Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 95 Werewolves, Kobolds Attack, Goblin King

Werewolf high-level tribe.

A six-star werewolf came running from the direction of the Goblin tribe on all fours, reporting to the werewolf leader on the city wall:

"Report to the leader!"

"The Goblin tribe is suspected to have been attacked by a mysterious strongman. The entire tribe and the city wall outside have all been reduced to ruins, with countless casualties and a complete defeat!"

"I caught a few stray goblins. After torturing them, I learned that there are dozens of black shadows constantly shuttling through their territory, and each attack will take a life!"

"The goblins don't know what it is. They probably guess that it is a ghost or vengeful spirit that ran out from the depths of the Vaslo Forest!"

The werewolf leader on the city wall frowned.

He is seven meters tall, with muscular muscles, strong limbs, and a body full of explosive power. He looks very scary.

"Ghosts, ghosts?"

"Don't those things live in the darkest place in the Vaslo Forest? How come they run to our peripheral areas? This shouldn't happen..."

"Could it be that some guy who gave birth to cubs without anus led them out?"

After saying that, the werewolf leader fell into deep thought.

What happened to the Goblin tribe was too unexpected.

It was impossible to imagine that the Goblin tribe, which was as solid as a rock the moment before, turned into ruins the next moment.

The giant beast that gave the wolves a headache was beaten to limp in an instant, lost its fighting power, and became a lamb to be slaughtered...

Just as the werewolf leader was pondering.

A dog-headed messenger came running from a distance.

"I have met the werewolf leader!"

"Werewolf leader, I believe you have also learned about the situation of the high-level goblin tribe on the opposite side. My leader has assembled a large army and is on the way to march, and invites you to jointly send troops to the high-level goblin tribe and take it down in one fell swoop."

"After taking it down, both sides can establish a simple defense line, wait for the arrival of a large number of reinforcements from the kingdom, and then launch a general attack on the goblin kingdom!"

"If you miss such a godsend opportunity, there will be no next time!"

The werewolf leader was moved.

Now the goblin tribe is in chaos.

The army has almost lost its combat effectiveness. As long as he sends troops, he can sweep all the way, and it is not a problem to hit their kingdom capital!

And this time the kobold leader is also sending troops.

The other side has even set off, and it seems that they are determined to win.

If he retreats in this situation, wouldn't it prove that he is not even as good as a dog!

As for the so-called ghosts and evil spirits, they have not been confirmed yet.

It may just be the nonsense of those goblins.

And even if it is a real ghost or evil spirit, when the sun rises in the morning, won't it roll back to the depths of the forest?

The opportunity for war cannot be delayed.

If it is too late, the reinforcements from the Goblin Kingdom will arrive, and the Gnoll leader will be in crisis!

If something unexpected happens to the other side.

Then he must have a great responsibility.

It is not impossible that the relationship between the two countries will break down at that time!

Thinking of this, the werewolf leader made a decision in his heart and said to his subordinates beside him:

"You should inform His Majesty the King of the country about the situation here as soon as possible, and ask him to mobilize the army to reinforce. I will join hands with the Gnoll leader next to me to take down the high-level Goblin tribe and defend it desperately until the army arrives!"

"When the general is away, he is not subject to the king's orders!"

"Say sorry to His Majesty the King of the country for me. The incident happened suddenly. In order not to delay the opportunity for war, I can only act on my own initiative to send troops without authorization!"

As the most important high-level tribe on the border.

Without the king's handwritten order, troops cannot be sent without authorization.

After all, if something goes wrong here, the whole kingdom will be in danger, like a sharp blade, suspended above the kingdom.


The seven-star werewolf on the side saluted.

Then it flew towards the capital at a very fast speed.

The dog-headed man below was overjoyed and quickly replied.

After Jiang Cheng's strongest blow fell.

The werewolf tribe has been alarmed, and the soldiers under his command are fully armed and ready to fight at any time.

In this way, the werewolf leader mobilized troops very quickly.

The 10,000 werewolf army marched towards the high-level goblin tribe, and the remaining thousands of old and weak werewolves guarded the tribe.

When they arrived.

The high-level goblin tribe was ablaze.

Countless dog-headed men shuttled through it, chasing the fleeing goblins, and blood was spilled all over the land.

The werewolf leader shouted when he saw this.

Then he took the lead and led the third party forces to join the battlefield to annihilate the goblins together.

The response from the Goblin Kingdom was very quick.

As the battle was about to end.

A well-equipped goblin army of 50,000 people arrived at the high-level tribe.

The three parties continued to fight, and the battlefield could be described as a meat grinder.

"Pass my order!"

"Mobilize the troops of all the middle-level and low-level tribes in the surrounding areas, let them go to support, and make sure to take back the high-level tribe!"

"Even if we use human sea tactics and fill them with lives, we must stop the enemy there and not let them get close to the capital!"

"At the same time, send someone to ask the goblin king to send troops, and tell him that if something happens to us, they can't stay out of it, and at worst we will die together!"

Under the throne, a goblin who looked like a general spoke loudly to the ministers below.

The Goblin King, who was supposed to be on the throne, disappeared.

The general was in charge of all the affairs of the country.

At this moment, a terrifying holy pressure came from the depths of the palace, and instantly spread throughout the Goblin Capital.

Countless goblins prostrated themselves on the ground.

The Goblin ministers in the hall also knelt down and saluted.

"Welcome the king out of seclusion!"

Amidst the waves of greetings.

The fat Goblin King appeared in the hall, and his body directly filled the entire throne, making people wonder whether the throne could withstand this heavyweight player.

"Your Majesty!"

The Goblin general saluted respectfully, and then told what happened in the outside world and the decision he made.

"Well, you did a good job!"

"But I want to make some changes. Let the frontline troops withdraw and use the city walls as a barrier to block the attacks of werewolves and dog-headed men. And order all the goblin tribes outside to rush back to the capital!"

Hearing this, the collective goblin ministers below were dumbfounded. They wondered if their king had consumed his IQ to improve his strength...

After all, the king has been stuck at level nine for three years. His cultivation has not improved at all in three years. It is obvious that his talent has reached the limit and cannot go further.

But since the beginning of the year, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has climbed to the current Saint-level strongman.

This surprised many goblin ministers.

Especially the speed at which the king improved his cultivation.

I am afraid that the speed of top creatures is no faster than this.

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