Universal Sword God

Chapter 3568: Juelun

What is the identity of the person sitting not far away?

Jing Yan dare not imagine!

According to him, the land of solitude was built by a supreme existence of a nine-dimensional pole-building state, and it should be the buried place of the nine-dimensional strong.

But now ... what the **** is going on?

Is this lonely emperor the builder of lonely land? Is the owner of this place?

How can it be!

The lonely land has been around for too long. In the long river of history, the 13 Sacred Hearts of Sacred Heart and the Place of Silence have been opened many times. If the owner of the lonely land is still alive and is in the lonely land, how can there be no news at all?

Everyone believes that the owner of the lonely land is dead, and the lonely land is the graveyard of extremely powerful existence.

For a while, Jing Yan really felt that his mind was not enough.

But if this man who claims to be the King of Silence is not the owner of the Land of Silence, why would he be here? And, still at the bottom of the Great Funnel in Silent Land?

After a little time to adapt, Jing Yan was certain that he was still inside the lonely place. This place is the bottom of the big funnel.

The owner of the Oriental Island and the coffin should be above him!

"Senior ..." Jing Yan stood up and arched his hands respectfully.

"Little friends don't have to be polite," said Wan Ji the Emperor softly.

Jing Yan saw that when Emperor Wan Ji said this, his arm was raised slightly.

"Senior ... is the master here?" Jing Yan asked again, this question is still tentative.

"Well, let's say this! The place of solitude was indeed built by myself. The space of Sacred Heart Pool was also opened by my own hands." Emperor Wan ji nodded.

The Sacred Heart Pool space he said is the 13th Sacred Heart Pool that the outside practitioners call.

Hearing the words of Emperor Wan Ji, Jing Yan held his breath. He realized that what he was facing at this time might be the supreme existence of a nine-dimensional pole-building state.

"Senior, is it nine-dimensional?" Jing Yan held his breath, his voice trembling.

"Nine-dimensional make the pole? Nine-dimensional make the pole ... Hehe, that's a long time ago." The voice of Emperor Wanji was a little strange.

"I have heard other practitioners say that in the place of solitude, once they fall from the nine-eye holy ring, they will lose consciousness, and after a while, they will automatically leave the place of loneliness. They were all sent by the seniors. So, why did the seniors leave me? "Jing Yan asked, looking at the figure of Emperor Wan Ji, although he could not see the appearance of Emperor Wan Ji.

At this time Jing Yan was not too worried that Emperor Wan Ji would be unfavorable to himself. If Emperor Wan Ji was really malicious, I was afraid he would not say so much to himself. It can even be said that if Emperor Wanji wanted to kill him, it would not be possible to survive ten lives during his unconscious time.

"Because, you are special."

"And ..." Emperor Wanji said here and paused.

"And what?" Jing Yan immediately asked subconsciously.

Emperor Wan Ji waved his hand and sighed softly: "Maybe it's God!"

Jing Yan looked at Emperor Wan Ji, he could not understand what Wan Ji Emperor meant.

What god?

"Little friend's name is Jing Yan?" Wan Ji the Great said.

"How does the senior know my name?" Jing Yan was slightly surprised.

"The little friend entered the place of solitude and arrived at the Holy Circle of Nine Eyes. I know the conversation between you and that junior named Dongfang. So, I know your name is Jingyan." Wan Ji the Great explained .

Jing Yan's expression changed, and his eyes suddenly condensed: "The predecessor is still alive and is at the bottom of the big funnel. What is in the coffin above? Is it all the treasures placed by the predecessor?"

"A coffin? Treasure?"

"It's not a coffin, it's a treasure to seal." Said Wan Ji the Great.

"Seal treasure?" Jing Yan contemplates: "It looks like a coffin. Seniors, we all thought that the coffin was yours ..."

Speaking of this, Jing Yan stopped his words and showed embarrassment.

It was thought that the coffin was the remains of Emperor Wan Ji, but Emperor Wan Ji was still alive.

"It's okay, I know what you want to say? But that's not a coffin, but a treasure for a seal. Unfortunately, this seal will be opened soon," said Emperor Wanji.

"Seal ... what's inside the seal?" Jing Yan opened his eyes.

"Yeah, sealed a monster, a ... very terrifying monster. He is cruel and bloodthirsty, and once he is set free, he will lose his peace." Wan Ji, the emperor's tone, became increasingly low.

The exhaustion in the voice became more and more obvious.

"What kind of monster is it?" Jing Yan had a bad hunch.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, you have heard some rumors from the outside. Do you know how Wanji sea area was formed?" Wanji the Great asked Jingyan.

"Well, it was an earth-shattering war in ancient times. In that battle, the great emperor of Yuan Dynasty fell. The battlefield later became the lonely graveyard, and the periphery evolved into the lonely sea. "Jing Yan nodded.

"You're right."

"That was indeed a world war. In that battle, there were countless dead and wounded practitioners. And I was one of those wars."

"The other side of the war is the black cormorant sealed in the sacred wheel." Wan Ji the great sighed again: "In that battle, too many people died, blood flowed into the river, and the bones were like mountains. But in the end, we still failed to kill the black cricket. My friends and I exhausted all our energy before sealing him in the Underworld. "

Hearing here, Jing Yan seemed to understand something.

Before that, he and the owner of the Oriental Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and other practitioners outside the world thought that the coffin should be the seal treasure sacred wheel. And in the Peerless Wheel, it is not the remains of Emperor Wanji, but a monster named Blackbird.

The war in ancient times was a war between the party headed by Wan Ji and the blackbird. According to the meaning of Emperor Wan Ji, the monster blackbird was extremely fierce and evil, and its strength was so strong that even the Emperor Wan Ji of the nine-dimensional state of creation combined with many strong hybrids could not completely destroy it, and had to choose the next option. Seal it up.

"The Oriental Junior is about to open the seal and release the blackbird." Emperor Wan Ji looked up and said something in his mouth.

"Senior, what if ... the blackbird was released?" Jing Yan asked.

"Once the black cricket is released and waits for its strength to be restored, the all-mixed Yuan will eventually be destroyed by him!" Said Wan Ji, the great emperor.

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