Universal Sword God

Chapter 3591: Be considered personal

Emperor Xuan Xuan has a very high status in Lusheng Mixed Yuan, so Emperor Qingyan and Emperor Chengyun respected them.

Hearing Emperor Qingyan, Emperor Xuan Xuan smiled slightly.

"It's really incredible."

"In those remote places, there can also be extreme practitioners, and they can also refine Xie Nidan." Emperor Xuan Xuan said.

"The commander-in-chief Xuan Xuan said that it was really incredible. Xian Nirvana is the unique elixir of our medicine sect, and it is very difficult to make it. Even if you know Dan Fang, you want to make it It's a simple thing. But this Jingyan can actually refining Xie Nidan. "Emperor Qingyan said with a smile.

"I have to say that the talent of this Jingyan is really very high." The short Chengyun Emperor continued to say, "This time, I and Qingyan Taoyou went to the so-called alliance and found that it was really very barren. The Taos are all scarce. Although there are more than ten mixed-yuan spaces, one is weaker than the other. I can't understand how such an environment can create a mixed-state great emperor. "

Even in a mixed-yuan space like Lusheng Mixed-yuan, it is extremely difficult for a practitioner to log in to the state of extremes.

Don't look at Lusheng Luanyuan was once a high-dimensional Luanyuan, but within the Luanyuan, the number of practitioners in the state of extremes is not large.

It is for all these reasons that the Qingyan Emperor and the Chengyun Emperor will give Jing Yan some respect. Of course, this respect is also limited. In their eyes, Jing Yan is, after all, an emperor of the Yuan Dynasty who created a one-dimensional situation.

At this point Jing Yan was standing beside them. However, they were talking about Jing Yan with impunity. From this, we can see that although they were a little curious and valued about Jing Yan, they had absolutely no fear at all. .

"Two, you bring Jing Yan back to Yaozong, what will you do with him?" Emperor Xuan Xuan asked instead.

Emperor Qingyan twisted his eyebrows and paused, saying, "We don't know this either. How to deal with Jing Yan, we have to make a decision."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, just ask casually. I just think that this saying is indeed a personal talent. It would be a pity if it was executed directly." Emperor Xuan Xu said here At that time, Meimu looked at Jingyan again.

Jing Yan was expressionless.

"Xian Ni Dan is a matter of great importance, not only for our Yaozong, it has a profound impact on the entire Lusheng mixed Yuan. I think if Jing Yan can survive, I am afraid he can no longer leave the Yaozong." Emperor Qingyan said with a groan, looking at Jing Yan.

"Xuan Xuan commanded, we should return to Yaozong to the old master Zong. If there is nothing else, we would like to enter Lusheng Junyuan." Qingyan Emperor continued.

"Yes, the Lord Lord has an order, Jing Yan was allowed to enter Lusheng Junyuan." Emperor Xuan Xuan nodded.

Lusheng Junyuan is in a banned state. Any outsider entering the Junyuan must get permission from the Master of the Temple of Light. In the case of Jing Yan, the Lord of the Temple of Light had already instructed him, so Emperor Xuan Xuan would enter King Luyan and Cheng Yun with Lu Jing and enter the Lusheng Mixed Yuan.

Through the teleportation node, Emperor Qingyan and Emperor Chengyun brought Jing Yan into Lusheng Lunyuan.

"Two ambassadors, who was the leader of Xuan Xuan just now?" Jing Yan asked the two of Qingyan Emperor loudly.

"Xuan Xuan is the head of our Lusheng Mixed Yuan Observation Station. It can be said that she is the first defensive barrier of Lusheng Mixed Yuan." Qingyan Emperor told Jing Yan.

"Xuan Xuan's leadership is extremely powerful, and we are the top powerhouse in Lusheng Mixed Yuan." Emperor Chengyun said looking at Jing Yan.

"Xuan Xuan's leadership is not only beautiful, but also so powerful." Jing Yan admired.

"That's natural."

"Xuan Xuan's name has been circulating in many top mixed-yuan spaces," said Qingyan and Chengyun.

"Two ambassadors, that Xuan Xuan's leader is a mixed-yuan emperor in a few dimensions?" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked a question again.

Because he hasn't seen Yun Xuan's commanding shots, Jing Yan can't directly judge the specific state of the opponent. Therefore, this question of Jing Yan is actually a kind of information probe.

"Xuan Xuan's command is an emperor of the Five Dimensions who created the extreme." Emperor Qingyan said very naturally.

These two people didn't think much. To them, answering the question of Jing Yan is nothing.

Jing Yan was a move in his heart.

The leader of Xuan Xuan is an emperor of the Five Dimensions, and she is the top powerhouse in Lusheng, and is responsible for the first line of defense of Lusheng. From this, it can be roughly inferred that the number of Luyuan emperors in Lusheng Junyuan, which is cultivated in a five-dimensional state of perfection, should be very few, maybe only a few.

"Well ... the oldest master of Zongzong is a strong man in a few dimensions?" Jing Yan asked again.

Emperor Qingyan and Chengyun both looked at Jingyan with their eyes fixed. This time, they were alert, and this Jingyan asked a lot. Their relationship with Jing Yan is not a close friend.

"Jing Yan, this has nothing to do with you. Now, we are really returning to Yaozong and it won't take long to arrive. You still have to think about your situation better." Emperor Qingyan looked at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan laughed and nodded.

This Lusheng mixed Yuan aura of heaven and earth and the power of Taoism is indeed not a mixed space in the territory of the Alliance. No wonder, the Qingyan Emperor and others have said that the territory of the Alliance is a barren land and a deserted land. They think that the environment in the territory of the Alliance cannot give birth to a mixed state emperor.

"In an environment like Lusheng Luanyuan, it would really be easier to log in to the state of extremes." Jing Yan secretly changed his mind.

The Great Emperor Qingyan and Jing Yan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ flew all the way to Yaozong headquarters.

On this way, I also encountered practitioners in Lusheng Junyuan many times. Those weak practitioners saw that both Qingyan Emperor evaded immediately, and some stronger practitioners respectfully took the initiative to greet the two.

The attitude of Emperor Qingyan towards those practitioners is ... can be said to be more arrogant.

It can be seen that Yaozong has a decisive position in this Lusheng mixed Yuan.

This is also expected by Jing Yan. Yaozong, however, has grasped the power of Xie Ni Dan Dan Fang, and Xie Ni Dan Dan is one of the four monks in the mixed Yuan. These forces do not know how many practitioners and great forces want to seduce and please.

The magnitude of Lusheng Junyuan is far more than that of the Union, and it is many times larger than that of the largest source Jiaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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