Universal Sword God

Chapter 3587: Low-level place

The Lusheng Mixed Yuan is in a banned state, and the circulation of information inside and outside the Mixed Yuan is inconvenient. If no one had informed him, Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan should not have known that his Jingyan could make Xie Niedan.

At the beginning, the emperor of Bianyu from Lusheng Luyuan escaped and came to the territory of the alliance. It was the Niu family who informed the Lusheng from the Luyuan chariot.

Therefore, Jing Yan felt that this time must be the group of Niu family members to inform.

"Perhaps you shouldn't let the Niu family leave the Alliance territory alive." Jing Yan said angrily.

However, at the time Jing Yan let the button family leave the alliance for a reason, he wanted to swallow the resources the button family searched. If he kills the Niu family, there will be an excuse for those mixed-space in the league to ask him for resources.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

"The strength of Lusheng Yuanyuan seems to be extremely strong. The strength of the two people who came to the territory of the alliance is also unfathomable. If you meet them, what will they do against you?" The Great Axe asked again.

"It's this step. You can't hide from it."

"If I haven't been showing up, would the Lusheng ascendant practitioners be willing to return empty-handed? They can't find me, they have a high chance of attacking my family and loved ones, and may even directly attack the assassinations of the Alliance Metaspace. "

"The masters of the Yuan Dynasty, such as the leader of the Jiao Yuan League, cannot resist the Lusheng Mixed Yuan practitioners."

Jing Yan narrowed his eyes and said slowly to the Great Axe Emperor.

After a pause, Jing Yan continued: "Since they want to see me so much, see each other. This is because of me, and I can't assume that nothing happened."

"What if they do it?" The Great Axe asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Just do it, they may not be able to take me." Jing Yan said: "Big axe, let's go back to Sing Tao first, and after some explanation, we will return to the Alliance territory."

Jing Yan brought the Great Axe Emperor back to Jing Yan Xingdao. He summoned the Taishi Emperor and other star island giants, and briefly explained some matters to them, and then went to the Junyuan channel node with the Great Axe Emperor and transmitted to Jingyan City.

Nothing happened in Jingyan City, everything was smooth. Under the supervision of the city's main government, the city gangs are developing honestly.

Therefore, Jingyan and Giant Axe did not stay in the city of Jingyan for a long time, and then transmitted to Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan through the mixed Yuan channel.

Jiao Yuan, Yuanyuan, inside the jade palace.

The leaders of Jiao Yuan have a hard time during this time, and they are worried every day. Because in his jade palace, there were two great gods, which he did not dare to neglect at all.

At every moment, he had to be careful. He was almost responsive to these two strong men from Lusheng. He couldn't do anything but let Jing Yan show up.

During this time, the leader of Jiao Yuan was sad and sighed.

"Alas, I don't know if the Great Axe King can find King Yan Yan. Where did King Yan Yan go?"

"If Emperor Jingyan never shows up again, I can't stand it."

"But ... if Emperor Jingyan appeared, I'm afraid it would be more fierce! It's probably not a good thing for these two Lusheng people to find Emperor Jingyan." The leader of Jiao Yuan League sighed and looked up A building ahead.

Shaking his head, he walked into the building.

This is the home of the two practitioners in Lusheng Luyuan.

"Two ambassadors." Leader Jiao Yuan arched his hands at those two.

"Jiaoyuan Leader." The two practitioners from Lusheng Yuanyuan called the source leader in a casual tone.

Obviously, they did not take Jiao Yuan's leader seriously. The mouth is called the leader of Jiao Yuan, but it is not really respected.

This is also a normal thing. The leader of Jiao Yuan only mastered the Twenty Great Ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, and did not even log in to the state of creation. Without strength, it is almost impossible to get respect.

Within the territory of the Alliance, Jiao Yuan's leader has a very high status, and his strength can be regarded as one of the strongest practitioners other than Jing Yan. But in the face of the powerful Lusheng Junyuan strongman, that strength could not be put on the table.

"Jiaoyuan Leader, you can find that Jingyan." One of them narrowed his eyes and asked Jiao Yuan Leader.

These two people asked the leader of Jiao Yuan to come over once a day to report to them the latest situation of looking for Jingyan.

Otherwise, the leader of Jiao Yuan must not want to see these two messengers.

"The two ambassadors, I'm really sorry, we ... haven't found the whereabouts of Emperor Jingyan." Jiao Yuanmeng stood there and said out loud.

"Master Jiaoyuan, there is not much time left for you." One said slowly, "There is less than a month."

"If Jing Yan hasn't appeared in front of us before the time expires, then don't blame us for turning our face ruthless." One of them said with a chuckle.

The sound was gentle, and there was almost no threatening smell. However, the leaders of Jiao Yuan definitely dare not take such words to heart.

"The two ambassadors, we have been doing our best to find the trace of Emperor Jingyan. But ... the Emperor Jingyan is not in the territory of the Alliance! So, the two ambassadors must give us more time. The bitter expression begged.

What he can do now is to delay as much as possible.

"Okay." One person waved his hand and said, "Time won't change. When the day comes, we can't see Jing Yan, we will shoot. The two of us, not so much time wasted in this low-level place."

"Yes!" The leader of Jiao Yuan could only helplessly, said with a bitter face, "Then I continue to look for the whereabouts of King Jingyan."

After coming out of the residence of the two messengers of Lusheng Luanyuan, the leader of Jiao Yuan sighed again and looked up at the gray sky.

I'm sorry!

"Leader, what should we do if we have never been able to find Emperor Jingyan?" Emperor Zhanwu asked out loud.

Emperor Zhan Wu and many other masters of mixed Yuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are also in the Jade Palace at this time.

The messenger of Lusheng Junyuan looked for Jing Yan. But if you can't find Jingyan, then the entire territory of the alliance may have to bear the wrath of the messenger of Lusheng. Therefore, this matter is related to every junior space in the entire league.

Emperor Zhan Wu and other masters of the Yuan Dynasty could not stay out of the business. They have also been trying to find the whereabouts of Jing Yan.

"Dear everyone, I said it before. Even if Jing Yan the Great has not been found, the Lusheng mixed Yuan messenger will not really destroy our entire alliance. It will not be good for them to do so." The Lord of the Hunyuan said.

"Leader, we can't just think about it in a good direction. If King Yan never shows up, the messenger of Lusheng will probably be angry at that time! Who knows what they will do in the anger." Emperor Zhanwu condensed.

(End of this chapter)

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