Universal Sword God

Chapter 3522: 7 giants

Since becoming an ancestor of the Great Emperor, the **** emperor has been able to obtain resources several times more than before.

She can often buy fine practice resources such as virtual beast meat at Fangshi Mirror.

However, the resources of the Emperor Lan are not endless. As a hybrid Yuan emperor in a state of extremes, the Lan emperor himself also needs to consume huge amounts of resources. Without sufficient resources, the speed of spiritual practice will undoubtedly be much slower.

The owner of Taishi Island is the owner of this island. He has spent the longest time on the island. Not to mention the rare resources obtained in the cemetery and other places, he is selling the two things Taishi Faigai and Taishi Yunling. The wealth you have is unimaginable.

Today, Taishi Island mainly hosted a banquet for the King Yan Yan to take care of the wind and dust, and surely he would come up with many really good things, even treasures.

The reluctance in the beauty of the Beaver Emperor disappeared, his eyes brightened.

"I am sorry, Emperor Jingyan. I was wrong on the stage before, please forgive me." The **** Emperor apologized to Jing Yan.

Regardless of her heart, the gesture she showed was quite sincere.

This woman's acting skills are indeed unusual.

Jing Yan waved his hand and said, "Even if things go by, I didn't take it seriously at this time."

Jing Yan was too lazy to care about the Beaver Emperor too much, no matter whether this woman really felt that she was wrong, it didn't matter.

"Brother Lan, can I really participate in the dinner of the owner of the island?" The Beaver Emperor looked at Lan Lan again and asked.

"Yes." The Emperor Lan nodded.

"The Great Ding Hui, the host of the Taishi Island hosted a banquet and invited you, let me inform you." Jing Yan said to the Great Ding with a smile.

Emperor Ding Yan's expression was slightly hesitated.

The host of the island hosted a banquet and invited himself? Why does the Lord Lord invite himself? I am completely unfamiliar with the master of the island.

The Beaver Emperor was able to attend the dinner because she was a concubine of the Emperor, but what did she rely on?

Emperor Ding Yue quickly understood that this was because of Emperor Jingyan. If it weren't for the face of Emperor Jingyan, it would be impossible for the owner of the island to invite him to dinner.

The mixed Yuan emperor who has mastered more than 20 Yuan ancestors' rules, even on this star island, is a middle-upper level.

"Thank you, King Yan." The Beaver thanked King Yan.

The Beaver Emperor looked at the Emperor Ding Yu, and his heart was a little uncomfortable. On what basis, and on what basis can Ding Ye also participate in the dinner of the island owner?

However, she was very clever. She didn't say anything this time, even with a smile on her face.

"You disperse quickly!" The Lan Emperor said coldly to a large number of Sing Taoist practitioners outside the island's main mansion.

The practitioners left with complex moods.

This star island, from now on, has an extraordinarily powerful giant named Jingyan the Great.

"Jingyan Daoyou, since Bai Tan and Ding Jun are both here, then we don't have to go back to our mansion. Let's go in now?" Lan ?? the emperor smiled and said to Jing Yan.

"The words of the Taoist friends are exactly what I want." Jing Yan also laughed.

The two brought the Beaver Emperor and the Ding Mao Emperor back into the main island house.


Before the dinner began, several giants on the Star Island entered the island's main house.

Whenever a giant comes, the owner of Taishi Island introduces King Jingyan to him. These giants knew that King Jingyan was also a powerful man in a state of extremes, and it was inevitable to show a shocked expression, and then they were polite to talk.

The island owner on Sing Tao has a good relationship with the giant practitioners on Sing Tao.

There are, of course, unique reasons for this.

A star island is just a small component in the sea of ​​silence. The top practitioners on Sing Tao basically have no conflict of interest. Because on these star islands, precious resources may only be Wanlian Black Lotus. The number of Wanjing black lotus is scarce. In the historical evolution, this thing belongs to the public resource, basically who discovers who belongs to whom.

Among the giants on the Sing Tao, it is almost impossible to have resentment for competing for the black lotus.

Without conflicts of interest, natural relationships are not bad.

The other reason is to make every giant practitioner on the Star Island very united. That is, there are many precious resources in the entire lonely sea.

The good things in many places in the lonely seas require the giant islands to unite and act together. If we are united, we can eat meat together. If we fight alone, we may get a bamboo basket empty.

Not to mention something in the cemetery, let's talk about the virtual beast. The virtual beast is a very powerful beast in the sea of ​​loneliness, and it is very difficult to kill. The virtual beast itself is an extremely precious practice resource.

It is difficult for one person to kill an adult virtual beast.

Even if your strength is better than the virtual beast, you can run if the virtual beast cannot beat it. The virtual beast enters the sea, and if you want to kill it again, it is really difficult to achieve. However, if several superpowers join forces, the chance of killing the virtual beast is much greater. In this way, everyone will have greater gains.

It is for these reasons that the relationship between the giants on the island is harmonious.

The other giants on Sing Tao are also very welcome to Jing Yan.

The great emperor Lan Lan's ability to change Jing Yan's attitude so quickly is also directly related to this.

The dinner began with Taishi Island as the theme. Jing Yan, the new giant practitioner, had his seat next to the owner of Taishi Island.

"Jingyan Daoyou, on behalf of this Xingdao Island, you are welcome to join." The owner of Taishi Island raised his glass to Jingyan, and after drinking this, he drank it.

"Thank you Lord, thank you friends." Jing Yan also took a drink and drank.

Good wine!

At this banquet, the owner of Taishi Island did come up with many treasures. Whether it is drinking, or eating various fruits, virtual animal meat, etc., it is extremely precious.

"Jingyan Daoyou can log in to the extreme world at this age. In the future, I am afraid that it is expected to impact Gao Wei!" Said an old man at the banquet with a smile.

This person ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is one of the star island giants.

Before the arrival of Jing Yan on this Star Island, there were six giants except the island owner. Of these six people, two are not in a state of extremes but possess the strength of a state of extremes.

Today, there are seven giants on Sing Tao besides the owner of Taishi Island.

However, there were only six giants in Jingyan who attended today's banquet. One of them did not come, not because he did not intentionally come, but because he was not currently on Sing Tao.

"Mondo friends are too good." Jing Yan said to the mondor.

"Jingyan Taoyou, Mendo Taoyou are right. Among me, except the island owner, you are most likely to log in to Gao Wei." The Great Wolf Toe said loudly.

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