Universal Sword God

Chapter 3523: Dimensional mix

Several giants nodded in agreement with Emperor Wolf Toe.

Emperor Jingyan is too young and has great potential.

"Oh, I can't compare with Jingyan Taoist. When I was Jingyan Taoist, I probably didn't even have a Yuanzu Tao." Taishidao said with a smile.

"The island owner still has you friends, are you planning to kill me?" Jing Yan joked.

There was a chuckle, and the banquet scene was very harmonious.

The Great Emperor Ding Yu and the White Beaver did not speak at the banquet, but they were not idle and kept moving their mouths to eat all kinds of food.

"Island owner, I heard that the cemetery in Wanji sea area was formed because of a great battle that year?" After three trips, Jing Yan asked the owner of Taishi Island.

"Well, that's true. I don't know, it was such a terrible war that year, I can't wait to imagine it." Taishi Island owner said booing.

"In fact, the entire lonely sea area was formed because of that war." Taishi Islander added.

"Huh?" Jing Yan stared.

Jing Yan knew that the cemetery had been formed as a result of a major battle, or he had heard what Ding Jun said. Now the owner of Taishi Island said that the entire lonely sea area was caused by that battle.

"The island owner is right. According to the research of all parties, Wanji Sea Area was indeed a great battlefield. Before that war, Wanji Sea Area did not exist, and there was no corrosive seawater here," said Great-toed Emperor.

"There are a lot of great emperors of the Yuan Dynasty in the graveyard?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow.

"There are many! After these endless years, there are still practitioners who stumbled upon the remains of the Great Emperor in the cemetery." The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

"The culmination of the extremes may result in the relics of the extremes. Why do many practitioners find the remains of the greats in the cemetery, but have not found the relics of the extremes?" Jing Yan looked at everyone and asked .

Hearing the words of Jing Yan, Taishi Daozhu and others all smiled.

"The creation of a great emperor body may indeed give birth to an extreme relic. However, there are certain conditions in it."

"If the Great Emperor was killed directly by external forces, it would not be possible to create the Extreme Relic. A basic condition for the formation of the Extreme Religion requires the active creation of the Great Emperor." Taishi Islander said.

"Yes, it is impossible to form a pole relic. In other words, it is necessary to create a great emperor to take the initiative to consolidate." Monduo nodded.

"Another point is that even if the Great Emperor actively condensed and created the Extreme Relic, the Extreme Reliance may not be born." The Great Emperor also said.

"Jingyan Daoyou, in fact, there have been extreme relics in the cemetery, but the number is too small and too small." Tai Shidao looked at Jingyan and corrected Fang Caiyan's statement that no one found the extremes in the cemetery. Relic.

"That's the way it is." Jing Yan nodded, showing a stunned expression.

"Does Jingyan Daoyou want to go to the cemetery?" The Great-toed Emperor asked Jingyan with a smile.

"I really want to go there and see. The cemetery seems to be the place with the most treasures in the sea of ​​silence." Jing Yan responded.

"Well, there are indeed many treasures in the cemetery. In the early days, practitioners entered the cemetery, and as long as they could survive, there would be a certain amount of gain. But over time, the number of treasures found in the cemetery is also increasing Less, "said Great Wolf Toe." Going to the cemetery is easy. When did Jing Yan Taoist want to go, I can take you there. "

"Thank you Wolf Toe Friends." Jing Yan arched his hand at the Great Toe Emperor.

"It's just a small matter. Besides, I often go to the graveyard to try my luck." The wolf-toothed emperor waved his hand.

"Jingyan Daoyou, take the liberty to ask, which mixed space do you come from?" During the chat, the owner of Tai Shidao asked the origin of Jing Yan.

The practitioners in the lonely waters basically come from those mixed-element spaces. The same is true of Taishi Island Lord, wolf-toed emperor, such mixed emperors. These people, just after arriving in the sea of ​​loneliness, have used this place as a long-term residence, and generally do not leave.

"My hybrid space is called Jingyan Hybrid." Jingyan said.

"Oh? Jingyan Daoyou is the master of Yuanyuan?" Taishidao said.

"Well, it's just a small mixed-element space. The overall strength is very weak. My mixed-element space belongs to a member of an alliance."

"In fact, our alliance is also very weak overall. Before, even an emperor who had mastered more than thirty ancestor principles could pose a huge threat to the alliance. The territory of the alliance was almost destroyed by that emperor." Jing Yan Said slowly.

When Jing Yan said this, everyone knew that Jing Yan and Yuan Yuan were indeed weak.

"I think about it, it's been a long time, and I haven't gone back to Yuanyuan." Taishi Daozhu sent out a sigh of emotion.

"I remember the mixed element space of the island owner, is a five-dimensional mixed element, right?" Emperor Mundo looked at the main road of Taishi Island.

"Well, it's a five-dimensional mixed element." The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

"Well, five-dimensional hybrid, powerful!" Said a giant.

The owner of Taishi Island waved his hand and said, "It's not too powerful, it can only be considered as average! The truly powerful mixed element space is a high-dimensional mixed element."

"Did you, there is a clear level in the mixed space?" Jing Yan looked at everyone in surprise.

Listening to the dialogue between Taishi Islander and several giant emperors, Jing Yan guessed that the dimensions they talked about were mixed, and different dimensions seemed to represent different levels.

"It's natural. There is a huge difference between the mixed element space and the mixed element space. However, the mixed element space that can reach the dimensional mixed element space is considered very good." Tai Shidao said: "Jingyan Taoyou, you are a Emperor Weiyuan, then your hybrid space is a one-dimensional hybrid. "

"Dimensional mixed elements ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In mixed elements, there will be a certain degree of popularity. As for those non-dimensional mixed elements, they are all unknown small mixed elements." Added.

"Into the Uyghur mixed element, it has its own status in the mixed element." The Great Wolf Toe said.

"That high-dimensional mixed element, isn't it just that, that mixed element space, there is a high-dimensional mixed state emperor?" Jing Yan opened his eyes and said with a breath.

"Yes, at least there must be a hybrid Yuan emperor who has reached the seven-dimensional state of creation. That hybrid space can be called a high-dimensional hybrid Yuan." Taishi Dao laughed: "Of course, all mixed Yuan middle, high That's just a few dimensions. "

"Moreover, even among high-dimensional mixed elements, the number of practitioners in the state of extremes is not large. It is really too difficult to log in to the state of extremes." The owner of Taishi Island shook his head.

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