Universal Sword God

Chapter 3458: a

Jing Yan took the giant axe and four domain masters with a second Jing Yan mixed Yuan into the city's mansion, while the others, commander Duan Duan ordered someone to arrange a residence for them.

"Jingyan, the situation is very bad."

"It can be said that in the outpost battlefield, the alliance is steadily losing ground. Especially after Huatian Bajiang and other powerful beings are involved in the war, the Alliance Legion is even more irresistible. Now, I have contracted the defensive circle many times. , But still difficult to resist. "

"Our losses are really too great. Every time, there are soldiers of the Alliance dying. And the resources transported from the rear can't keep up. The resources of fairy stone are okay, but the consumption of elixir is really Too big, the elixir reserve in the outpost is already empty. "Commander Duan Duan looked bitter.

He is not a good commander.

"Well, the intention of the Great Demon God is to consume our living power first." Jing Yan nodded.

"Yes, but even if we know his intentions, there is nothing we can do. The outpost battlefield is the gateway to the alliance's territory. If the outpost battlefield falls, the entire alliance's territory will be exposed to the army of the Great Demon God. Even if we will be mixed Destroyed the channel, but at most it only delays for some time.

"Why did Huatian Demon suddenly strengthen the attack on the alliance?" Jing Yanning eyebrow asked.

The battle between the Alliance and the Great Demon God has been going on for a long time. But the sudden escalation of war to the level of total war, which is a matter of recent centuries. In the past, even when the Huatian Demon shot himself, he did not send all of His Majesty's Legion.

Now, there are as many as eight Huatian Legions appearing on the outpost battlefield. Only the regiment personally led by the Great Demon God has not yet appeared in the war. Obviously, the Great Demon God is about to destroy the entire alliance this time.

"I don't know this," said Captain Duan, shaking his head.

"Anyway, as far as the Alliance is concerned, it is inevitable. We can only do our best to face the final decisive battle." Jing Yan said.

"All the Union Yuan Spaces will form a strongest legion and come to the outpost. The second scene speaks of Yuan Space, the first to arrive, and then the strongest Legion in other Space Yuan Spaces will come one after another." Jing Yan Continue to say to Captain Duan.

"Emperor Jingyan, there are only a few of us here. Some words, I don't hide anymore. To tell the truth, I think the alliance and the demon of the great demon God, our alliance may not have any chance." Shook his head.

"If the alliance's more than a dozen mixed-yuan spaces can really work together, there may still be some hope. Unfortunately, it is impossible for everyone to unite as one." Duan Shuaishuai smiled bitterly.

"Reject Captain Duan, what are you talking about? You commander-in-chief is not confident. The people below will still have morale?"

"With the presence of our city master, the alliance will not be defeated." Great Axe said loudly with a stare.

Captain Duan Duan looked at the great axe emperor, his eyes were a little strange, and the goods were indeed a little different.

Marshal Duan also heard that King Yan Yan had brought back a mixed Yuan emperor named Giant Axe from outside the territory of the Alliance, which was extremely powerful. He guessed that the burly man who followed Jing Yan the Great should be the Great Axe.

However, as soon as the Great Axe Emperor opened his mouth, Captain Duan couldn't help but curse a stupid thing.

"Miss Duan, this is the great axe emperor." Jing Yan only introduced the great axe emperor at this time.

"The giant axe friend, long-awaited name." Commander Duan Duan arched his hand at the giant axe. Although he felt that the giant axe was a little embarrassed, he didn't show anything at all.

Because the great axe emperor defeated the emperor Zhanwu in one move. In terms of personal strength, I don't know how much better than him to refute Duan the Emperor.

"Rebutting the commander in chief, you don't have to worry too much. The alliance may not be defeated." Jing Yan also said.

"Yes, I am so unconfident." Refutes Duan Shuaishuai's righteousness.

"By the way, some time ago, the first scene was mixed, and a team came to the outpost. Now, where is this team?" Jing Yan asked again.

"The team from the first scene with mixed words?" Captain Duan Duan thought for a while.

After a while, he said, "Yes, they have been incorporated into the Fifth Legion of the Alliance. Because the number of practitioners from the first scene is too small to join the army alone, they are incorporated into other legions."

"Where are they now?" Jing Yan said.

"In this way, I will take King Yan to the Fifth Army to take a look." Captain Duan Duan groaned slightly.

"Okay, so I have a troubled Duan commander." Jing Yan nodded.

The Fifth Army is stationed on a continent whose position is at the forefront of the alliance's control. In this way, the guard task is naturally very heavy, and the battle with the Huatian Army is more frequent, which directly leads to a high discount rate of the Fifth Army.

Captain Duan Duan personally took Jing Yan and others to the continent where the Fifth Army was stationed.

In the legion camp, Jing Yan met the head of the legion and some senior legions. The leader of the army corps is a mixed Yuan emperor from Xuanming Mixed Yuan. Although he has not yet reached the level of small completeness, he is also a relatively senior mixed Yuan emperor and has mastered nearly ten Yuan ancestors.

"I've seen Emperor Jingyan." The commander of the Fifth Army Corps, and others, bowed to the ceremony after seeing Jing Yan.

"Well, don't be polite." Jing Yan waved his hand.

"Where is a monk and other practitioners from the first Jingyan mixed Yuan?" Jing Yan asked directly.

Immediately after hearing Jing Yan's arrival, the head of the regiment asked this question, and his face was a bit ugly.

"People who came from the first Jingyan mixed Yuan belonged to the First Brigade of the Fifth Army. At this time, they should be fighting with an army of the Huatian Army." The captain of the regiment answered Jingyan with a dull voice.

"Should? What do you mean? As a legion leader ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ don't you know the fighting situation of your army?" Jing Yan heard that the commander of the fifth legion said that there should be two words, and there was a lot of dissatisfaction. .

"Everywhere we fight, there are fights everywhere. Although I am the commander of the army, I cannot do everything." The commander of the Fifth Army Corps was very stingy.

Jing Yan's eyes fixed.

"Head of the Corps, the practitioners who mixed the first Jingyan with Yuan Yuan immediately withdrew, and the King Jingyan wanted to see them." The commander in charge of the stand on the side saw that Jing Yan's face was not good-looking, so he treated the commander of the fifth army. Ordered.

"Yes, Master Commander." The commander of the Fifth Army Corps responded, and then sent a person's order to let the practitioners from the first scene mixed with words, withdraw from the frontline first group.

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