Universal Sword God

Chapter 3528: This is evil

Several of the giants present opened their eyes wide, revealing surprise.

They look at the energy barrier released by King Yan Yan, and the more they look, the more they feel outrageous!

How can the mixed Yuan emperor who created a one-dimensional pole state build such a detailed and stable energy structure?

The source and essence of a practitioner's strength, whether weak or powerful, is basically related to the power of the Tao. It can even be said that the spiritual power of the practitioner is only to serve the power of the Tao.

And how does the power of divine power manifest itself? Between heaven and earth, Taos exist everywhere, and the power of these Taos in normal form will not harm any practitioners.

The practitioner must first understand the Tao and then use the Tao.

How can I maximize the power of the Doctrine? This is related to the construction of Taoism by practitioners.

It is said that the practitioner who has reached the Yuan Dynasty and masters the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty is a practitioner of this level. The Yuan Zu Taoism they mastered is the essence of the fusion Taoism. In order for a practitioner to master a ancestor's Taoism, he must fuse the two original Taoisms together. However, the original principles are mutually exclusive. It is impossible for you to merge if you want to merge.

In this, it involves a framework, a stable structure, which can merge the original Taoism into a Yuanzu Taoism.

Similarly, practitioners using the power of the doctrine also need a stable structure that allows Wei to run smoothly. Otherwise, let alone kill the enemy with the power of doctrine, you will probably hurt yourself first.

The more stable, meticulous, and smooth the architecture, the more powerful it will be to exert the power of the debut.

Any practitioner in fact knows this and will go to great lengths to make his Tao structure stable and smooth. However, this is not an easy task, and the implications are extensive. In general, the more complex and detailed the architecture, the more difficult it is to control. If you are not careful, you may crash directly.

Because of this, the wolf-toed emperor was surprised to say that the energy barrier released by the emperor Jing Yan could not be constructed by a one-dimensional pole builder. The energy barrier is actually composed of the power of the Tao and the divine power. In addition, some divine powers can be incorporated to prevent the spiritual exploration of other practitioners.

"Jingyan Taoyou is a monster!" Said Emperor Mundo.

"Inconceivable, I have never seen the Emperor Yunyuan who has a one-dimensional pole-building realm. He can condense Dao Zewang like this."

"What awful control it takes!"

"I can't imagine that if I can do that, my strength will increase by at least 50%."

"This evil!"

Several star island giants, sighing in succession.

"Island master, are you afraid you can't do it?" The Great-toed Emperor asked Taishi Island master.

The owner of Taishi Island shook his head, sighed and said, "Well, it's really a far cry!"


He is madly absorbing the energy of the super lonely black lotus. He can't hear the talk of these star island giants outside.

He didn't want to waste a little time.

Jing Yan at this time could only feel that his own micro-world was filling up one by one. That feeling, very happy.

Of course Jing Yan also had to be cautious. After all, the super lonely black lotus energy he absorbed has not been transformed. These energies are not restless in the neutrino world, and he needs to control them. If left unattended, it is likely to cause the neutrino world to explode and collapse directly.

With Jing Yan's current ability, it is not difficult to control the energy of the lonely black lotus he absorbed, anyway, he feels very relaxed.

What Jing Yan didn't know was that even the owner of Taishi Island didn't dare to absorb the energy of the lonely black lotus like him. The owner of Taishi Island uses Wanlian Black Lotus, which basically just absorbs and transforms at the same time. It can absorb as much as it can.

Twelve hours seemed to pass quickly.

Jing Yan opened his eyes and was a little bit interested.

The energy of Wan Ji Hei Lian helped him a lot in understanding and merging Yuan Dao Tao.

However, since it is agreed that seven people take turns to use, it must be observed.

Jing Yan removed the energy barrier, and the figure left the super lonely black lotus.

At this time, he saw the owner of Taishi Island and others, staring straight at himself.

what happened? Jing Yan's heart moved. Could it be that he was absorbing the energy of the super lonely black lotus crazy and was discovered by the owner of Taishi Island? That would be a little awkward indeed.

However, Jing Yan didn't care too much. In his opinion, he absorbed the energy of the super lonely black lotus madly, and the owner of Taishi Island, etc., could do the same! Everyone is like this, it's fair to see who can **** more. He didn't know at all, the owner of Taishi Island and others could not absorb the energy of Wanxi Black Lotus in large quantities and then slowly transform it later.

"Jingyan Taoist, can you talk about how do you cultivate?" Taishi Daodao looked at Jing Yan and asked.

"What?" Jing Yan frowned.

"Jingyan Daoyou, you have a lot of architectural power over Dao Power. If you are very old, then we can understand, after all, through a long time, you can also gradually improve Dao structure. , You are so young. How did you do that? "Emperor Bingbo asked Jing Yan loudly.

"Dao Ze architecture?" Jing Yan frowned: "It's a very natural architecture! I don't seem to have deliberately improved the combined connection structure of Da Ze's power."

Jing Yan shook his head when he spoke.

The owner of Taishi Island exhaled and looked at Jing Yan with red eyes.

unacceptable! Is there such a big difference between people?

"It's really scary. It's no wonder that Jing Yan Taoist friends only have more than 20 Yuanzu Taoist rules and can ... be better than me." Lan? The emperor said with a deep sigh.

The emperor Lan and Jing Yan played a trick at the main island of the island that day. Although Jing Yan used a spirit attack, the magic power was also special ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, he only mastered more than 20 Yuanzu principles Jing Yan's ability to beat him slightly still made him a bit incomprehensible.

Today, he knows why.

"Forget it, don't say that much." The lone smoker waved his hand, and then he flew on the Super Silent Black Lotus. He was the third star island giant to use the Super Silent Black Lotus.

"Jingyan Daoyou ..." Taishi Islander looked at Jingyan, not knowing what to say.

The owner of Taishi Island, originally a practitioner from a five-dimensional mixed-element space, has spent countless years in the sea of ​​loneliness. He has seen many, many practitioners in the extreme realm.

In his view, even the mixed Yuan emperor who created the extreme state in China and Uighurs may not be able to compare the power of the structure and the Tao with the King Yan.

"Island owner, what are you going to say?" Jing Yan looked at Taishi Islander.

"It's nothing. It shouldn't be contrasted. Compared with the evil power of the evildoers, it's just asking for pain." Taishidao said with a grin.


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