Universal Sword God

Chapter 3592: Crying Peak

The Great Emperor Qingyan and the Great Emperor Chengyun flew nearly four hours with Jing Yan. And, among these four hours, the three of them were on the move for half of their time.

It can be imagined how huge the internal space of this Lusheng mixed Yuan is.

When the speed of the three men slowed down, Jing Yan already saw a huge statue. The statue as a whole is off-white and is a statue of a character.

"Here! In front, is our headquarters of Yaozong." Emperor Qingyan said loudly.

"That was the founder of our medicine sect, and it was contained in the medicine god." The Qingyan Emperor added.

What he said was the huge statue that Jing Yan saw at this time. It was the founder of Yaozong, and he sent a ancestor named Yaoshen.

The statue shows a kind-looking old man with a long beard and a gray scroll in his right hand. This scroll, obviously, is Dan Fang.

After passing the statue containing the medicine god, he entered the hinterland of Yaozong.

Here is a long canyon. It can be clearly felt that on both sides of this canyon, there are extremely powerful matrix energy fluctuations.

After entering the canyon, you can see a huge gray palace deep in the canyon.

On the sides of the canyon, there are different peaks. There are various types of buildings on the mountain peaks, and there are practitioners who often move on the mountain peaks.

"Meet two elders!"

When the Qingyan Emperor and Jingyan passed the entrance to the canyon, a group of practitioners wearing blue robes appeared and they saluted the Qingyan Emperor.

Emperor Qingyan and Emperor Chengyun are both elders of Yaozong.

"Huh!" Qingyan Emperor shook his hand, and then said, "We have brought Jing Yan back, and now we are taking him to the Medicine Temple."

"Elders please!" Said the practitioner, headed opposite.

Emperor Qingyan and Chengyun nodded again.

"Jing Yan, let's go! Send you to the Medicine God Temple, our task is completed." Emperor Qingyan said to Jing Yan again.

Jing Yan smiled, he had already been here, and naturally he would not be uncooperative.

The Medicine Temple is the huge gray palace that can be seen outside the valley.

Through the long canyon, the three came to a wide platform outside the Yaoshen Temple.

"Elder Qingyan and Elder Chengyun, you two have worked hard."

At this time, an old voice came from the Temple of Medicine God.

Hearing this sentence, both Qingyan and Chengyun both trembled immediately, with extremely respectful expressions on their faces.

"Master Zong, Jing Yan has been brought." Emperor Qingyan bowed and said loudly.

"Well, take this person to Crying Peak first." The old voice continued.

"Yes!" Emperor Qingyan and Chengyun responded immediately.

"Jing Yan, let's go! Go to Crying Peak with us." Qingyan Emperor said to Jing Yan.

"Gu Gu Feng? Where is that?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow.

"Don't ask more, you'll know when you get there." Emperor Qingyan waved his hand.

The Crying Peak is also within the canyon and is not far from the Medicine God Temple. It is one of the peaks closest to the Medicine God Temple.

After reaching the Crying Peak, Jing Yan knew what kind of place it was.

Simply put, this is the prison.

The formation energy on Crying Peak is very strong, and even the formation energy barrier can be clearly felt. On this peak, there are numerous circular pavilions. Each of these pavilions was shrouded in the power of a large number of doctrines. The strength of the strong Taoism forms a chain shape, which seems to bind the round pavilions.

Obviously, this place is where Yaozong imprisoned those who violated the law. Or, imprison sinners like Jing Yan. According to Yao Zong, Jing Yan is a guilty person. Jing Yan's ability to refining Xie Nidan is guilty.

The Great Emperor Qingyan ordered the guard on the Peak of Crying to open a circular pavilion.

"Jing Yan, before you see Zong Lao, you have to stay here to wait." Emperor Qingyan looked at Jing Yan and said, "Although you are here, you have no freedom and cannot move at will, but as long as you are honest Life is no harm. The killing on the peak of Cuckling will not actively kill you. "

"But you have to keep in mind that if you want to forcibly break out and escape, the consequences will be very serious. The killing on the peak of Crying is difficult for the practitioners in the three-dimensional extreme state to resist. Like you In the one-dimensional pole-building state, up to a few breaths will be wiped out, and it will be destroyed. "Qingyan Emperor Ningsheng said, his words are reminding Jing Yan not to disturb.

Jing Yan looked at a circular pavilion that opened, and looked at the power of the dozens bound outside the pavilion.

Jing Yan pursed his mouth and smiled, nodded to the Qingyan Emperor, and walked into the pavilion.

When Jing Yan went in, the guard on the Crying Peak closed the pavilion.

"This man is Jing Yan. He can't make a slight mistake here, do you understand?" Emperor Qingyan said to the guard.

"Mr. Elder, rest assured, we will keep him under close scrutiny," the guard said in a solemn tone.

"Um." Qingyan Emperor nodded.

After leaving the Crying Peak, Emperor Qingyan and Chengyun both returned to the Medicine Temple. This time, the two entered the medicine temple.

When they first entered the shrine of medicine, they were covered by a force of space. Immediately afterwards, the two were teleported to a certain room.

At this time, there were three figures in this room. Each of these three people looked very old, and their eyes were on Qingyan and Chengyun.

"Meet the three Zonglao." Both Qingyan and Chengyun both bowed deeply and saluted the three.

These three people are the three elders of Yaozong, each of whom has an extraordinary status. It was the courteous attitude of the Lord of the Light Palace when they saw them.

It was one of these three Zong Lao who went to the Temple of Youguang to see you.

"Talk about this story ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ one of Zong Lao said loudly.

"Yes!" Qingyan Emperor replied, "After our verification, this jingyan can be used to refining Xie Nidan. He did not get the Xie Nidan Dan directly from Bian Yu. This person is not very old, When Bian Yu fled to the wilderness, the man was not yet born. "

"Master Zong, the talent of this saying is extremely strong. Not only is Dan Tao, but also the talent on martial arts is amazing. The two of us heard a lot of rumors about this saying in the deserted land. It was the two of us who felt incredible about his experience. "Emperor Qingyan said slowly.

"Master Zong, like that barren land, it is extremely difficult to become a hybrid emperor of Yuan Dynasty. But this Jingyan sign has entered the realm of extremes!" Emperor Cheng Yun also spoke, adding: "If he was born In our mixed-yuan space like Lusheng Mixed-yuan, his martial arts achievements will definitely be higher than now. "

(End of this chapter)

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