Dear Lord Jiang Cheng,】

【In the eight-hour battle to defend your territory on the seventh day, you and your soldiers performed extremely bravely and won first place.】

【Congratulations on receiving the following rewards】

【Reward 1: 3 million energy stones】

【Reward 2: 1 million Lord Coins】

【Reward 3: A set of random holy-level weapons and equipment】

【Reward 4: One chance to upgrade the Bloodline Temple for free (only for Bloodline Temples before level 10, if it exceeds level 10, it will be automatically considered as abandoned)】

【Reward 5: 100 Bloodline Enhancement Pills】

【Reward 6: Supreme Artifact - Sky God Island】

【Note: If Lord Jiang Cheng feels that Sky God Island is not suitable for you, you can have a chance to change it and randomly draw a magic weapon (this draw is entirely up to fate, and the luck value cannot interfere)】

【The above are all the rewards for the first place】

【I hope Lord Jiang Cheng will achieve great things on the mainland soon and establish his own dynasty.】

"So luxurious……"

"This time it's really generous"

"With these rewards, there are few local forces in this area of thousands of miles that can compete with me."

After the past few days,

Jiang Cheng's heart has calmed down a lot.

He can be calm and at ease.

"Three million energy stones, to be honest, is a little too little. The output of the Goblin High-level Tribe alone is enough to make up one-third of it. Fortunately, there are so many rewards below, so it's barely acceptable."

"Lord coins are a bit scarce, but one million is enough to buy the item I have always wanted to buy, which is great."

Jiang Cheng took a fancy to an item in the mall.

Unfortunately, it takes one million Lord coins to buy it. He originally planned to save it slowly and buy it when he had enough.

Now he was directly rewarded with one million, which made him a little excited.

Jiang Cheng silently said in his heart to receive the reward.

The six rewards have arrived in his warehouse. He only needs to take them out and use them.

He first checked the Sky God Island. He wanted to see what this thing does.

If it is not of much use, he will choose to replace it.……

【Sky God Island】

【It is a supreme artifact that can make the lord's power transcend the rest of the continent. It has absolute defensive power, and even the advent of a true god would be difficult to break through in an instant.】

【Light of the God Island: The Sky God Island can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars into energy and launch an attack comparable to that of a god.】

【Cooling time: one month】

【Space jump: can move from one place to another instantly, with a maximum distance of 10,000 miles】

【Cooling time: one month】

【Land of Blessings: A special kind of air will be produced on the Sky God Island. Living on the Sky God Island will greatly improve your physical fitness, and the cultivation speed on the island will be twice as fast as usual (can be combined with territory enhancement buildings)】

【Note: The Sky God Island is suspended in the air and has a hidden function. After entering the hidden state, people outside cannot detect it. This function is automatically adjusted by the lord.】

【Tip: From the outside, the Sky God Island looks like a small floating island in the air, but it has a hidden space folding array inside, which is 200 square kilometers in size. There is a special teleportation array on it, which can instantly teleport to the outside of the God Island.】


"This is simply a paradise on earth, and it has both defense and attack capabilities, can also perform space jumps, and double the training speed!"

"Any one of these functions can make countless lords jealous, and maybe even some powerful local forces will be tempted!"

Jiang Cheng felt that he had such a divine island.

The future development would be quite smooth.

Then he clicked on the Saint-level suit.

He felt that this reward was quite humane. It happened that he had reached the Saint level and lacked weapons and equipment in this area.

【Random success】

【Please check the information.]

Seeing the random items.

Jiang Cheng's face darkened instantly. Not to mention this beautiful looking Saint-level sword, this Saint-level skirt armor alone made him speechless. This was obviously a women's suit! Did they want him to wear women

's clothes?

"Forget it, Lily is already level eight now, and it won't be long before she reaches the Saint level. I'll leave this women's suit to her. I can't wear women's clothes, it will damage the dignity of the lord!"

The young and strong blood clans in the city dragged the bodies of the wild monsters outside back one after another, peeled out the beast cores from their bodies, and extracted blood.

The remaining bodies were separated by Jiang Cheng.

From yesterday evening to eight o'clock this morning,

I don't know how many wild monsters died tragically.

In short, the outside area has become a real sea of blood and corpses. The ground has been soaked by the blood of the wild monsters. If the bloody smell is not dealt with in time, it may attract surrounding forces to come and check the situation.

Jiang Cheng plans to wait for the blood clan warriors to wake up.

Then let them go to eliminate the surrounding local forces.

With the current strength of the blood clan warriors, eliminating these local forces is as easy as crushing an ant.

After such a long battle, the lowest level of the 150 blood clan warriors is at the early stage of seven stars.

Yalie and Jack have even reached eight stars.

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