Universal Sword God

Chapter 3529: Sprint 2D

The Taishi Island owner and several other Sing Tao giants did not want to talk anymore.

Taishi Island owners are right, even if these people have logged into the realm of extremes or have the power of extremes, they should not be compared with those strange numbers. If you don't find yourself happy, you may also affect your Taoism.

In this way, seven people take turns to use Super Silent Black Lotus.

The energy contained in the super lonely black lotus is really huge. After a few months, this lonely black lotus still contains a lot of energy.

On this day, Jing Yan absorbed the energy of Wanjing Black Lotus for another twelve hours. He just got off the Wanjing Black Lotus.

"Somewhat wrong!"

"Is the energy of this lonely black lotus too fast?" Lan? Emperor suddenly said.

Earlier, because the super lonely black lotus contained so much energy, everyone didn't feel much. However, as the energy contained in the super lonely black lotus is greatly reduced, the change in its internal energy becomes apparent.

When the Great Emperor Lan said so, other giants have also noticed this problem.

"It's abnormal."

"How is this going?"

"It shouldn't be consumed so quickly. It's only been five months."

"Even if it's an ordinary lonely black lotus, let's use it for a month, right?"

"..." Everyone said.

Jing Yan's face was calm without showing any confusion. Now he is quite certain that when the owner of Taishi Island and others used the super lonely black lotus, they did not absorb the energy of the lonely black lotus first.

Of course, Jing Yan did not ask Taishi Daozhu and others why they did not absorb storage first. If this question is asked, would it not expose itself?

"It's really weird," Jing Yan nodded, then said something.

"Observe it again," said the head of Taishi Island, Ning Mei.

For the next absorption, Jing Yan did not go to absorb the energy of Wanji Heilian in large quantities first. Like other giants, he transformed while absorbing.

As a result, the reduction of the energy of the super lonely black lotus has already attracted the attention of the owner of Taishi Island, and if it is absorbed as crazy as before, it may be exposed. In the second place, Jing Yan also felt that the energy of Wanxi Black Lotus stored in his body was already a lot, and it was close to saturation.

"It can't be too much," Jing Yan thought to himself.

The energy reduction of the super lonely black lotus became normal, and the owner of Taishi Island did not mention it again. Everyone normally absorbed and transformed the lonely black lotus energy.

After more than half a year, this super lonely black lotus has disappeared into a mass of black mist in the use of Emperor Bingbo.

In fact, the energy contained in Wanji Black Lotus is continuously dissipating even if it is not absorbed by the practitioner, and its dissipating speed is fast.

The whole process by which those practitioners use the lotus flower is at most one-tenth of the energy of a lotus flower.


"Well, our gains should be great this time. I feel that I will soon master one more ancestor rule." Emperor Mundo said with a smile.

"If I could have a few more Super Black Lotuses, I would surely be able to log in to the state of extremes," said Wolf-Eyed Emperor's eyes with brilliant light.

He is approaching the extreme in the three types of Yuanzu Taoism. To some extent, it can be said that his accumulation is very deep. If it has organic fate, maybe it will become a hybrid Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional state of creation in a short period of time.

"How did Jingyan Daoyou gain?" Taishidao asked, smiling at Jingyan.

Jing Yan quickly said: "It feels good. This lonely black lotus is really a good thing and it has greatly helped our cultivation."

"Yeah! Unfortunately, there are too few such good things." Emperor Bingbo shook his head and said.

"That's it, everyone is here?" Taishidao said.

"Let's go!" The crowd nodded.

Jing Yan returned to his house, and Ding Yi was not there, so he should go out to look for the lonely black lotus.

Entering his room, Jing Yan's body relaxed.

"very many!"

"There is too much Super Black Lotus energy stored in the world of the micro-society. I want to start transforming immediately."

Swallow the Great Nirvana and use the Canglang Holy Path Bead. Jing Yan converged, operated the mind, and began to cultivate.

This Yuanzu Taoism's speed of understanding and integration is much faster than Jing Yan's deduction. The energy of the super lonely black lotus is indeed much higher than that of the ordinary lonely black lotus.

"Let's transform the energy of ordinary ordinary black lotus first!" Jing Yan thought for a while.

Before absorbing the super lonely black lotus, Jing Yan absorbed many ordinary lonely black lotus's energy. Of course, even the ordinary Wanlian Black Lotus has greatly helped the practitioners in their cultivation.

A thousand and two hundred years later, Jing Yan's successful enlightenment incorporated the seventh ancestor rule of the second category.

Two thousand eight hundred years later, Jing Yan's successful enlightenment incorporated the eighth Yuanzu Taoism of the second category.

At this point, Jing Yan is on the second type of nine ancestors' Taoism. Only the last Yuan ancestor's Taoism can be grasped. In that case, Jing Yan is the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in a two-dimensional state of perfection.

By this time, nearly half of the ordinary Wanlian black lotus energy stored in Jing Yan's body was left.

"carry on!"

"Fight for the momentum and log in to the two-dimensional realm!" Jing Yan just stood up, took a little rest, and then continued to practice. He learned the last Yuanzu Tao of the second type of integration.

However, the integration and understanding of this last Yuan ancestor's Taoism has increased greatly, exceeding any of the previous eight Yuan ancestors' Taoism.

If there were no resources such as the lonely black lotus energy, Wuyun Canglang Holy Path beads, and the great fairy Nirvana, then even Jing Yan, who wants to learn about this ancestral Tao, may not be able to make progress.

It is no wonder why the mixed Yuan emperor like the wolf-toed emperor has not been able to log into the state of extremes.

"It's too slow!"

"At this speed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if everything goes smoothly without any accidents, it will take tens of thousands of years to master the last Yuanzu rule of the second category."

"Well, stop transforming the energy of ordinary lonely black lotus and start transforming the energy of super lonely black lotus."

Although there is still about half of the energy of the ordinary Wanjing black lotus, in order to log in to the two-dimensional pole as soon as possible, Jing Yan decided to use the energy of the super Wanlian black lotus first.

Sure enough, the speed of merging and enlightening the ninth ancestor rule of the second category has been greatly improved.

"At this speed, it should only take me three to four thousand years to log me into the two-dimensional state of extremes." Jing Yan's mouth rose slightly.

During Jing Yan's retreat and sprinting two-dimensionally, nothing happened on the island.

In the cemetery that Taishi Islander and others have been paying attention to, there is not much noticeable information.


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