Universal Sword God

Chapter 3577: Since throwing a net

Jing Yan only sneered at the persuasion of the Great King.

Jing Yan did not immediately release the group of Dal the Great to leave Taishi Xingdao, because these dead practitioners on Xingdao needed to collect.

In the face of Jing Yan, the great realm of mixed Yuan, Emperor Daer and others did not have the ability to resist, and could only obey Jing Yan's orders obediently.

Jing Yan did not kill the group of Dal the Great in the end, which has nothing to do with the Star Island behind them. The reason they can survive is that they did not shoot Jing Yan when they first saw Jing Yan, and did not grasp the meaning of Jing Yan and hand it over to Kun Mixing Island.

"Hope ... Taishi Island owners are still alive."

"I hope Emperor Ding Jun is still alive." Jing Yan secretly thought, he was still more worried about Ding Jun's safety.

If Emperor Ding Yue had been killed by the people of Kun Mixing Island, Jing Yan would absolutely kill Kun Mixing Island.

After being delayed for some time on Taishixing Island, Jingyan set off from Taishixing Island and headed for Kunmising Island.

Magic starfish island.

The owner of the island, the owner of the magic island is talking with several giants on the island.

"The Emperor Jingyan didn't leave the sea of ​​silence?" There was something unexpected in the tone of the fantasy island master.

"Well, just a few days ago, the owner of Dongjing Island met King Jingyan in the graveyard of Wanji." A giant king said: "The King Jingyan did not seem to know that Taishixing Island had been destroyed at that time."

"Island master, you said that King Yan did not show up for such a long time. Is he always in a place of silence?" Another giant emperor asked out loud.

"It's possible! The owner of the Oriental Island, hasn't he always appeared?" Said the owner of the Magic Island.

"I heard that the last time the lands of solitude opened, the owner of the Orient Island entered the lands of solitude, and he waited for thousands of years before coming out."

"This place is very special. The situation inside is not something we can understand clearly." The master of the phantom island shook his head, and then the words turned around and said: "The King of Jingyan did not know that Taishi Xingdao was destroyed, now You should know. Will he go to Kun Mixing Island? "

"Although King Yan is also a great emperor in the three-dimensional world, the master of Kun Mi Island is stronger. King Jing Yan should not rush to Kun Mi Xing Island!" An older giant is light Inhaled slightly.

"It's hard to say that this King of Jingyan is still more affectionate. Although he has not been in Taishixing Island for a long time, he has a good relationship with practitioners such as Taishidao masters," said the island master.

"If a practitioner such as Jingyan Emperor died in the hands of the Lord of Kunming Island, it would be a shame." The Lord of the Fantasy Islands said again.

"The island owner's words are extremely true. I think ... for the mixed Yuan emperor like King Yan, it is worth our help. Even because of this, it is worth it to be evil with Kun Mixing Island." One person thought for a while and said.

"I think so too. King Yanyan, after all, is already a state of three-dimensional pole-building. And I don't think he will be able to log into China-dimensional pole-building in less time."

"When he encounters difficulties, we help him. This relationship is heavier." The island master said continuously.

Several others nodded in agreement.

"Since everyone thinks this way, let's act? If Jingyan the Great really wants to go to Kun Mixing Island to take revenge, we will rush over." The visionary islander's eyes brightened.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.



"The Emperor Jingyan of Taishi Xingdao Appeared?"

"Isn't Jingyan the Great Emperor who has taken refuge in Wanjing Sea? Why did he suddenly come back?"

"I heard that Emperor Jingyan did not leave Wanjing Sea at all. He has been in Wanjing Graveyard."

"In the latest news, King Yanyan has already gone to Kun Mixing Island, and it seems to be revenge for Tai Shixing Island."

"Is Jingyan the emperor crazy? He went to Kunmising Island by himself, didn't he?"

"Kunmi Island's owner searched for his traces everywhere, and also publicly offered rewards for the trail of King Jingyan. He went to Kunming Island, and it is impossible for Kumi Island to let him go."

"The news is true. The King Jingyan is indeed rushing to Kunmising Island. He left Wanji Cemetery and returned to Taishixing Island first. After collecting a large number of corpses on Taishixing Island, he went directly to Kunmising Island. . "

"Well, what a ..."

"It was lively and I went. I will go to Kun Mi Xing Island to have a look."

A large number of practitioners from various islands rushed to Kun Mixing Island. Even the island owners and giants of Xingdao have to go to Kunming Xingdao in person to watch a lively event.

After getting the exact news, the owner of the magic island also rushed to Kun Mixing Island with several star island giants. The Lord of the Fantasy Islands intends to help the Jingyan Emperor when it is critical, and let the Jingyan Emperor owe himself a favor.

On the calm waters of the lonely sea, a figure was flying fast.


"After about a day, we can reach Kun Mixing Island."

This person is Jing Yan. He flies extremely fast.

At this time, Kun Mixing Island also got the news.

"Hahaha ..."

The main mansion of the island, the main island of Kunmi Island laughed wildly, his eyes flashed a cold light.

"I didn't expect it! This child actually came to my Kun Mi Xing Island to die." Kun Mi Island said with a laugh.

"Island master, should we stop him outside of Xingdao Island?" A giant king of Kunming Island asked, looking at Kunming Island.

Kun Mi Island's eyelids lifted up and said, "What does he stop him? He has come to Kun Mi Sing Island, and we will be waiting for him to cast his net on Sing Island. As long as he enters Sing Island, haha ​​... whatever He has three heads and six arms, and he will certainly die! "

"This Jingyan child, even though it is a mixed Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional state of perfection, can be so stupid." One said, shaking his head.

"How did people like him live to this day? It's not fair to be able to log in to the three-dimensional state of extremes."

"Who said it wasn't ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was a freak."

The giant emperors of Kun Mixing Island have talked about Jing Yan.

"If this son leaves the sea of ​​silence, in the vast mixed Yuan, I really don't have a good way to take him. However, he wants to die." The master of Kunming Island sneered, his face fierce: "Dare Kill Daohua, I will never let him go. He must give Daohua his life! "

At this time on the sea outside Kun Mixing Island, there were already many practitioners from various islands. They gathered here and did not enter Kun Mixing Island.

Of course, they did not dare to enter Kun Mixing Island at will.

In the lonely sea, in addition to the four-dimensional Oriental Star Island, it belongs to Kun Mixing Island, and then it is another three-dimensional star island, Magic Starfish Island.

(End of this chapter)

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