Universal Sword God

Chapter 3593: A pity

The Great Emperor Qingyan and the Great Emperor Chengyun were not good words for Jing Yan, they were just stating a fact.

"What's the character of this son?" Asked a senior.

"An old saying from Huizong, through our investigation and our direct contact with Jing Yan, he is not a mentally evil practitioner. It should be said that in most cases, this Jing Yan is a gentle and humble person."

"In the barren alliance territory, Jing Yan is the only practitioner who has logged into the extreme. His strength is undoubtedly the strongest in the alliance. But most of the mixed masters in that alliance have a good impression on Jing Yan "Said Qingyan Emperor.

At this time, the three Zong Lao looked at each other.

Immediately, one of the elders said again, "Can the two elders have additional information to add?"

Both Qingyan and Chengyun shook their heads.

"That being the case, you go down first!" Said a Zong Lao.

"Yes!" After Qingyan and Chengyun bowed and arched their hands, they were covered by a force of space.

In the room of the Yaoshen Temple, the three Yaozongs are still sitting there.

"Kill or stay?" One asked the other two.

"This son is not my Yaozong, it is difficult to deal with my Yaozong." One said, shaking his head.

"The situation of Yao Zong is very clear to all three of us. This Jingyan is a rare talent. It's a pity," said another slowly.

"The more so, the more we should be cautious. An oversight can lead to unimaginable losses. Yaozong, can no longer afford more toss. Alas, since the outbreak of the incident, our medicine Zong's situation in Lusheng is far more embarrassing. I am worried that some people and some forces will thrive. They are always looking for opportunities. "The former said in a condensed voice.

"Tian Yingzong Lao said that is exactly my worry. Staring at our Yao Zong, there are too many." Zo Yuezong Lao sighed.

Yaozong is a three-year-old man with the names Zheyue, Tianying and Yunhua.

The oldest is the oldest, the oldest is the second oldest, and the oldest is the third oldest.

"As long as we can control this Jingyan, the problem is not big. Those people outside have not taken the courage from my Yaozong." Yun Huazong said with a condensed eye.

It can be seen from the dialogue between the three ancestors that Tian Yingzong always preferred to execute Jing Yan, and Yun Huazong always preferred to leave Jing Yan's life.

"The old man who covers the moon is a talent. It's a pity to kill him. He can refining xiedan. We can keep him in the medicine school to refining xiedan." Yun Huazong continued.

Zeyue Zong was silent and hesitated in his heart.

What Yun Huazong said is not without reason. It is really a pity to kill Jing Yan in this way. This Jingyan is not only excellent on Dan Tao, but also excellent on martial arts. It would be a good thing for Yaozong to attract this person to the old ones.

But the problem is that Jing Yan is an outsider, not even a practitioner of the Lusheng mixed Yuan. There are too many variables in such a person. At the very least, this Jingyan cannot be loyal to Yaozong. In this way, as long as there is a chance, Jing Yan may be separated from Yaozong.

"It ’s better to just kill it cleanly, just as if this person never existed. We have one more big thing to do. The position of the suzeraint of medicine has been vacant for too long and too long. We must, as soon as possible, determine the right person to be the new suzerain. "Tian Yingzong said.

"Tian Ying Zong Lao, Yun Hua Zong Lao, this matter ... let the heads of the churches also discuss it together!" Zoyue Zong Lao shook his head and said.

There are several entrances under the Yaozong and Yaoshen Temples.

Yaozong is a very large force, albeit with alchemy as its core. But such a force cannot be just alchemy. Yaozong has a pole battle hall, which is a martial arts hall entrance. Like the Great Emperor Qingyan and the Great Emperor Chengyun, they are the elders of Jizhantang.

The main task of Jizhantang is to be responsible for the safety of Yaozong. If there are any external disputes that require the use of force, they are also responsible for it.

In addition to the important hallway of Jizhantang, there is also a hall dedicated to operating business to earn wealth for Yaozong. Its status is not under Jizhantang. Even in terms of power, it is above the battlefield.

Mr. Zoe Yuezong said that let the person in charge of the courts also discuss it, that is, they want to ask the people in charge of the courts to see their attitude to Jing Yan.


Youguang Temple!

Soon after the Emperor Yaozong Qingyan and Cheng Yun entered the Lusheng mixed Yuan with Jing Yan, the Great Emperor Xuan of the observation station also entered the mixed Yuan space and came to Youguang Hall to meet the Lord of Youguang Hall.

The Lord of Youguang Hall is now the manager of Lusheng Mixed Yuan. Of course, he is not the master of the ascendant.

Previously, the leader of Luyuan Lunyuan was a high-dimensional Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. With the fall of the Lusheng Emperor, Lusheng Junyuan fell into chaos, and then the Lord of the Light Hall stood out, suppressing the turbulence of all parties and took over the management of Lusheng Junyuan.

The forces in the mixed space, at least on the surface, also obey the management of the Lord of the Light Hall. However, it is also unrealistic if the Lord of the Yuguang Palace wants to become the master of the mixed Yuan.

"Master Dianzhuo, Yaozong's people have brought Jingyan back." Emperor Xuan Xuan reported to Youguang Dianzhuo.

The Lord of the Light Palace squinted his eyes and nodded slightly after hearing the words of Emperor Xuan Xuan.

"Master Dianzhu, I don't know if Yaozong will directly execute this Jingyan statement." Emperor Xuan Xuan said something immediately.

"Master Xuan, what do you mean by this?" The Lord of the Light Palace asked the emperor looking at Xuan Xuan.

Emperor Xuan Xuan is not a nosy person. Normally, Emperor Xuan Xuan should not care about how Yaozong dealt with that vision.

"I saw this at the observation station ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This person is much younger than I thought. Lord Dian Lord, this person is too young. I have never seen such a young person and then log in to the extreme As a spiritual practitioner. So I think this person has great potential. "

"It would be a shame if Yao Zong executed Jing Yan directly."

"Moreover, this person will also refining Xie Nidan. This Dan has always been firmly held in the hands of Yao Zong, even if Youguang Temple wants to buy some Xie Nidan, you must get permission from the Temple of Medicine. … If Jing Yan can be used by the Temple of Youguang, then on Xian Nirvana, the Temple of Youguang will not have to ask for the medicine sect. "Emperor Xuan Xuan spoke quickly.

In front of the Lord of the Light Palace, she clearly stated her thoughts.

"Master Xuan, what you said, I don't know why. But this thing is very difficult to operate." Youguangdian master smiled and shook his head.

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