He closed the chat with He Yuan.

Jiang Cheng looked at Luo Qi who was stunned on the teleportation array.

"Come with me, I'll find someone to help you arrange accommodation. I have something very urgent to do now, so I may not be back until noon."


Hearing Jiang Cheng's voice, Luo Qi's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and she followed with small steps.

As soon as she walked out of the temple, a strong smell of blood hit her face, almost making her vomit.

It seemed that he noticed her discomfort.

Jiang Cheng explained:"From last night to this morning, thousands of wild monsters died outside the city wall. It is normal to have a little smell. You have to be patient for a while. My territory will be moved to a clean environment in the afternoon."

"It doesn't matter……"

"I’m not that squeamish, I can still stand this little smell, ugh~"

Luo Qi followed behind Jiang Cheng.

Feeling that he had lost all face, he secretly said in his heart:"Luo Qi, you are a nine-star strong man, how can you be so embarrassed, it’s just a little smell, you can’t let the guy in front laugh at you!"

The two of them came to the Vampire Temple one after the other.

Along the way, Luo Qi saw many vampires greeting Jiang Cheng and looking at her with curiosity.

At the same time, she also found that the buildings here were very beautiful.

Magnificent and spectacular, many times stronger than her territory, it was simply a world of difference.

The planning and layout of the territory was also extremely detailed.

She liked this place a little...

When they arrived at the temple, Jiang Cheng called Lily.

Let the little girl entertain Luo Qi, try to give her a better treatment, and record the specific process, so that he can make a lot of money by charging later! After staying in the temple for a while, Jiang Cheng emptied the items in the lord's warehouse and piled them in several utility rooms in the temple.

Then he called Ale and Yalie over.

The two of them did not rest.

Instead, they practiced in the barracks to relieve the mental fatigue caused by long-term fighting.

"Come on, come with me to do something"


Before leaving, Jiang Cheng gave Yato instructions again.

After the vampire warriors had rested enough, they would uproot the local forces nearby.

Now the overall strength of the territory has been improved by several levels.

There is no need to be secretive like before.

You can do it openly.

Jiang Cheng has been jealous of the energy stone mines controlled by those high-level tribes for a long time, and today he will definitely bring them under his control!

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Cheng brought Yale and Ale to the valley agreed with He Yuan.

Yale stood aside and closed his eyes and pondered for a while.

Sensing that He Yuan was still 20 kilometers away, it would take some time to arrive.

Jiang Cheng handed the storage ring in his hand to Yale.

"You two go outside the valley and create some traces of battle, preferably leaving no grass at all, then throw the beast blood and the monster's severed limbs in the storage ring onto the ground to create a tragic scene."



The Blood Clan Temple.

Lily took Luo Qi to choose a room in the temple.

Originally, she wanted to take Luo Qi to live in a residential area.

After all, the Blood Clan Temple was a very sacred building in her eyes. How could she let an outsider live in it, and bring five pet insects with him.

She didn't know if he would urinate and defecate in the temple at will.

Moreover, Luo Qi's identity as a woman also attracted Lily's attention. Although she was still young, she had been with the women in the residential area for a long time and understood some things about men and women.

In her opinion, the Lord and the Queen were a perfect match made in heaven!

But thinking of the words Jiang Cheng left before he left.

Lily could only sigh silently.

"How about this room?"

"If you live here, you will be charged 1,000 energy stones per day, and you will also need to pay for food yourself."

"If you don't have money, you can use items of equal value to offset it."

"So expensive!"

Luo Qi was dumbfounded. One thousand energy stones!

The cost for one day was enough for her Saint-class battleship to come here. They were simply treating her like a fat sheep!

This was intolerable!


"I'll stay here for a day and give you the energy stone later."

Luo Qi decided to experience it first.

After all, it was her first time to live in such a luxurious palace. It was magnificent and luxurious, and it was many times better than her shabby territory.

"Okay, I'll write it down first, and you can give the energy stone to the Lord or the Empress later."

Lily took out the kraft paper and began to record.

When Luo Qimin heard the word"Empress", her heart was shocked, as if she was thinking of something bad, and her expression was slightly moved.

Lily saw this scene from the corner of her eye, and a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes. She smiled and introduced herself:"Our Empress is peerless and powerful. She can wipe out all the enemies in the world with a wave of her hand!"

"She had been with the lord since the establishment of the territory, and a deep relationship had developed between the two. Anyway, they stayed in the same room every night, and I don't know the details."

When she said this, Lily wanted to dig a hole and bury herself. However, in order to show her power to Luo Qi and support Her Majesty the Queen, she suppressed her inner shyness. She acted as if she was just saying it casually.


Luo Qi felt that she had heard something very bad, and her chest was blocked...

Lily felt that it seemed a bit too much to tell her directly, and she should let her find out by herself.

She hurriedly asked:"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you some food so you can take a rest after eating?"

"No, I'll go out for a walk."

Luo Qi waved her hand, found a place to tie up the five void bugs, and then walked out of the temple.

The space of these five guys is full of treasures, and they can't be allowed to run around. They are unfamiliar with this place, if they get lost, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Jiang Cheng is such a stinky scumbag!"

"You've already slept with someone else, yet you're still teasing me, calling me your little wife!"

Luo Qi rubbed her face twice to wake herself up.

Jiang Cheng had nothing to do with her, so why was she always thinking about what he was doing? Anyway, she would go home after the territory was repaired in a while!

As she walked, Luo Qi found the battleship she had sold to Jiang Cheng yesterday.

Curious, she strode over.

When she got closer, she found a little Lolita, only six years old, lying on the battleship.

She was dressed like a nouveau riche, with a crown on her head, and a priceless scepter was casually thrown on the ground.

"How could there be a child in Jiang Chengling's land?"

"Besides, isn't it dangerous to lie on the battleship alone? There is no adult watching around.……"

Luo Qi was muttering to herself.

Suddenly, she found that the little girl had bitten off a piece of metal from the battleship's hull with her tender teeth, and then puffed up her cheeks and chewed continuously.

She stared at this scene with wide eyes, incredulous.


Meng Li looked up and found that it was a strange young lady. She asked,"Who are you? Are you the maid assigned to me by the Regent?"

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