Universal Sword God

Chapter 3599: Make the most of

The three church leaders responded and left the Medicine Temple.

"Tian Ying Zong Lao, Yun Hua Zong Lao, how do you two feel?" Zie Yue Zong Lao looked at the other two.

"I don't believe Jing Yan can make Silent Fandan." Tianying Zong said immediately.

Yun Huazong Lao Ning shook his head.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou will refining Silvan Fandan in public after three days. If he cannot produce Silvan Fandan at that time, how should he explain it?" Yun Huazong said.

In fact, Yun Huazong also didn't quite believe that Jing Yan could make Silent Fandan.

But what does Jing Yan say if it is a lie? Such a lie is too easy to disassemble. Yun Huazong is old and can't figure it out.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou took out the real Silvan Fan. When I saw Silvan Fan, I was really unable to control my emotions. It has been too long and long, I have never seen Silvan Fan. Seeing Silvan Dan, it's inevitable to remember the glory of our strong medicine yong before! At that time, all the mixed yuan had to look at our yaozong's face. "Zoyue Zong exhaled and said.

Tianying Zonglao and Yunhua Zonglao also sighed deeply.

The old eyes of Zyue Zong became bright and said, "If Jing Yan's friends can really make Silent Fandan, then it is really amazing."

"Jieyue Zonglao, you just said to Jing Yan, if Jingyan can refine Silveblade, Yaozong will let him leave freely. Is this wrong?" Tianying Zonglao said to Zheyue Zonglao.

Jie Yuezong always smiled and said, "Two, I think so."

"The position of our suzerainty lord has always been vacant. We ca n’t find suitable candidates. Although we have had a few people in the past for a long time, their abilities are a bit reluctant and exist outside. Many opposing voices. "Zoe Yuezong shook his head gently.

"If Jingyan's friends can be lonely, I plan to push him to the position of our lord of medicine. This is undoubtedly an excellent choice for yaozong." The old voice of Zyue Zong was lowered. Soon.

Hearing the words of Zongyue Zonglao, Tianying Zonglao and Yunhua Zonglao's eyes suddenly changed.

Push Jingyan to the position of the lord?

"Here ... hasty, right?" Tianyingzong frowned. "This Jingyan is the other meditation practitioner. We know him too little. Can he be loyal to Yaozong?"

"I'm a bit worried, will Jingyan Xiaoyou be willing to be the supreme master of medicine." Yunhua Zonglao said.

"It is also an extremely advantageous thing for him to be the medicine suzerain. Moreover, if he really masters the fangs of Jifanfan and Xiedan, it will be difficult for him to live with the medicine ancestor in the medicine god. Cut off the connection. ZTE Yaozong, of course, he also has responsibilities and obligations. "

After a pause, he continued: "Second, we are the most clear about the current situation of our medicine sect. The position of the suzerain cannot be vacated. I am most worried about the voice of the outside world."

Tianying Zong Lao and Yun Hua Zong Lao both nodded.

"Let's talk when Jing Yan first refines Jifanfan. Anyway, I don't believe he can make it successfully." Tianyingzong said with a wave of his hand.


Extreme Battle Peak.

The owner of Jizhantang, ascended the Jizhan Peak with Jingyan, and arranged a new residence for Jingyan himself.

This new residence is not comparable to the cage on the Peak of Crying.

"Jing Yan, please stay on my pole battle peak for a few days now!" Ji Zhantang said with a smile to Jing Yan: "I hope you don't dislike the simple conditions."

"The Lord of the Battle Hall is polite. This place is much better than Gu Cunfeng. I am satisfied." Jing Yan smiled.

"If you have any needs, you can ask me directly. No matter what you need, you are welcome."

"In these three days, please ask Jing Yan to prepare yourself and adjust your condition to the best." The battlefield master looked at Jing Yan.

"Jizhantang Master rest assured." Jing Yan smiled.

"Um ... that ..." The hero of the battlefield said with a restless expression.

"Do you have anything else to explain to me?" Jing Yan said.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious in my heart. Can you ... really be able to make Silent Fandan?"

"After three days, you will know the master of the battlefield. I think, you will watch me refining Silvan Fan, right?" Jing Yan said.

The leader of the battle hall nodded and said, "Okay, then you take a good rest and I won't bother."


"Boss Zong hasn't decided what to do with the captured scene?"

"A little earlier today, that Jingyan was taken to the Medicine God Temple. When he came out of the Medicine God Temple, he was not taken to the Crying Peak, but was brought to the residence of Ji Zhan Feng by the Lord of the Supreme Battle Hall."

"Don't ... Boss Zong doesn't plan to execute Jingyan?"

"It should be!"

"I guess, it is likely that Jing Yan stayed in our Yaozong. This Jing Yan, after all, can refining Sunedan."

"Yes, leaving him in Yaozong and refining Sunedan for Yaozong is also a best use of it."

"I still don't feel right. This person is not our Yaozong after all. Keeping him is always a disaster."

"Well, I agree with that idea."

"Well, it's not something we can intervene in the decision made by Lord Zong and several masters."

There is a lot of talk about Jingyan in the medicine sect.

Yaozong is a very large force with various interest groups inside. Under the three ancestors, there are four core church masters. There are more than ten entrances under the four core church masters. In addition to these hallways, there are many peak forces in Yaozong.

Therefore, even if Zong Lao's decision, there will still be a lot of discussions behind Yao Zongshan.

This is the situation of Yaozong in Lusheng. In appearance, Yaozong is undoubtedly the top force in the mixed Yuan space, but there are many internal disputes. If the lord of medicine is under the control of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is better. However, since the medicine ancestors had been overemphasized, the position of the lordship had been vacant, resulting in increasing internal chaos and difficulty in management.

Most of those in charge of the courtroom are holding a stall in front of them, and they are mostly indifferent to other things. The three seniors are also not good at intervening directly in the affairs of each of the courts, and they have no way to deal with the mess.

Because of this, the three patriarchs are eager to launch the lord to control, but it has been difficult to find a suitable candidate.

The most important point is that the masters selected by the medicine ancestors can also speak to those outside forces. To put it simply, the position of the lord of medicine is not determined by the lord of medicine alone.

Yaozong is a very special force. What happened to Yaozong, each of the major forces in the mixed space has more or less qualifications.

(End of this chapter)

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