Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 97 The ninth level beast core is obtained, and the old father is worried

The Goblin King's face was pale.

I didn't expect that these guys really came to eat him!

He was full of fat, and sometimes even he himself disliked it, but these guys actually wanted to eat him!

Even a Saint-level strongman led the way...

The Goblin King's fat body trembled.

Just when he was desperate, shouts of killing rang out outside the palace.

The palace guards had already discovered the abnormality.

They had already poured into the palace.

But before they could cross the palace gate, they were pressed to the ground by Jiang Cheng's pressure.

The palace entrance was soon blocked by a group of goblins lying on the ground, but except for the gate, the rest of the goblins chose to climb over the wall.

In short, they wanted to rush in to save their own king.

And mobilize the energy in their bodies to resist the pressure released by Jiang Cheng to achieve a slowing effect.

As more and more goblins did this, Jiang Cheng's pressure was further weakened.

"Go and kill those annoying bugs outside."

"Leave this fat guy to me."

Jiang Cheng withdrew his pressure and asked Atuo and others to deal with the goblins outside.

"Are you really unwilling to let me go?"

The Goblin King gnashed his teeth.

Originally, he hoped that his soldiers would rush in so that he could escape in the chaos.

But now the other party has directly forced him into a dead end.

Letting him fight against a Saint-level strongman alone, isn't this asking for his own death!

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Why should you let go of the fat meat that is in your mouth? If you are honest, I can save you from the pain of flesh and blood and give you a quick death."

Hearing this, the Goblin King showed a painful expression on his face.

I didn't expect that the other party likes to eat fat meat, no wonder he came to him, but the Goblin King next door is fatter than him, why did he only come to him!

After a moment of unwillingness in his heart.

The Goblin King was extremely determined.

Took out a transparent energy bead from the storage ring in his hand.

"Hmph, don't think you can take me down so easily!"

"I also have certain means to build a kingdom in this area!"

The energy bead stores the energy that the previous generation of Goblin King injected into it before his death.

As long as the energy inside is absorbed.

The Goblin King can raise his strength to the peak of nine stars in a short time, and it is not impossible to even touch the threshold of the Saint level.


Just after the Goblin King finished speaking harshly and had not yet absorbed the energy beads, Jiang Cheng appeared in front of him.

The overwhelming Saint-level pressure pressed on the Goblin King, causing him to collapse directly to the ground. The ground was pressed down and collapsed, forming a spider-web-like crack.

Only then did the Goblin King know the gap between the two.

It was like a natural moat that could not be crossed.

Even if he was given ten energy beads, it would not be enough for the other party to fight with one hand.

"Who taught you to speak harshly before a fight?"

Jiang Cheng squatted down and patted his fat face.

He took off the ten storage rings on his hand one by one and put them on his own hand, looking like a nouveau riche who had just made a fortune last night.

"So considerate, you actually hid all the good things in it, which saved me a lot of trouble, so I'll give you a quick death."

In the ferocious eyes of the Goblin King.

Jiang Cheng put his hand on his chest, shattered all the heart meridians with one palm, and then took out the ninth-level beast core in his body.

The goal has been achieved.

There is no need for Jiang Cheng and others to stay any longer.

They left the Goblin Kingdom at a very fast speed, leaving the goblins helpless and furious below.

Ale did not act with Jiang Cheng and others.

Instead, he stayed on the Goblin battlefield.

Reported the results of the war to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng originally thought that Ale would stay outside for a while, but he didn't expect that before they returned to the Sky God Island, Ale was already waiting for their return outside.

"Report to the Lord!"

"The war on the Goblin side has ended. For some unknown reason, the Goblins chose to retreat and were chased for dozens of miles by the werewolves and dog-headed men who had almost lost all their lives."

"And the surrounding Goblin tribes seemed to have received orders from their kingdom and led all the Goblins under their command to rush non-stop towards the direction of the capital."

"Their morale was once extremely low, and they almost lost the will to continue fighting. Some Goblin tribes even mutinied."

After listening to Ale's report.

Jiang Cheng couldn't figure out what the Goblin King was thinking.

Wouldn't this operation put the kingdom on a dead end...

Why did he do this?

What benefits could he get from doing this?

These two questions immediately appeared in Jiang Cheng's mind.

In short, it is certain that the Goblin King did this for some purpose.

It is necessary to gather so many Goblins...

A guess emerged in Jiang Cheng's mind.

Over there, the Goblin King was preparing to perform an evil sacrifice, which required sacrificing tens or even millions of lives in order to achieve his inner ulterior motives.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng frowned.

If that was really the case, then he had to get involved. After all, sacrificing so many lives would definitely produce something incredible.

It would be a waste of resources for such a treasure to fall into the hands of the Goblins!

He had to play a role in stealing someone's love.

Of course, this was just Jiang Cheng's guess.

We'll have to wait and see for the details later.

Back on the island, Luluo appeared in front of them.

Took them to teleport and returned to the territory.

"Luluo, the Sky God Island has entered a hidden state and is moving towards the Goblin Kingdom!"

The Sky God Island can move.

It's just that the speed is a bit touching.

But at least it can move a considerable distance.

"Okay, Master."

Luluo sat cross-legged on the ground, closed her eyes and controlled the God Island.

After Yatuo, Yale and others went back.

Jiang Cheng came to the renewable energy stone mine.

He did not forget what he said to Meng Li before leaving.

I want to see if the little girl has dug out all the energy stones. If not, it is not impossible to forgive, but at least more than half should be there...

"Well~ Regent, you came at the right time."

"Help me up quickly, I can continue to eat."

Hearing the movement, Meng Li opened her eyes a little and said in a daze.

Jiang Cheng looked around.

Where is there any energy stone in this mine!

Looking at the little girl's swollen belly again, Jiang Cheng could already guess where the energy stones went.

After 24 hours of non-stop eating.

Mengli's level has reached level 6.

Her height has increased by another centimeter.

After all, as her level increases, the little girl's eating speed has also improved by leaps and bounds.

"Still eating!"

Jiang Cheng was like an old father who was worried about her.

He was going to take the little girl to Anna for a checkup. If there was no problem, he would let her continue, so that she could improve her strength as soon as possible and exert the ability of the golden slime as soon as possible.

If there was a problem, she had to stop.

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