe he can use the Lord Coins to buy props in the mall and revitalize the battlefield.

""My Lord!"

A militiaman ran over.

"Lord, a little girl holding a golden scepter just ran over from the north wall, claiming to be the most distinguished guest in the territory. She asked us to hand over the energy stones and the city defense cannons on the wall to her, saying that you agreed."

"We didn't dare to agree, so we temporarily put her under house arrest in a thatched cottage under the city wall."

When Jiang Cheng heard the words 'holding a scepter', he guessed who the little girl was.

The veins on his forehead bulged,"You did a good job. If the little girl had touched the city defense cannon, it would have been useless."

Then Jiang Cheng came to the thatched cottage under the north city wall.

He could hear Meng Li's delicate voice from a distance.

"I tell you, if you don’t let me out, you will be punished by the lord!"

"If you are smart, you will dismantle the city defense cannon and present it to me, along with a few thousand energy stones as compensation. Otherwise, I will report you when I get back!"

"Let the lord expel you!"

The wooden door of the hut shook.

It was already shaky and it was estimated that it would not be long before the door was demolished by Meng Li.

Jiang Cheng walked over and opened the door.

"Humph, you guys are smart.……"

Meng Li's arrogant expression froze immediately.

She quickly hid in the corner of the hut, as if Jiang Cheng was a ferocious beast that was going to swallow her up.


Jiang Cheng closed the door, walked up to Meng Li, returned the crown on her head to her, and then took out an energy stone and handed it to her.

"The cannons and energy stones on the city wall are very useful, so you can't just eat them."

Jiang Cheng's tone was very gentle.

Meng Li also put down her guard, took the energy stone from his hand, and swallowed it into her stomach in two bites.

"Is something big going to happen outside? There are monster noises everywhere, which woke me up. When I wake up, I feel hungry, and there is no one around to watch, so I ran to the city wall to find food."

Now everyone in the territory has been mobilized.

Anna also has to make preparations for the war.

I let the little girl sleep alone and left her side.

"Something big is going to happen."

"There is a species called the Abyss Monster lurking outside the territory. At twelve o'clock in the morning, they will attack the territory."

"By then, everyone in the territory who has the ability to fight will join the battle, including me."

Jiang Cheng will not stay out of it.

He will also fight side by side with the vampire warriors.


The expression on Mengli's face froze for a moment.

Then her eyes turned red, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Even the lord wanted to join the battle.

That meant the situation was really serious.

In Mengli's opinion, leaders should hide behind the scenes and let their subordinates fight on the front line.

Unless it was a matter of life and death...

Thinking that she was just born today, and would die soon, Mengli felt sad in her heart, as if God had played a joke on her.

"why are you crying?"

"I won't let you go, just stay with the big sister in the territory, and leave the fighting outside to me."

"Don't be afraid of monsters coming to kill you."

"As long as we don't die, the monsters won't be able to step into the city wall!"

Jiang Cheng was so passionate that Meng Li's favorability towards him increased a lot.

【Mengli's Loyalty +1]

Jiang Cheng saw this and struck while the iron was hot.

He took out ten energy stones and placed them on the table beside him.

He deliberately lowered her favorability towards him during the day.

Now he is caring for her again.

I believe that it won't be long before the little girl's loyalty will reach 100, and she will obey his orders obediently!

"You are such a good person"

"I won't lose my temper with you anymore. If you don't need me later, you can call me."

"I can turn into a weapon, and the sharpness is definitely stronger than the general level 2 weapon."

After eating the eggshell,

Meng Li's level successfully broke through to level 2.

The weapon she transformed into was also level 2.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng immediately became interested.

"Transform yourself and show me"

"Wait a moment……"

After eating the energy stone in her hand. A dazzling golden light burst out from Meng Li's body, like a small golden sun. Ordinary people can't open their eyes under such golden light.

But this is nothing to Jiang Cheng.

In his eyes, Meng Li, who was wrapped in golden light, was constantly shrinking, and her limbs were also shrinking, and finally turned into a round golden ball.

The whole body was in a gelatinous state, with a pair of big watery eyes. She looked so cute that people couldn't help but hold it in their hands and knead it into various shapes.

This is Meng Li's original state.

In this state, she can change into any state at will, and it is more convenient to eat.

The energy stone on the table was wrapped by her elastic body and soon merged with her.

"What do you want me to become?"

The golden slime transformed into a mouth, and Meng Li's childish voice came out from it.

"Can I pinch you?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to play with her hands, and he was itching to do it.

"No, that would make me feel very uncomfortable!"

"I'll turn into a sword, and you can try my power."

"Special reminder, I can't speak in the transformed state."

Meng Li's body squirmed.

After a while, a golden sword appeared on the table. The sword body revealed a cold light and looked extremely sharp. It seemed that it could easily cut the skin with just a slight touch.

On the hilt, there was a slime holding a scepter and wearing a crown.

It was exactly the appearance of Meng Li's original body.

Jiang Cheng picked up the sword, and a kingly aura arose spontaneously, making him feel like a high king, holding supreme power. No one dared to disobey his orders.

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