The friend message notification sounded.

Jiang Cheng opened the friend panel.

He first deleted nearly 10 million friend requests.

Then he opened the chat panel with Luo Qi.

"Congratulations, you won first place."

Jiang Cheng silently looked at Luo Qi's words of congratulation, and felt that this woman had been possessed. She was in love and hatred with him just now, and now she congratulated him. Something was wrong...

At the same time, he also felt that Luo Qi's ranking was not right. She only got ninth place and almost fell out of the top ten. Rumors spread in the public screen area.

They all said that he took Luo Qi's weapons and equipment.

Then Luo Qi's ranking plummeted.

Jiang Cheng felt so wronged.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"There is no need for us to beat around the bush. Anyway, I don't believe you are just here to congratulate me."

Seeing Jiang Cheng say this,

Luo Qi on the other side stopped pretending.

"I want to stay in your territory for a while, and I'll leave when I find a suitable place"

"Of course, I am not the kind of bad woman who eats and lives for free. I will give you a certain amount of energy stones as expenses every month, but the premise is that you have to guarantee my basic living and my personal safety. You can't have dirty thoughts about me, you can't do anything improper to me, and you can't do anything to me.……"

After Luo Qi proudly said a lot of things that Jiang Cheng couldn't do, she said proudly:

"Actually, you can't do anything to me."

"I am now a nine-star expert, with extremely strong strength. If you want to attack me, you must be prepared to be slapped to death by me!"

Luo Qi ranked ninth in the ranking.

She got all those points by herself.

Thousands of abyss monsters died tragically at her hands.

The experience she gained also greatly increased her strength, reaching nine stars, which gave her excellent strength.

Jiang Cheng didn't know why this woman was so confident.

Nine stars dared to go deep into his wolf's den and tiger's den?

And there was no need to force her to attack her. First, serve her well and relax her vigilance, and then add some love-inducing drugs to the food, wouldn't it be done?

It can only be said that the girl is still too young.

Fortunately, she met a gentleman like him, Jiang Cheng!

Otherwise, she would be eaten alive without knowing it.

Jiang Cheng had already agreed to Luo Qi's request to come to board.

But he was very curious why this woman didn't stay in her own territory, but had to come to him. She didn't really want to have a face-to-face encounter with netizens, right?

"Why don't you stay in your own territory?"

"Why are you coming to my territory?"

Luo Qi did not hide the fact.

"It was that broken warship. It was too powerful. It turned my territory into ruins. There was turbulence everywhere. If you were not careful and got caught in it, you would die without a burial. How could I live in this situation?……"

"My bugs are being repaired now, but the efficiency is very slow. It is expected that the situation will improve in half a month."

Hearing her say this, Jiang Cheng immediately laughed as if he was gloating.

Then the two ended their chat.

Luo Qi was also a smart person. He directly bought two teleportation arrays and sent one of them to Jiang Cheng, without letting him pay for it himself.

After getting the teleportation array, Jiang Cheng installed it on a nearby open space.

There is a function to input coordinates on the teleportation array.

As long as you enter the coordinates of the other party's teleportation array on it, plus a certain amount of energy stones, you can complete the teleportation.

After the teleportation array is ready.

Jiang Cheng opened the lord's gift package that everyone has.

The so-called gift package is actually just like that.

Five hundred energy stones, five hundred lord coins, ten thousand each of wood and ore, and a territory migration card.

These items are dispensable to Jiang Cheng.

Not to mention resources, compared to the resources he has Source, the gift pack can only be said to be a drop in the ocean.

And now that he has the Sky God Island, the territory migration card has become extremely useless and dispensable.

It will take some time to clean up Luo Qi's side.

Jiang Cheng first separated the piled up monster corpses and obtained hundreds of millions of wood and ores, as well as various materials, which almost filled his lord warehouse. It is obviously unwise to sell these materials during this period of time. After all, every lord has obtained a lot of good things and thrown them into the trading area.

The price was lowered all at once.

So Jiang Cheng does not plan to sell it at this time, and wait until the price in the trading area picks up before selling it.

After that, there are tens of thousands of beast cores.

Not to mention those below level 5. It seems like a lot, but in the end, not even a level 7 beast core can be synthesized, and only a few level 6 beast cores can be synthesized.

"Six level 7 beast cores, thirty-two level 6 beast cores, and three hundred and sixty-two level 5 beast cores……"

After Jiang Cheng cleared the surrounding monsters, only a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps were left. There were not many monsters with real strength.

Most of these beast cores came from monsters in the air.

They flew from afar, and there were many level 6 and 7 monsters. It was a pity that there were no level 8 monsters.

Otherwise, it would be very prosperous. The temple can be upgraded several times in a row.

"The Blood Clan Temple is now at level six, and the upgrade requires two hundred thousand wood ores, ten thousand energy stones, and fifty level six beast cores."

Jiang Cheng synthesized all the energy stones below level six.

Just enough fifty were gathered.

The conditions for upgrading the temple were met.

Today, Ale was successfully bred, which means that the Blood Clan Temple can start the next bred. The red gold level Blood Clan warriors belong to the most common level one.

But Jiang Cheng did not sigh for this.

After all, he just got a hundred bloodline enhancement pills, which can completely smash Ale into the purple gold level with bloodline close to the ancestor's bloodline.

After that, he summoned the altar, and with Ale's blood as the primer, he could let Yale and others awaken their bloodline and improve their own strength.

After dealing with things outside the city.

Jiang Cheng came to the Blood Clan Temple, first supervised the statue of the Blood God Ancestor, and then looked at the temple.

【Should I spend two hundred thousand pieces of wood, two hundred thousand pieces of ore, ten thousand energy stones, and fifty level six beast cores to upgrade the Blood Clan Temple?】


The red light enveloped it.

After the upgrade, the Blood Clan Temple was raised again, with the top reaching the sky. There were four additional castles around it, which looked more luxurious and extravagant.

The statues also became lifelike again.

However, the sense of reality on the statues was not as obvious as before.

Jiang Cheng mobilized the holy energy to wrap around the statues and carefully checked the situation inside. He didn't know if his means were not enough, but he couldn't see anything.……

"Forget it, no matter what, just burn it every night. After the war, the Nether Blood Flame has grown a lot, so I think I can burn it to my heart's content tonight!"

Jiang Cheng decided to plan an extra period of time every night to let the blood clan warriors with the Nether Blood Flame express their respect for their ancestors.

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