Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 96: A little bit of money, forcibly interrupting the movement


Looking at the ministers' scrutinizing eyes.

The Goblin King was furious.

"I have my own plans. Don't speculate. Do you think the dog-headed people and werewolves can still resist me!"

"Just a bunch of ants!"

"When the armies of the two countries arrive outside the city, I only need to release my holy power and they will be wiped out!"

Looking at the extremely confident expression on the face of their own king.

The Goblin ministers had no choice but to obey the other party's decision.

After all, the king must be thinking about the country.

It's impossible to push the country into the fire pit, right?

The Goblin King and the general were the only ones left in the empty hall.

After dismissing the servants around, the Goblin General frowned and said, "Brother, have you damaged your brain by practicing in seclusion? How can you bring the battle line to the capital!"

"That's fine, but you have to recall all the tribal members outside. Isn't that handing over the control of the periphery!"

"Even if it's for the war, once the war is over, the capital can't afford so many soldiers!"

The Goblin King looked at his brother with contempt.

Clapped his hands.

As the clapping sounded, two young and beautiful female elves came out from the back, sat directly on the Goblin King's lap, picked up the fruit on the table, and served him to eat.

The two female elves had empty eyes, numb hands and feet, as if they had lost their souls.

"Brother, how could there be elves here!"

The Goblin General subconsciously drew his weapon. Elves are one of the most powerful races in the Vaslo Forest, and can be called a hegemon.

There used to be many people who coveted the beauty of elves and wanted to catch one as a forbidden delicacy.

But the matter was only halfway through when it was discovered by the elves, resulting in the uprooting of the forces behind it. It is said that the heads were piled up into a mountain.

Now the eldest brother will not go astray, right...

They can't bear the anger of the elves...

"What are you thinking?"

"How could I catch an elf? This was given to me by the elves' high-level people. At the same time, my realm was also improved by him. Otherwise, how could I break through the Saint level with my talent? It's just wishful thinking."

"But I'm not a real Saint level. I'm still far from the real Saint level. I can only be called a half-Saint."

After saying that, the Goblin King released his true breath, which was not even one-tenth of Jiang Cheng's.

Ignoring his brother's stunned expression.

The Goblin King continued: "Although I'm not a real Saint level powerhouse yet, I only need a little bit of price to get the opportunity to break through the Saint level powerhouse!"

"When the time comes, I will protect you. No one will dare to bully us brothers anymore. You can do whatever you want!"

Only a little price?

The Goblin General didn't know that the little bit in his brother's mouth was different from what he understood.

If he knew the price...

The brothers might immediately turn against each other.

"In that case, brother, you can do it yourself."

"I'll go down and prepare for the follow-up matters."


The Goblin Kingdom received the war report from the front.

Worried about the fall of the Goblin Kingdom, he immediately sent 50,000 reinforcements to reinforce and cooperate with his allies to repel the invading werewolves and dog-headed men.

At the same time, he ordered the surrounding goblin tribes to cooperate with the army's actions and provide all the conveniences they could.

But he might not have expected it.

Shortly after the army set out, more than a dozen black shadows appeared above the Goblin Capital.

Perhaps in order to comply with the other three kingdoms, the Goblin Kingdom was not built underground, but on the surface.

However, most of the goblins in the capital have cellars at home, and they still sleep underground at night.

"Lord, isn't it a bit hasty for us to do this? Just a dozen people can't eliminate so many goblins. I'm afraid that their army will turn back before they kill half of them."

Yale felt the breath below.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of them, with varying strengths.

"There are only 30,000 goblins with levels here, most of which are small shrimps. There are only two eight-star goblins and their king who can rank high."

"This time we are still carrying out a decapitation operation. The goal is to kill their king, take the beast core from him, and all the treasures in the treasury. Let the rest of the small shrimps fend for themselves."

Jiang Cheng's holy energy enveloped Atuo and others.

In an instant, he appeared in the palace of the Goblin Kingdom, releasing the pressure of a saint-level strongman, covering the palace.

All the goblins in the palace could not move, and even had difficulty breathing.

The Goblin King, who was exercising with his beloved concubine, was also affected.

He was interrupted while casting a spell.

It is estimated that he will not be able to recover without eight hundred and ten bowls of tonic.

"Damn it!"

The Goblin King got up from the bed with an angry face.

After all, he also has the strength of nine stars. The saint-level pressure is certainly useful to him, but Jiang Cheng did not focus on him alone, but covered the entire palace.

So the action can still be done.

It was just very strenuous.

"This is the pressure from a Saint-level powerhouse."

"How is this possible!"

"I am timid by nature and have never provoked an existence of this level. Maybe he is just passing by and wants to ask for a drink of water..."

After putting on his clothes with difficulty.

The Goblin King came outside.

Looking at Jiang Cheng and others who looked unfriendly in the distance, the corners of his mouth began to twitch constantly.

He originally wanted to say hello politely.

Ask the other party if they were passing by him and wanted to stay here for a midnight snack or something.

The leading human was okay, with a calm expression.

But the big guys behind him looked at him with eyes that wanted to peel off his skin and pull out his tendons, and then dip him in a special sauce and swallow him alive...

"That... Dear heroes, do you have any needs when you come here? If you have any, I can satisfy you."

Even so, the Goblin King was still polite.

There is no way, they are so strong.

There are so many people, and he is now alone, how can he fight?

It is the best choice to be able to spend money to avoid disasters.

If the other party's request is really excessive, then he will not be so easy to talk to...

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect this guy to be so friendly. He pointed at the king of the empire and said, "I came here not for others, but for you."

"If you are honest, I can avoid harming innocent people and ensure the safety of your kingdom."

"But if you are not honest, your entire kingdom will suffer when the fight breaks out."

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