Universal Sword God

Chapter 3576: Are you Lord Jingyan?

A group of practitioners are dying for money on Taishixing Island. They carefully inspect each corpse and brute-force the collapsed buildings.

As long as it is a valuable item, let it pass.

"Poor! Really poor!"

"I thought I could make a lot of money on this broken star island, and my mother wasted my time."


This group of practitioners scolded themselves.

"Boss, in fact we are late. Before we came, this too Shixing Island did not know that it had been raided several times by others."

"Also, but this time our brother found two wild black lotuses on this broken star island. No matter what, they are not worthless."


A wave of fluctuations appeared, and then a figure suddenly appeared in front of these people.

This person, naturally, is the King of Jingyan who just returned to Taishi Xingdao.


"who are you?"

"Frightened me!"

When this group of people saw Jing Yan, they were slightly surprised first, and then they saw that Jing Yan was very young, so they didn't take Jing Yan to heart, and scolded them dryly.

In fact, these people are all Sing Tao practitioners in the lonely sea, but they do not know Jingyan. If it is the island master or giant emperor, you may have met Jing Yan, but these people are generally on the island.

"Who are you?" Jing Yan looked cold.

"Boy, get out of here, don't disturb your eyes here." One person waved at Jing Yan and said hurriedly.

"I ask again, who are you and why did you come to Taishi Xingdao." Jing Yan's low voice, with a chill.

"Taishi Star Island?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, Taishixing Island has been razed to the ground, what a Taishixing Island."

"Well, you kid look wrong! Are you a practitioner of Taishi Xingdao?"

"So, your kid is very lucky. When Taishixing Island was leveled by Lord Kunya, you should not be on Taishixing Island."

"Little guy, hurry up! If you are found by the people of Kunmising Island, you will not survive."

"Boss, if we give this kid down to Kun Mi Xing Island, would you say that Kun Mi Xing Island will give us some rewards for it?" Said.

"Tai Shi Xing Dao is already miserable enough. This kid can survive if his luck is good, let him go! Our brothers can't be such evil people for a little resources." Said.

"The boss is right."

"Brother is just kind."

"Boy, aren't you going away? I tell you, you just met our boss. If you meet other people, you will be arrested and sent to Kun Mixing Island."

Several practitioners looked at Jing Yan and yelled.

Jing Yan frowned, but the chill on his face was somewhat lowered. Although this group of people are disrespectful to Taishi Xingdao's dead practitioners, from their words and deeds, they should be the practitioners who did not kill Taishi Xingdao.

When the thought moved, Jing Yan raised his hand and issued a divine power.

The divine power is covered, covering the group of people across it.

This group of practitioners only felt the sudden emergence of an incomparably powerful force, and pressed them down fiercely. They subconsciously urged Divine Power to try to resist, but their power was too weak, and resisting that crushed power was simply a shock to the tree.

Their faces changed, and panic surged in their hearts.

"what happened?"

"This ... the power to make the most powerful?"

"Which is it? Your life!"

A group of people at this time did not realize that the person who had released this terrorist force was not far away in front of them. Under the suppression of these forces, they could only stand honestly and couldn't make a step.

"You listen. I ask you what you say. Dare to talk nonsense, you will die." Jing Yan looked at the crowd and said slowly.



The crowd then reacted and realized that the person who suppressed them was the younger-looking practitioner in front of them.

"Master, you ... you ask!" The head of that practitioner, looking at Jing Yan with horror, knew that at this time he was facing a great monarch, Yuanyuan.

He didn't know that Jing Yan was dimensional.

But one-dimensional creation can kill them all at the fingertips.

"What's your name?" Jing Yan asked.

"I ... my name is Dahl," said Dahl the haste.

"Is Kun Mixing Island attacking Tai Shixing Island?" Jing Yan asked again.

"Returning to the Lord, it was Kunming Island owner who personally took a powerful man from Kun Mixing Island and attacked Taishi Xingdao Island. All the Xingdao Islands in the lonely sea area knew about this." Dar the Great answered the question quickly.

"But the practitioners on Taishi Xingdao are still alive? Is the Taishidao owner dead?" Jing Yan nodded and asked again.

Although in the cemetery of Wanji, I heard the East Island owner said that Taishi Xingdao was attacked by Kun Mixing Island, but Jing Yan would never fully believe the words of the East Island owner without verification. Therefore, he asked again at this time to confirm the matter.

"Sir ... we, we don't know if the situation is still alive."

"We only heard that the practitioners on Taishixing Island suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of members were killed by the practitioners on Kunshixing Island. Some people escaped from Taishixing Island, and some people were too late to escape and were killed by Kunya Sing Tao grabbed it back. "

"By the way, the part of the people captured by Kun Mixing Island is still being detained at Kun Mixing Island."

"Sir, I heard that the Lord of Kunya Island intentionally saved a part of his life, as if to attract Taishi Xingdao practitioners Jingyan the Great." Dahl said a few words in succession and told Jing what he knew Speak.


"Oh, the Lord of Kunming Island wanted me to go to him, so I went to him." Jing Yan sneered, his eyes sneered.

At this point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jing Yan has completely sentenced the death penalty to the Kunming Island master.

After hearing Jing Yan's words, the practitioners widened their eyes and looked at Jing Yan.

Could this young practitioner in front of them be Taiyan Xingdao's giant emperor Jingyan?

"Sir, you ... are you King Yan?" Asked Dar, taking a deep breath.

"Um." Jing Yan's arm waved slightly.

The crowd suddenly felt loose, and the power to suppress them was dissipated. They looked at each other, the scene seemed a little awkward.

"Master Jingyan, don't you go to Kun Mixing Island. The owner of Kun Mi Island is waiting for you. If you go to Kun Mixing Island, wouldn't it be the intention of Kun Mi Island?" Boldly, bowing to the body and speaking to Jing.

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