Universal Sword God

Chapter 3457: Outpost

? Five domain masters of the second scene mixed words, converged in mixed sky tower.

After seeing Jing Yan, the eternal emperor immediately reported the situation in the second Jing Yan mixed Yuan in recent years. Sentinel battlefields are intensified, and more than a dozen mixed-yuan spaces, including the second Jingyan mixed-yuan, have to frequently mobilize military resources and material resources to the outpost. The situation reported by the eternal emperor to Jing Yan is about the transfer of military power and the transfer of material resources.

After listening to the report of the eternal emperor, Jing Yan also felt some heartache. Although this second Jingyan mixed Yuan was taken over by the arrogant emperor, it is far from being emotionally comparable to the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, but such a huge loss and consumption still makes Jing Yan sad.

"The decisive battle is coming!"

"A few of you, with the exception of the elder executive sitting in the back of the town to co-ordinate, the other four domain owners will follow me to the outpost battlefield." Jing Yan said to several domain owners.

"Yes!" Emperor Dongyu and others answered.

"Are all the practitioners ready to convene?" Jing Yan asked again.

Emperor Dongyu and others, in accordance with the order of the large area, have always stated the situation clearly. After the unremitting efforts of several domain owners, a powerful army has been assembled in the second scene. In this army, there are many immortal emperors at the level of the mixed Yuan emperor, close to thirty. Those powerful empires, as well as big families, have extraordinary resources.

In fact, if Jing Yan did not show up again a while ago, it would be absolutely impossible for the second Jing Yan to gather such an army. A large part of the forces of those great empires and big families is because they are afraid of Jing Yan, and thus have to outsource resources.

I'm afraid there are many people who have thought about the King Yan who would never appear. It is a pity that Emperor Jingyan still appeared again.

It is absolutely extremely dangerous to violate the King Jingyan, the master of the mixed Yuan. Once you do that, you probably don't have to wait for the Legion of Demon Gods to come in, and King Yan Yan will pick them up first. Although the King Jingyan is usually good at speaking, everyone knows the means. What happened when Emperor Jingyan had just taken over this mixed-yuan space was not so easy to forget.

"That being the case, let everyone come over! Gather at the Tower, and then head to Jiaoyuan Heyuan to enter the outpost battlefield." Jing Yan ordered.

The hinterland of the Alliance territory, leading to the outpost battlefield, there is only one mixed yuan channel. This mixed element channel is within Jiaoyuan mixed element and is protected by a strict guard. Without the order of the Jade Palace, the masters of the mixed Yuan could not use the mixed Yuan channel leading to the outpost battlefield without authorization.

"Let them, within a month, arrive at the Mixed Sky Tower. Those who fail to meet the deadline are deemed to have violated the military order." Jing Yan added aloud.

"Yes!" Emperor Dongyu and others answered loudly.

Within a month, the army was assembled.

Most of the top powerhouses in Junyuan Space in the whole second Jingyan space are probably here.

Jing Yan did not deliberately mobilize these people and so on, he just said a few words.

The meaning is very simple. After the war is over, discuss rewards.

However, the fighting spirit of the army is very low. Many people even think that they will die in this war and can no longer return to the mixed space. Others felt that in this war, the Alliance side did not have a chance to win, and ultimately it was impossible to stop the invasion of the Great Demon God.

Jing Yan personally took the strongest army formed in the second Jingyan mixed Yuan to Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan.

The leader of Jiao Yuan received the news in advance and personally came to the mixed Yuan channel to meet Jing Yan and the army led by Jing Yan.

"Jingyan the Great, be careful when you get to the outpost battlefield."

"After all the troops in the Junyuan space have gone to the battlefield, I will personally lead the army of Jiaoyuan Junyuan and enter the outpost battlefield to fight alongside you." The leader of Jiaoyuan told Jing Yan.

"Okay, lord, then there will be no delay, we will go to the battlefield now." Jing Yan nodded.

After talking with the leader of Jiao Yuan for a short time, Jing Yan led his army and kept entering the outpost battlefield through the Junyuan channel without stopping.

The outpost battlefield is a vast expanse of mixed Yuan void.

In this mixed Yuan void, there are some continents floating. There is a certain amount of material energy on and around the continent.

But even if there is a continent, it is still a desolate place, with a strong killing spirit and a deadly spirit.

After coming out of the Junyuan channel node of the outpost battlefield, Jing Yan saw several Emperors of Yuanyuan waiting there.

"I've seen Emperor Jingyan." The mixed emperors saw Jing Yan and the army led by Jing Yan and immediately greeted him.

Jing Yan is not familiar with these people. One or two of them may have seen it before, but they have no contact.

"Everyone has a job," Jing Yan said, arching his hand.

"Jingyan the Great is polite."

"Jingyan the Great, and your friends, please follow us." One of the mixed emperors said with a smile to Jing Yan and everyone.

Jing Yan and the second Jing Yan mixed army followed these people to a city established by the Alliance on the outpost battlefield. The name of this city is called Outpost. This city is located on a continent behind the battlefield.

The architecture in the city is simple.

There are many practitioners who are active in the city. Along the way, Jing Yan saw many seriously injured practitioners, some of them withered and others, and some with the collapse of the micro-world.

The main residence of the outpost is a very simple large yard.

Now, the interim commander of the outpost battlefield is the Great Emperor of Jiaoyuan. This person's strength is a small perfection level. Within Jiaoyuan's mixed Yuan, he is also the most highly ranked imperial emperor, which is much stronger than the Alliance's many mixed Yuan's masters.

"Emperor Jingyan, I have already received a message from the confederate earlier, knowing that you are coming." The refutation of the Emperor Duan was outside Jingfu's house, waiting for Jing Yan.

After seeing Jing Yan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he immediately stepped forward.

"Bad Duan Commander-in-Chief." Jing Yan arched out and greeted him.

"The Emperor Jingyan is here, and I will be able to relax a bit. During this time, I was scared every day. I was really afraid that Hua Tianba would lead the army to the outpost." Commander Duan Duan exhaled.

His words were indeed the truth, when Huatian Ba ​​will appear more and more frequently. He has sent people back to Jiaoyuan Junyuan many times, asking for help from the alliance leader, and requesting the alliance's most powerful emperors to come to the battlefield for support. Now, the King of Jingyan finally came.

"Miss Duan, what is the situation in the outpost on the battlefield deteriorating?" Jing Yan asked.

"Emperor Jingyan, let's talk inside." The face of Captain Duan suddenly became serious, and said in a condensed voice.

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