Universal Sword God

Chapter 3585: Yuan Zhan burst into tears

At that time in the city of Jingyan, Jingyan and Yuanzhu, the emperor, relied on the energy support of the life sphere over the city, and finally they were forced to retreat from the city of Jingyan.

Nowadays, Jing Yan is logged into the five-dimensional pole-building state, and the Emperor Yuanzhu is still in the one-dimensional pole-building state.

"Jingyan?" Emperor Yuanzhu's eyes widened.

Jing Yan didn't expect that he would meet the Emperor Yuanzhu here. Emperor Yuanzhu, it is also impossible to think that Jing Yan will be encountered here.

Emperor Yuanzhu was always angry with Jing Yan. In his opinion, it was Jing Yan who snatched the relics that should belong to him. If he could obtain that relic relic, he might already be the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in a two-dimensional state of creation.

"Why are you here?" After a brief surprise, Emperor Yuanzhu's face suddenly darkened.

Killing intentions for Jing Yan once again breed in his heart.

"Can't I be here yet?" Jing Yan narrowed a sneer.

"Hehe, it seems that you guys have entered the sea of ​​loneliness and joined Xingdao." The emperor Yuanzhu laughed and suppressed the killing in his heart at the same time.

Jingyan is here and appears in the main island of the island. It is likely that he joined Taishixing Island and became a member of Taishixing Island. In this case, it is impossible for him to shoot Jing Yan on Sing Tao.

This is the site of the owner of Taishi Island.

The owner of Taishi Island, it is absolutely impossible to allow his Yuanzhu Emperor to kill the giant Emperor on Xingdao.

Jing Yan had a smile on his face.

At this time Jing Yan was also considering whether to kill Yuan Chan the Great.

In the city of Jingyan, Emperor Yuanzhu wanted to kill him. If it weren't for his strength, Yuan Chan would never let him go.

"Huh? Yuanzhu Taoyou, why are you here?"

At this time, Emperor Taishi came in from outside the mansion. When he saw Emperor Yuanzhu, he asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, the emperor's expression on the face became weird.

Because he also knew that there was a conflict between Emperor Yuanzhu and the owner of Jingyan Island.

Emperor Wolf Toe once told him that the Lord of Jingyan Island had repelled Emperor Yuanzhu in a city outside the sea of ​​silence. But now, Emperor Yuanzhu came to the door himself.

"Haha, the owner of Taishi Island, I haven't seen you for a long time." Yuan Chan said with a smile.

"Emperor Yuanzhu, I am no longer the owner of the island. The owner of this island is the King of Jingyan." Taishi said, looking at each other.

"What?" The smile on Emperor Yuanzhu's face froze.

What's happening here?

Jing Yan is the island owner? how can that be!

However, it is impossible for Taishi Emperor to make such a joke?

Emperor Yuanzhu looked at Jingyan with a vague feeling in his heart.

"How could Jing Yan become the master of Xingdao Island?" Emperor Yuanzhu whispered.

"The Emperor Yuanzhu, you must not be rude to our island master! We Jingyan Island Master is a mixed-yuan emperor in a five-dimensional state of perfection." Emperor Taishi's face sank, and he scolded loudly.

"Five dimensions?"

"Emperor Taishi, what are you kidding! Hahaha ..." Emperor Yuanzhu rolled his eyes.

It is said that Jing Yan is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty who is in the realm of five-dimensional creation. The emperor Yuanzhu does not believe it. He last saw Jing Yan, more than 100,000 years ago. Moreover, if it is not because of the relics, Jing Yan is not even in the state of extremes.

Over 100,000 years have elapsed, and Jing Yan has entered five dimensions from one dimension?

What a joke!

"Eastern Yuanzhu, I'm not kidding you! The Lord of Jingyan Island is a strong man in a five-dimensional pole-building realm. You can rest freely! The Lord of Kunmi Island, Kunmising Island, you know, not long ago , The Lord of Kunmi Island was beheaded and killed by the owner of our Jingyan Island. "Taishi Emperor condensed.

The Emperor Yuanzhu knew the Kumi Island owner, of course, and the Kumi Island owner was very angry in the Wanji Sea. As long as he stayed in the Wanji Sea for some time, it was unlikely that he had never heard of the Kumi Island master.

That is a strong man in a three-dimensional state of creation.

But now, Emperor Taishi said that the Lord of Kunmi Island was killed by Jing Yan!

Emperor Yuanzhu's eyes flickered. He looked at Emperor Taishi, and then looked at his scene with a playful expression on his face.

Suddenly he regretted coming to the Star Island.

At this time, Jing Yan took a few steps forward, and was closer to Emperor Yuanzhu.

"Emperor Yuanzhu, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Jing Yan said slowly.

"Previously in Jingyan City, you wanted to kill me. Unfortunately, your strength was not enough to kill me. Now, it seems my turn to revenge." Jing Yan's voice was not loud.

Upon hearing these words, Emperor Yuanzhu's expression changed continuously.

Jing Yan raised his hand, and the divine power urged.


The force of terror suddenly enveloped the island's main government.

Emperor Yuanzhu's face changed dramatically.

He can't believe the words of the owner of Taishi Island, but he can't help but believe his own experience. When he sensed the energy flowing out of Jing Yan's body, he became very clear that Jing Yan was no longer what he was. It seems that with a slight pressure, the horrible power can crush him, a one-dimensional cultivator.

The kind of shudder that seemed to come from the soul was really real.

too terrifying!

Even if the Emperor Jingyan is not a strong person in the five-dimensional pole-building state, it is definitely a three-dimensional pole-building state.


After feeling the power of Jing Yan, Emperor Yuanzhu did not hesitate and hesitate, and he knelt down.

He faced Jing Yan with his forehead resting on the ground.

"Jingyan Island Lord, forgive me!" The Yuanzhu Emperor begged for mercy in a crying voice.

When in the city of Jingyan, whether listening to rumors about Yuan Chan the Great, or his own personal contact with Yuan Chan, Jing Yan felt that this person was a very overbearing and arrogant person.

Therefore, the Emperor Yuanzhu suddenly fell on his knees and begged for mercy, which was beyond the expectation of Jing Yan.

This guy is actually a cartilage in his bones!

Jing Yan frowned, watching his knees continually scratching his head, crying and letting him pass his Yuanzhu Emperor.

"Jingyan Island Lord, please don't kill me, just let me go!"

"Great Emperor Taishi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Please help me to intercede! I don't want to die!"

"Jingyan Island Lord, as long as you don't kill me, you can do anything you want. Give me ten guts, and I dare not be against you, Jingyan Island Lord!"

Jing Yan saw that the emperor Yuanzhu was in tears and looked very funny.

In the end, Jing Yan did not take the shot to kill Yuan Chan, it was not Jing Yan's soft heart. The main reason was that Jing Yan felt that killing Yuan Chan was not necessary. Moreover, his previous conflict with Emperor Yuanzhu was caused by the relic relic.

Jing Yan did not have a deep hatred for Emperor Yuanzhu. If Emperor Yuanzhu had done such a vicious event as the Lord of Kun Mi Island did to Tai Shi Xing Island, then Jing Yan would never let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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