Universal Sword God

Chapter 3530: 2D pole creation

Jing Yan spent 4,200 years on the integration and understanding of the ninth article of the second ancestor Taoism.

It takes more time than Jing Yan's deductions before he comprehends this ancestor's doctrine.

The main reason lies in the last step of the fusion of the ninth Yuanzu Tao in these two categories.

In fact, the integration of this ancestor's Taoism was basically completed in the 3,300 years of the enlightenment and integration. But at that time, the fused Yuanzu Tao was not very stable in structure, but it was not concise. It took another 900 years for Jing Yan to make this Yuanzu Road truly mature and stable.

At this point, Jing Yan has mastered all nine Yuan ancestors of the second category. Emperor Jingyan also entered the two-dimensional state of perfection.

At the same time, Jing Yan's own strength has once again improved qualitatively. The gap between two-dimensional pole making and one-dimensional pole forming is still far beyond Jing Yan's imagination. Although it is not as disparate as the ordinary hybrid Yuan emperor and the hybrid Yuanyuan emperor in the state of extremes, it is close.

Jing Yan also found that after he became a two-dimensional culmination, the quality of the spirit body was also improved again invisibly. Even the speed at which the spirit body absorbs the energy of the relics is significantly faster.

"After reaching two dimensions, my various strengths and methods can be said to have improved in all directions."

"The number of Yuanzu Taoist rules I have, although they add up to 27 Yuanzu Taoist rules. But my strength ..."

"If I now fight with Yuan Chan, then Yuan Chan may not even be able to escape!" Jing Yan smiled slightly.

Having mastered only 27 ancestral principles, he entered the realm of two-dimensional extremes. This is really a bit scary.

In Quanmix, practitioners like Jing Yan are hard to find a few. Taishi Daozhu and others say that Jingyan is a strange number among practitioners, and this is not an exaggeration.

At present, Jingyan has mastered nine types of Yuanzu Road, nine types of Yuanzu Road, three types of Yuanzu Road, and three types of Yuanzu Road.

"It's the right time to come to the sea of ​​silence."

"If it wasn't in the waters of Wanji, there would be no chance to use Wanji Black Lotus, and it would be almost impossible to get Wuyun Canglang Shengdaozhu. Without the help of these two resources, I want to log in to 2D, I do n’t know how much time."

"There is still a lot of energy in Wanji Black Lotus, and I can continue to understand and master Yuanzu Taoism."

"Well, let's perfect Qiankun Qian, who is integrated into the town to kill immortals." Jing Yan thought.

Before that, he had already incorporated the immortal killing technique into Qian Qianqian's heavy blow, but there was still something missing. In the last resort, he can also perform a new heavy blow, but it is very reluctant, and it will cause him greater damage after the show.

Now log in to the two-dimensional pole, perfect the new Qiankun thousands of heavy hits, it will be much easier to think.

In fact, just as Jing Yan expected, in less than three years, he successfully perfected the new Qianqian Qian. It is also very easy to perform with his two-dimensional extreme power.

"This retreat is not short, it's time to go out and walk."

"I just happened to go to the main island and ask if anything important happened during this time."

Turning his mind, Jing Yan stood up and walked out of his room.

Divinely, he swept the room of Emperor Ding Hui in the courtyard, and Emperor Ding Hui was not in her room.

"The Great Ding Yu went out again." Jing Yan chuckled.

He didn't care about this either. On the Sing Tao, most practitioners will spend a lot of time and energy in searching for the black lotus.


Outside Sing Tao, somewhere in the sea.

This place is not far from the star island where Jing Yan is located. At this time, more than ten practitioners gathered here.

Divine power is surging, and corrupting power is raging. The original calm sea surface exploded continuously at this time.

More than a dozen practitioners are besieging a virtual beast. Among them, one person is the main lethality, and the other more than ten practitioners assist in killing the virtual beast and restraining it to prevent it from escaping into the corrosive seawater.

The practitioners headed by them are not others, but the Sing Tao giant Bingbo. I saw Emperor Bingbo's hair spread out, holding a long stick engraved with a **** pattern, constantly bombarding the virtual beast.

The shape of this virtual beast is not very large among adult virtual beasts. It looks smaller than the virtual beast that Jing Yan encountered.

The siege of virtual beasts has lasted for a short time. The breath of this virtual beast has become slack. Not surprisingly, it shouldn't take much time for Emperor Bingbo to take more than ten Sing Tao practitioners and hunt down the beasts.

Although the victory is in sight, the practitioners dare not take the slightest care or dare to relax. The more we reach the end of the hunt, the less we can make mistakes. Otherwise, an accident may lead to the demise of Xingdao before killing the virtual beast.

Among the more than a dozen practitioners, the great Emperor Ding Yu was also among them.

These ten people are not weak. At first glance, it was almost all the little perfect mixed Yuan emperor who had mastered more than thirty Yuan ancestors. Emperor Ding Yu is the weakest among these people.

In fact, this time the Bingbo Emperor brought someone to hunt and kill the virtual beast. The original intention of Emperor Bingbo was that as long as he had mastered more than thirty Yuan Dynasty emperors, Ding Yu did not meet the conditions.

But because of the relationship between Emperor Ding Yue and Jing Yan, Emperor Bingbo brought Ding Yue to the throne. Participate in the hunting of virtual beasts. Once successful, the great Emperor Ding Yu can get a lot of benefits. The entire body of the virtual beast can be called a treasure. The meat of the virtual beast is a very high-value resource, and it can sell a hundred catties of Zihua Xianlu for one catty.

"It's going to be!" Emperor Bingbo was the clearest about the damage of the virtual beast, and he had an accurate judgment.

This virtual beast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has reached the point where all the oil is exhausted. At most, after bombarding dozens of breathing times, they can take down the virtual beast.

The Emperor Bingbo maintained the strongest degree of divine power and released it. The virtual beast is not dead yet, and it is not time to relax.

"Everyone insist on it, the virtual beast will soon die." Emperor Bingbo cheered up the dozen or so mixed Yuan emperors.


At this moment, there was a terrible terrible breath sweeping from the far end of the sea.

Emperor Bingbo and others were all breathless, and before they had any more action, they saw that a huge sword light came through the void.

This mighty sword light stabbed fiercely on the virtual beast. Suddenly, a huge wound appeared on the virtual beast, black blood spewed.

"Oh, good luck, this time I just entered the sea of ​​silence for half a month, and I have such gains." A laugh followed.


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