Universal Sword God

Chapter 3569: You are the last hope

Destroy the total bastard?

Jing Yan looked up at his head.

What is sealed in the Absolute Wheel? Actually ... have the ability to destroy a full hybrid?

Jing Yan is incredible!

However, the thought that the Emperor Wan Ji led countless powerful men failed to completely kill the black cricket, which made Jing Yan have to believe.

Jing Yan's face inevitably turned pale.

Because if the blackbird is really released, it is not only the Eastern Islander who has the responsibility, he also has a great responsibility. It was he who brought the Oriental Islander to the Underworld through the Chain Road. If it weren't for his words, then the owner of the Oriental Island might simply not be able to pass the chain road.

How to do?

"I ... seem to have made a huge mistake!" Jing Yan whispered.

"Little friend, do you want to say, are you bringing the junior from the East to the Underworld Wheel?" Wanji the Great Emperor said.

Jing Yan nodded: "If it weren't for me, then the owner of the Oriental Island would not be able to pass through the iron chain, nor would he be able to approach the Juelun.

"The owner of the Oriental Island did not deliberately release the seal and release the black urn. He ... he thought that the Juelun was a coffin with endless treasures inside." Jing Yan shook his head again.

"Little friends don't have to blame themselves. In fact, even if you don't, someone will be able to get closer to the Underworld round sooner or later. It is only a matter of time before the blackbird breaks the seal.

"My control over the solitary land is getting weaker."

"Without Jingyan Xiaoyou, more and more practitioners will enter the place of solitude in the future." Emperor Wanji said with a grin.

"The predecessor said, you can't completely control the lonely place? This lonely place, you didn't build it yourself?" Jing Yan stunned.

"No!" Said Wan Ji, the Great Emperor: "In those years, I and many Taoist friends sealed the blackbird in the Underworld. It almost exhausted all its power. In order to prevent the blackbird from breaking the seal, I again Barely built this lonely place, imprisoned the Underworld with the power of the nine-eye holy ring. "

"In this way, the blackbird cannot absorb the outside energy by itself, and it cannot break the seal of the infernal wheel."

"But the blackbird is too strong, and I am too weak. He has been fighting for control of the lonely land with me."

"If I can completely control the place of silence, how can I let outside practitioners come in? I don't want anyone to enter the place of silence." Wan Ji, the emperor's tone, was full of helplessness.

"As time goes by, my control over the place of silence is getting weaker and weaker, but the control of the black spot is getting stronger and stronger. I know that one day, there will be practice The person can approach the Absolute Wheel to open the seal. "

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, maybe just advance this day some time!" Wan Ji the Great looked at Jingyan.

"Senior, can we stop the East Island owner from turning on the Underworld now?" Jing Yansu quickly asked.

Emperor Wanji shook his head and said, "It can't be stopped. Now I have almost lost all my power. Now I can't even leave the place of Wansi. Even I can no longer control the weapon of the nine-eye holy ring. "

"Little friend, the birth of the blackbird is an unavoidable thing." The voice of Emperor Wan Ji became even lighter: "My birthday is coming to an end."

Jing Yan stood there, looking at the withered wanji emperor sitting in front of him.

He was silent for a while, and then spoke out again: "Senior, what exactly is the black cricket? Is it also a practitioner of Jiuwei?

Hearing this question, Emperor Wanji didn't immediately answer it.

Emperor Wan Ji seems to be thinking for a while.

It took about ten breaths before he said, "Hey, he ’s a practitioner! But his practice is different from our practice. He can devour it directly, he can devour the power of the Tao, the heaven and earth , The divine power. "

"The more he devours, the stronger he is."

"In the war that year, I led an army formed by the mixed Yuan strong, and I couldn't kill him," said the Emperor Wanji.

"Huh? Seniors mean ... in that battle, the other side only had a black cricket?" Jing Yan's eyes widened before he thought that the black cricket also led an army. The emperor meant that there seemed to be only one person on the blackbird's side.

"Yes, there is only one blackbird. He doesn't need a helper." Wan Ji the Great nodded.

"His ..." Jing Yan took a breath of air.

Terrible, terrible!

Alone, he can fight with the great army led by Wan Ji the Great himself! And the end result ...

"Senior! Senior!"

"What then? How should we deal with the blackbird after he leaves here?"

"Now in Mixed Yuan, there seems to be no Mixed Yuan Emperor in the nine-dimensional state of creation. Do we still have a chance to seal the blackbird again?" Jing Yan asked anxiously.

Now, he is just a mixed Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional state of creation. Not to mention the face of the blackbird at the nine-dimensional level, even an Oriental Islander cannot face him!

"Senior, are you still alive, is there any way to get your body back?" Jing Yan asked immediately.

"There is no way! Me, the lamp is exhausted." Emperor Wan Ji shook his arm at Jing Yan.

"However, you still have time, little friends, you have time."

"The blackbird was severely damaged and sealed for endless years. After he went out, he would definitely find a way to restore his strength first. And this also takes a short time. In the early stage after he went out, he would definitely act low-key. Before the strength recovers, he dare not go too far. "

"Today's mixed Yuan, there may not be practitioners in the nine-dimensional pole-creation realm, but there should still be some practitioners in the high-dimensional pole-creation. ... so, before he recovers, he will try to avoid being noticed. There is still time in the mixed space. "Wan Ji the Great said slowly.

"However, it is too difficult for a practitioner to log in to the nine-dimensional pole-creation. I do n’t know how many years since the war, and no one has been able to go to the nine-dimensional pole-creation. I am afraid that no one will be there before the blackbird restores its strength , Able to log in to Jiuwei. "Jing Yan frowned.

"Little friend ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What I want to say is that you just hope."

"Perhaps, you are also the last hope of Lunyuan." Emperor Wanji solemnly said.

Jing Yan seemed to be able to feel the eyes of Wan Ji the Great.

"Me?" Jing Yan froze.

"Senior, you ... Do you know that I am now just a three-dimensional state of excellence?"

"Senior, I am a low maintenance practitioner!" Jing Yan was bitter.

"I know that you currently only have a three-dimensional pole-building realm, so I say you have time, not that you can deal with the blackbird now." Emperor Wanji aggravated his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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