"He Yuan, is Jiang Cheng's camp in the valley ahead?"

Xiao Yan stood on the giant flaming dragon, looking at the messy valley entrance in the distance. The ground was littered with broken limbs, and blood soaked the entire land. The strong smell of blood filled the entire forest.

This shows how fierce the battle was.

At the same time, no one cleaned up the battlefield outside.

It seems that Jiang Cheng's soldiers must have suffered heavy losses, and they can't even spare the manpower to clean up the battlefield!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yan was overjoyed.

He was so excited that his body was shaking.

""Replying to Alliance Leader Xiao Yan, I have already inquired several times and confirmed that Jiang Cheng's territory is in the valley."

Since recognizing the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Lord as his godfather,

Xiao Yan's position in the alliance has risen rapidly.

He has the power to manage the branch alliance in the Vaslo Great Forest.

Originally, He Yuan should have called him the branch leader, but in order to make him take the bait, he naturally flattered him in various ways, calling him Alliance Leader Xiao Yan all the time, and saying good things to him.


Xiao Yan laughed and said,"He Yuan, you did a good job this time. If you want any reward in the future, just ask for it. I promise to satisfy you!"

"It is my honor to serve the leader Xiao Yan, and I dare not expect anything more. I only hope that the leader Xiao Yan will achieve great things in the future and leave me a job as a tea-servant.……"

Seeing that his performance was good, He Yuan showed a gloating smile.

However, in the eyes of others, his smile completely turned into flattery, flattering Xiao Yan.

"Humph, Alliance Leader Xiao Yan, let’s quickly enter the valley and annihilate Jiang Cheng as soon as possible!"

"Yes, half an hour has passed since the end of the battle, and no one has come to clean up the battlefield outside. It seems that Jiang Cheng can no longer mobilize so many people!"

"It is estimated that he and his vampires are recuperating in the valley now, and they are very weak!"

"They may have collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and can't even get up. As long as we enter the valley, we can take Jiang Cheng's head in an instant!"

The four lords accompanying him saw that the credit was about to be taken away by He Yuan, so they quickly spoke up.


"Everybody, charge into the valley, kill all the vampires inside, and capture Jiang Cheng alive!"

"I'm going to trample the so-called number one on the list under my feet and trample on him. Maybe I can get the coordinates of Luo Qi's teleportation array from him and destroy the territories of the two lords in one fell swoop!"

Xiao Yan, who hadn't slept all night, shook his dizzy head and excitedly patted the fire dragon under him, signaling it to follow the lords below.

Assuming that Jiang Cheng still has combat power, the five unlucky guys below will bear the brunt.

And he can choose to fight Jiang Cheng or escape after observing the situation.

Because the valley is long and narrow, the fire dragon had to fall from the air and walk instead.

Not long after entering the valley, they found something wrong.

It was too quiet in here... and the surrounding mountain walls and ground were intact, which was completely different from the outside.

""He Yuan, what on earth is going on!"

Xiao Yan's heart tightened, and he glared at He Yuan.

The other four lords also cast sharp eyes at He Yuan, and the anger in their eyes seemed to want to kill him.

"This... this……"

Under such circumstances, He Yuan was trembling with fear and didn't know how to explain. He could only pray that Jiang Cheng would show up soon and save him from the dire situation.

At this moment, he saw a vampire warrior coming out from the depths of the valley.

And a vampire warrior also appeared at the entrance of the valley.

He was overjoyed and said quickly:"The soldiers under Jiang Cheng have appeared!"


Xiao Yan snorted coldly.

He noticed the moment the two blood clan warriors appeared.

The two blood clan warriors exuded a terrifying aura that was extremely dangerous. The murderous aura around them could almost condense into substance. Just looking at the sharp eyes could make people feel cold in their hearts.

Xiao Yan's face was solemn.

He used the lord's privilege to check the personal information of the two blood clan warriors.

You do n't know until you see it. You will be shocked when you see it.

Eight-star blood clan warriors!

All in their prime!

One of them has even awakened!

Xiao Yan didn't know how strong the blood clan warriors would be after awakening, but they would definitely not be weaker than those who had not awakened.

Two eight-star blood clan warriors in their prime.

And he had only nearly a hundred fire dragons under his command, eight of which were seven stars.

It seemed that he could fight one or two, but in fact, these fire dragons had fought all night and had hardly rested. They were extremely tired mentally and could not exert much combat power at all. The combat power gap between the two sides was like a natural moat!

He estimated that his eight seven-star fire dragons would not last more than twenty rounds in the hands of these two blood clan warriors.


There was a noise behind him.

Xiao Yan turned around and saw He Yuan with a sly smile on his face. He had already pierced a lord's chest with a long sword in his hand. His method was precise and ruthless, and his action was not slow at all. It was obviously premeditated. The magic bear soldiers behind him also immediately controlled the soldiers under the dead lord and pressed them to the ground.

"He Yuan, what are you doing?!"

"You have a brain cramp!"

"You don't think that if you kill us and show your loyalty to Jiang Cheng, he will let you go, right?"

The three lords accompanying him angrily scolded He Yuan.

They couldn't believe that He Yuan was not trying to deal with the two vampire warriors at this time, but was pointing the knife at their own people!

"Why should I show my loyalty to Lord Jiang Cheng?"

He Yuan smiled triumphantly, and then used a knife to cut a hole on the back of his hand.

In the shocked eyes of Xiao Yan and others

, the flesh on the back of He Yuan's hand squirmed, and the bleeding quickly stopped. The wound was healing rapidly.

"Hahaha, you didn’t expect that!"

"There is no need for me to show loyalty to Lord Jiang Cheng because I have become a member of the vampire clan!"

"In fact, Lord Jiang Cheng got hold of your plan at the first opportunity. It's a pity that you guys were played around by Lord Jiang Cheng and me without knowing it!"

Looking at He Yuan's arrogant face,

Xiao Yan was so angry that his eyes turned black and he almost fainted.

At the same time, he was shocked.

The soldiers under Jiang Cheng actually have the ability to infect. What a terrible ability!

If he is infected and controlled today, then Jiang Cheng may be able to use him to destroy the entire Purple Winged Dragon Alliance in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan regretted it.

Unlike Xiao Yan, the other three lords seemed to see the hope of survival.

He hurriedly shouted in the valley:"Lord Jiang Cheng, no, Lord Jiang Cheng, I am willing to surrender, please infect me into a vampire!"

"I am also willing to surrender, as long as you don’t kill me, I will work like a slave for you!"

"I can help you deal with Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan is a very bad guy. He actually dared to target you, Lord Jiang Cheng. He deserves to die!"

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