Universal Sword God

Chapter 3586: Great Axe Messaging

The reconstruction of Sing Tao is actually very simple, and there is very little that needs to be done by the island's main government.

Jing Yan was personally involved in the construction, which was also a Fangshi.

For every star island in the lonely sea, Fangshi is undoubtedly a very important institution.

As for other aspects, Jing Yan chose to let it go and keep the style of the original Taishi Xingdao as a whole.

So, in the following period, Jing Yan had some rare free time. Of course, this idleness is also relatively speaking. At any time, he dare not relax.

The Black Emperor who ran out of the lonely land has been pressing Jing Yan's heart. I don't know where the Great Black Emperor hid. Regardless of where the blackbird emperor is hiding, one thing is certain: this person must be trying to find a way to restore his strength.

Once the strength of the Blackbird Emperor returns to its peak state, the great calamity of the total mixed Yuan will undoubtedly come.

Emperor Wan Ji also said that Jing Yan was the last hope of the Yuan Dynasty. If even Jingyan can't stop the black king, then the whole mixed Yuan will be destroyed by the black king.

Jing Yan obtained a long knife in the hands of an extreme skeleton while he was in the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart. But inside, it contains the essence of very high quality. It took some time for Jing Yan to infuse the essence contained in the long sword into Bingyan Sword.

As a result, the quality and power of Bingyan Sword have been greatly improved.

A few years later.

On this day, Jing Yan's messenger treasure suddenly changed.

"Who sent it to me?" Jing Yan's heart moved.

Since entering the sea of ​​silence, his messenger treasure has not been used. In the Yuanyuan space, it is impossible to use the messenger treasures to send narratives to the distant seas.

Therefore, Jing Yan was a little surprised when a message came from the messenger treasure.

"Is it a giant axe?" Jing Yan stared.

"Big axe, have you entered the sea of ​​lonely waters?" Jing Yan asked immediately.

"The Lord of the City? The Lord of the City ... can finally give you a message."

"City Lord, I'm in the sea of ​​loneliness." The Great Axe Great King spoke quickly.

"How did you get into the sea of ​​silence? Has something happened?" Jing Yan asked again.

When Jing Yan entered the lonely waters, he explained that the great axe emperor took good care of Jing Yan's mixed Yuan and Jing Yan's city. If there is no major event, the Great Axe Emperor should not enter the sea of ​​silence.

"Well, there's something wrong with the territory of the Alliance," said the great axe. "Citylord, where are you? I'll see you right away."

"What happened to the Alliance?" Jing Yan frowned, and then rumored again, "Don't move, I'll go to you."

The great axe emperor was able to send a message to Jing Yan, which indicates that the great axe emperor has entered the sea of ​​solitude, and it is not too far away from the star island of Jing Yan.

Utilizing the vague positioning of messaging treasures, coupled with Jing Yan's ability to create a five-dimensional realm. Jing Yan found the great axe emperor without spending much time.

"The Lord of the City!" When the great axe saw Jing Yan, there seemed to be tears in his eyes at that moment.

"Big axe, you worked hard." Jing Yan said to the big axe.

Obviously, it is not an easy task to find here. The great axe emperor is just a small perfectly mixed Yuan emperor who has mastered more than ten Yuan ancestors. It is a dangerous thing for him to fly alone in the sea of ​​loneliness.

If you encounter an imaginary beast, it is more ferocious.

In fact, it does. The great axe emperor, in fact, has been in the waters of Wanji for a long time. And he didn't know where Jingyan was, and he didn't know the location of Jingyan Xingdao.

The Great Axe Emperor can only search everywhere, and constantly tries to message Jing Yan again and again on the way.

I don't know how many failures he has experienced. Today, he finally succeeded in passing his thoughts to Jing Yancheng.

Emperor Axe had good luck. He flew for a long time in the sea of ​​loneliness without being attacked by virtual beasts. If he encounters a virtual beast, he may even die, Jing Yan would not know.

"Not hard, what is this?" The Great Axe shook his head.

"It's just ... the city owner, the situation on the territory of the alliance is a bit bad." The Great Axe King looked at Jing Yan and said.

"What's the situation? Who else is invading the territory of the alliance?" Jing Yanning eyebrow asked.

"It's not an invasion for the time being, but if they can't see the Lord of the city, it's hard to say." The Great Axe said.

"They? Who?" Jing Yan said.

"They claim to be from Lusheng Mixed Yuan, and named that the surname wants to see you, the city leader. They all have no way to contact you."

"The Lusheng mixed Yuan Xuancheng, if you do not show up, they will shoot the alliance. They also said that they will take away those who are close to you."

"They said that they didn't waste much time." The Great Axe Emperor said loudly while looking at Jing Yan's expression.

These words he said were also considered. The people who come from Lusheng Luanyuan must be more arrogant.

"The deer who is alive!"

"Why are they coming to the Alliance territory again."

"See me again!" Jing Yan frowned, groaning in a low voice.

Jing Jing now has some understanding of Lu Sheng's mixed situation. Lusheng Hunyuan is a high-dimensional Hunyuan, which is at the top of the whole Hunyuan. However, something happened in this mixed-element space. The master of the mixed-element fell, which caused the dimension of the mixed-element space to be reduced to a medium-dimensional mixed-element space.

It was also because of the fall of the master of Lunyuan that Lusheng Lunyuan banned himself. Do not let outside people in or let people inside out.

However, even after the dimensionality reduction, Lusheng Mixed Yuan is undoubtedly an extremely powerful mixed Yuan space.

The territory of the Alliance, in addition to Jing Yan, did not have a mixed-state emperor in the extreme realm. The arrival of Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan showed a proud attitude in front of the Alliance territory, which was obviously normal.

"City Lord, do you know Lusheng Luanyuan? Why do they ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ look for you?" Giant Axe looked at Jing Yan and said with wide eyes.

"I know Lu Lun Hun Yuan. However, I have not been to this Hun Yuan space. As for why they came to me, maybe ... it's still related to Sunedan!" Jing Yan thought for a while.

Lu Sheng came to Yuanyuan, named Dao to find him Jingyan. The only reason Jing Yan could think of was because of Sunedan. This xie Niedan is one of the four Dans in the Yuan Dynasty and the most important resource in the Lusheng Yuan.

Jing Yan guessed that the people in Lusheng Yuanyuan must know that they can make xian Nidan, so they sent people to find themselves. The reason why Lusheng Luanyuan knew this information, Jing Yan felt that most of them knew from the Niu family.

"The Niu family was driven out of the alliance territory and ordered to hand over almost all the resources. They definitely hated me." Jing Yan changed his mind.

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